Stonerthoughts Holla Forums, are trans-women in fact the (most) real women?
To begin with this think of the difference between men and women, one can come up with many differences, but there is no difference that makes the difference, to designate one marker like XX/XY chromosomes would be to undo it, for it would mean the difference between them is only visible under a microscope, which would mean we only conceived the sexes when chromosomes were first observed. What makes women, women then is the image of the woman, this is not what tangible woman are nor do they need to be, all they have to be is being presentable as such (if this were not the case, porn would not be arousing as a .vid of a woman is not a woman). This woman can be compared to a forgery of a monet painting that is so perfected and so true to his style that the authenticity of all the actual monets will judged by it.
What is most particular about trans-women is that they are more true to the image-of-woman than actual women; they're bimbo's, they're manic pixie dream girls, they're moeblobs… it is not that they are lacking, it is that they have too much. That which is sought in women, a trap creates for himself, it is through superceding the actuality of women, that traps are closer to the reality of woman.
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