I'm a former fascist who in recent months has gained sympathy towards the DPRK, Stalin, and Mao, as well as having abandoned racial ideas. The main things stopping me from going full Stalinist/Maoist are my religion (catholic) and the progressive attitude towards things like religion, gays, etc most communists I see have. Convince me to go full tankie.
Also, before you try, I will not become an anarkiddie
Convince me to go full tankie
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Fuck off
Great argument, I'll consider it
Read Hoxha
Please don't, it's annoying as fuck having tankies derailing shit with their COINTELPRO tier anti-idpol idpol constantly.
This is literally the worst reason to become a leftist. Kill yourself.
Read Bakunin
Will do, any specific books you guys recommend?
I have a penis. I like penis. How does this make you feel?
Consider these two to begin with.
Both are meme answers. Bakunin was an anarchist whose only appeal to fascists would be his rabid anti-semitism. Hoxha was a Stalinist who's only notable for building bunkers on every street corner of Albania and constantly sperging out about how every other socialist leader was a revisionist. I'd advise starting out with the first chapter of Karl Marx's "The German Ideology" and Max Stirner's "The Ego and Its Own" simply to get rid of the inane "feels > reals!!" mentality necessary to be a Catholic and a fascist.
And this one.
Also check out youtube.com
Recommended order: Stirner > Wage, Labor & Capital > Law of Value series > Society of the Spectacle
God and the State. Read it carefully.
lol, do you realize interracial marriages are mostly illegal in the DPRK? Even the white American defectors had white European wives provided by the state, so his sons weren't mixed, pic related. Also mixing with foreigners was frowned upon by Maoist China, I guess they are evil racist fascist now eh?
No I don't really care that the DPRK does that. I'm not actively against race preservation or whatever, I simply don't care.
Fuck off, tolerate gays or just go off this fucking board, everybody here that talks positivly about Op or defends him shoud also fuck off.
You are just a fascist with a red flag.
Nigga shut the fuck up. He’s been incredibly polite and here you are screeching like an autist. Yeah he’s got a meme flag but he hasn’t warranted a ban with his posts.
So Stalin, Mao, Castro, Lenin, Il-Sung, Jong-Il, and Minh were all fascists too, right
Like you should keep it to yourself lol
Contain your autism faggot.
most of the people you counted were progressive at their time.
popular on Holla Forums
bye the way im not
They still were against homosexuality lmao
No war but that class war.
Google Bookchin
Wait I’m confused are you against religion, gays, etc?
It's okay we're well aware the dunce hat is always the sign of trash.
I'm religious and don't like the anti religious attitudes of many communists, and am against gays
Not because of any class consciousness, but because of an urge to defend Stalin, Mao and the Kims.
Read liberation theology
they were a product of their time. For example proudhon hated jews, it was accepted by people at his time, but i wouldn´t say there are much anmuts that hate jews today, the same could be said about ancolls and many other. Values/ ethics are progressing and changing, you should accept this.
Also btw i don´t like any of those persons you listed.
Being religious is fine, just keep it to yourself. Personal faith really isn't a concern of ours, just organized religion.
I think it's become pretty accepted here that you can be spooked as fuck about certain things and still be some kind of socialist.
Don't mention wanting to make an ethnostate tho. That triggers the fuck out of this board way more than the gay or religious question.
Catholic Commie here, you're should probably elaborate a bit more on what you mean by progressive attitude, but here goes.
On religion, I see the main opposition is to the organizational aspects of it, especially with the Catholic Church having a history of organizing in favor of monarchists and reactionaries due to its long association with feudalism. And that I see being in the Church's fault for getting to intertwined with functions of state, and not necessarily a strike against the faith.
On homosexuality, regardless of whether you think it is a sin or whatever, there's no basis in Christ's message that you should discriminate against them politically, so as far as I'm concerned it ought to be politically irrelevant, but has only become so due to capitalism's need to split the working classes against each other in every possible way, which is discrimination against sexuality, race, gender or otherwise should be opposed as reactionary.
The only discord I have with most of the left is on the whole abortion issue. The only relatively convincing argument as to why Abortion isn't murder are from the Lacanians in other threads who argued that one doesn't really become fully human until they acquire language, and before that are comparable to animals, but that argument pretty much leaves abortion and infanticide as pretty much equivalent. On the material
level I can understand the reasons why it happens and I think under communism, where there would taking care of children would be much less pressure and difficult than it is now, so it should happen much less, but I still don't think I can see it as a good thing.
Generally, my perspective on religion and its role in politics is relatively secular, though I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't admit that my general movement towards leftism definitely began with some of the egalitarian messages found in the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles.
No it's not, unless you believe that "socialism" means fetishizing the state and worker identity.
Did I mention that I have hated capitalists for a long time and far before considering communism I disassociated myself with the alt right/pol because I couldn't stand that they were lenient towards the elite
What about birth control? Or aborting the fetus really early on? Are you more ok with it under capitalism?
Well I've only been here for like seven months but it seems like people are more likely to enable spooks since I first got here.
On homosexuality, regardless of whether you think it is a sin or whatever, there's no basis in Christ's message that you should discriminate against them politically, so as far as I'm concerned it ought to be politically irrelevant, but has only become so due to capitalism's need to split the working classes against each other in every possible way, which is discrimination against sexuality, race, gender or otherwise should be opposed as reactionary."
I am not at odds with homosexuality itself anymore, but rather how "it is ok to be gay" is pushed throughout society, and has even infiltrated the church, allowing people to think they are not separated from God by being involved in a homosexual relationship. Ideally, I would like gays to remain chaste as the church teaches, but seeing how the world isn't ideal, I at least want them to keep to themselves
He's not "genuinely interested" though. He would want to understand the economic theory of he was, instead he just wants to hear about how Stalin did literally nothing wrong and that fighting for racial equality etc is just pure idpol
By this logic Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot should not be labeled as CIA puppets just because they had a little help.
Read Bordiga instead.
Read Imperialism And Revolution and The Khrushchevites as starters when it comes to Hoxha.
Except Lenin, Yes.
Sounds like some anarchist level revisionism
For me there's a pretty big difference between raising your kid to be gay (which is such a conservative fever dream lol) and not beating or throwing your kid out into the wilderness when you find they turned out gay despite whatever normal christian upbringing you tried to give them.
Hey isn't premarital sex just as bad being homo btw?
I'll take this as an compliment.
Yes, it is
One of you guys dropped this a few threads back and I thought now would be a good time to return it.
Marxism-Leninism and its derivatives are red fascism.
Read the foundations of Leninism
Also I'd recommend you check out /marx/ if you want a more cohesive reading list
Were you raised catholic? Do you tolerate other religions? How do you feel about Orthodoxy, Protestant, Lutheran, Islam, Judaism, Gnosticism etc
why would you choose a religion that is right in the middle not the oldest or the newest version of your given religion.
Catholicism seems like imperialist hybrid pagan blasphemy and not even christain tbh.
How do you feel about married people in open relationships?
how true is this?
can you at least TRY to work with people to get people on your fucking side? You know this is why the Left is lacking and the right is fucking thriving, the Right tried something new that the Left wasn't doing and thanks to it the Aut Right is thriving, try better next time to get people to your side, former Fascists are a good audience to cater to cause they abandon liberalism along with Fascism and usually become some of the best and smartest class conscious proles, we need more people to the left but it won't happen with that attitude, fix yourself.
can you at least TRY to work with people to get people on your fucking side? You know this is why the Left is lacking and the right is fucking thriving, the Right tried something new that the Left wasn't doing and thanks to it the Aut Right is thriving, try better next time to get people to your side, former Fascists are a good audience to cater to cause they abandon liberalism along with Fascism and usually become some of the best and smartest class conscious proles, we need more people to the left but it won't happen with that attitude, fix yourself.
Ignore what he says about Communes, and Gender shit though.