Can I have an argument for keeping assault rifles other than, "we might need them for larping revolution one day"?
Can I have an argument for keeping assault rifles other than, "we might need them for larping revolution one day"?
as soon as you make an argument for being on a revolutionary board but by some weird magic want to grant the state, the same one that uses force to uphold private property, more rights over you?
Don’t knock LARPing
t. Kurt Vonnegut
I don't want assault rifles anyway and I'd be fine if the opposition doesn't have them either. Plus, we'd be able to brag about reducing gun deaths to innocent proles.
"Assault rifles" are already illegal. "Assault weapons" are a liberal buzzword that means literally nothing, they are based entirely off the appearance of a weapon and not its function or firepower.
There are 300 million+ guns in America, almost all in the hands of righties. They spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars training, in some shape or form. So you either believe that capitalism will never go away or that we won't need guns should a violent revolution occur.
Even if the chance for violent revolution never arrives during our lifetime, we must train the next generation and protect their rights to arm up when their time comes.
If you don't believe such a revolution will ever occur, yet continue to use this board, who is really LARPing?
Most people who own guns aren't right-wing nut jobs, the media just makes it look that way.
>can you give me an answer to 2 + 2? Not 4, I want a real answer!
eat me
I should have said automatic rifles, my bad. Are automatic rifles illegal?
A violent revolution will never work because the state could just drone strike the shit out of us in retaliation with a single command. Not to mention we'd be painted as fascists for trying to take over the government by force.
The US military/army etc. is made up of a near infinite financial backing and extremely well trained soldiers.
Not to mention that the right has ALWAYS been more prepared and disciplined to use force and subversion tactics to violently destroy the opposition. The Left needs to avoid violence at all cost and win through public sanctions.
Are you retarded? Not everyone who uses this board has to be a larping Leninist faggot.
A society with a disarmed populace and armed government is the definition of tyranny.
As socialists we need to defend the right of people to defend themselves, to recreate, to hunt, to be allowed tools of liberation and security
As we move into an age of more and more powerful weapons, allowing them to become relegated to the hands of a few will create greater and greater inequality and abuse
i think thy're cool so fuck right off, bitch
Well I don't think some lunatic being able to easily killing hundreds of proles is cool, so kill yourself.
UK/Canada/Australia are not living under any tyranny besides the free market, shut up.
Another entity controlled by the proles can do this.
You can't impregnate an automatic rifle
well that fuckin sucks, bitch
Nah, that's just a state.
So, they are living under an oppressive dictatorship?
yeah and Germany was controlled by the SPD in 1923
I'm not trying to dogwhistle about "oh the encroaching fascism" but come on
Stay butt-mad, the liberals will make sure you lose this too btw.
You can't shoot your way out of billions of people relying on capitalism. This takes intelligence, wit, and planning.
Almost 100 years ago, you're proving my point.
Only a small fraction of all gun-related murders (which apparently you consider worse than other murders) use rifles (325 in 2011 from what I found).
lets hope you're right i guess
Whats wrong with the assault rifle term? This sounds like revisionism, I'm pretty sure that it has been used to define intermediate cartidge fully-automatic selective fire rifles and carbines since their popular adoption. If you're mad that liberals are putting things like machine guns or whatever into the assault rifle category you should be mad about that instead.
what if america had better healthcare so mentally unstable people could get the help they need instead of resorting to killing people
What if you stopped being a total bitch?
fuck you
what if you killed yourself
What if "better healthcare" isn't the panacea you think it is, and the best way of getting rid of crime is a eugenics program against psychopathy?
If America had gun control, but then also had
* a shit health and mental health system
* shit educational system
* a terrible economy with a lot of drugs and poverty
it would still have a lot of violence and murder, sometimes done with guns.
Now if America did not have gun control, BUT STILL HAD
* a shit health and mental health system
* shit educational system
* a terrible economy with a lot of drugs and poverty
it would still have a lot of violence and murder, sometimes done with guns.
Now if America did not have gun control BUT DID NOT HAVE
* a shit health and mental health system
* shit educational system
* a terrible economy with a lot of drugs and poverty
then it would have the minimal and unavoidable levels of violence and murder which is sometimes done with guns.
They're practical, cheap, easy to maintain and use. All around for defense to hunting and any idiot can learn to use one, which is why modern armies use the platform.
t. socialist 'assault' rifle owner
What if american culture didn't develop people who led worthless lives that go berserk when they realize how bullshit it is.
yes, they are and have been for some decades. You can go through many hoops to get a permit, and then pay tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars to get one, but you still need very specific and limited permits to have an actual automatic gun. This is the law.
semi-autos are another story, but the LV shootout was done with automatics…you can hear it quite clearly. Something's fishy.
Liberals get out.
Its funny that thesr accusations of LARPing have gone so far that leftypol is basically proving Judith Butler right
It could have been a shoestring automatic.
He actually had a bunch of semi autos and a bump-fire stock. A cop posted them on halfchan.
Wouldn't that end up killing everyone with your flag?
What the fuck? I can't tell how that works from looking at it.
Pardon me, Mz. Giggafaggot, but you seem to have dropped an important corollary datapoint from your graph.
That, and the number of murders done with legal civilian automatic weapons in the US for decades is precisely zero.
Not with that shitty attitude
I'm gonna make Pol Pot look like fucking Ghandi
Literally not an actual term, it's something made up by liberals to sound scary
Pull on string, tightening around the trigger, squeezing it. Gun fires. Bolt moves back. String attached to bolt slackens, releasing the trigger. Bolt cycles forward, carries the string with it. String tightens around the trigger again, pulling it only a few milliseconds after the gun returns to battery.
It allows you to effectively achieve automatic fire at nearly cyclic rate without any kind of awkward bump stock or filing sears or anything.
Wouldn't that make whoever is in charge of such a program a psychopath?
Canada is one of the most armed countries in the world m8, pic related part of my collection.. Also last I checked it was about to be illegal to look at websites the government doesn't like in the U.K.