Fucking entitled millennials and their "wanting the federal government to provide aid as promised under the social...

Fucking entitled millennials and their "wanting the federal government to provide aid as promised under the social contract"

Other urls found in this thread:




Didn't that island get no aid at all?

also why is ben garrison such an ignorant prick

also why aint the mods deleted this? This the the sole reason why I aint sageing

this is an american phenomenon. in most countries, especially those actually affected by the destruction of wwii, "baby boomers" are in favour of the welfare state and so-called "entitlements"

this but unironically

Yeah, until they're no longer recipients of them.

what world do you live in. European boomers all vote for neoliberal parties and have been doing so for over 30 years

What exactly is against the rules here?

Hurting user's delicate little tush.

I was talking with a Puerto Rican customer of mine the other day and he was showing me pictures and videos of the destruction. It really is unreal. Bridges destroyed, the tropical rainforest ripped apart, people bathing in rivers and waterfalls because they had no running water, and on top of all the existing destruction all the recovery efforts getting frustrated by even more fucking rain.

Trump is a piece of shit.

Don't they pay taxes for this kind of shit? I know it's different than a US state but since they are a territory and pay for it they deserve aid. Then again trumps known for shady deals so who knows

Flint Michigan was full of tax paying Americans too and look how that went, to say nothing of all the people in West Virginia… and downstream from them.

You guys think the austerity will get bad enough people will wanna revolt? I mean cutting your losses and abandoning the social contract can only work for so long right?

People already want to revolt, and in some places they're a hair's breadth from it as it is. The only things holding most Americans back is the Boomer delusion that all of this is temporary and economic recovery is right around the corner/one more budget cut away and the general American faith in their democracy.

slowly waiting for that second images to kick in. the only thing it would take for people to realize that they are just right-wing SJWs is time and exposure to them.

Me too, user, me too. So far it seems like we are in schedule.

I take it that it's true they're deliberately not sending the aid they do have out of spite or something?
Something about a couple thousand trucks?

What? If you mean the PR govt they're basically doing what they can considering the destroyed infrastructure, minimal resources, and that they don't even have comparable authority to their peers in real states

Ben Garrison is truly a revolting pile of shit. I hope he has to wait in a food line someday.

This. François Fillon, for example, was very popular among baby-boomers during the last French elections because he wanted to drastically reduce government spending…except when it came to retirement pensions which he promised to increase. This was basically a big "fuck you" to everyone under the age of 50.

Trump could drop hos trousers during a speech and take a shit right on stage in front of thousands and millions watching live at home and Ben Garrison would illustrate it as some kinda great political move. The guy's getting paid to be Trump's full-time fluffer at this point. Shameful.

Shut up, commie! Them spics need personal responsibility and no, they're *NOT* American so they can take that "oooh, my family has developed cholera from lack of clean drinking water" entitlement back to Mexico.

I really had it with Garrison

I guess you could say this cartoon is full of aids.

Send Ben Garrison to Puerto Rico as Hurricane Aid so he can finally die

So one of your territories in financial trouble gets fucking leveled by a hurricane, and this is how your population responds? In order to defend the US government's incompetence?

Seriously what the fuck

Republicans will still say their party isn't 100% racist though, PRs are literally American citizens.

How the US Government has treated PR throughout its existence should be criminal

Don't you think they've suffered enough?

Oh yeah, absolutely. I can't believe there isn't a bigger issue about how PR can't vote for the US president that rules them.

It's the only reason people voted for statehood, they feel more safe inside the US speaking as a state than just a fucking awfully managed territory. But the US Government won't let that happen, and at this point I'd be so fed up with this bullshit I'd hold an independence vote.


America has transcended the connotations of being a fascist shithole and is an entirely new beast of evil. America is a psychopathic HELLSCAPE filled with perverted sadists. It's so bad that even the culture should be considered a disease, on the same level as ebola.

Twitter was a mistake. Also fuck you I love hairy man ass. Fucking faggots…

If a government dosent do what Im expected to receive for my obedience should I even be obedient?

Puerto Rico really is worse off than Venezuela? Capitalism wins even at losing!

Made me chuckle

What do you mean user? The US can do no wrong unless its in hindsight at least 10 years later. :D

Apparently. The guy I was talking to was pissed about this Jones Act shit, because Venezuela and Cuba were offering to send help and the Feds are blocking it, while millions of people are without food or fuel or water. He was especially mad about how the gov sent all those troops to Haiti after the earthquake, but are dragging their feet on sending troops to Puerto Rico.

You shouldn't. No taxation without representation, remember? That's the line The 13 Colonies went to war with The British Empire over after all. Puerto Rico should seriously think bout pulling an American Revolutionary War by just dumping any Johnny-come-lately aid into the Caribbean sea as a sign of protest.

American boomers are in favor of their welfare state. The difference is that they don't call it a state welfare state.
They have their social security, their stocks were bailed out by the fed in 2008, and they get their tax credits for this and that which is TOTALLY not welfare because it is just an adjustment in the balance of payments between them and the government in their favor. Unlike, you know, the folks who pay income tax (since working is required to receive food stamps) and receive food stamps.

Seriously, I knew Trump would be terrible, but he really surpassed my expectations in every regard.




Did you have a stroke

As they say in Italy, rappresenting!

Semper fi soldier o7

Afroplasm standing by.

Transplasm here

It's "Transplasm standing by", n00bplasm.

namefagging is gay

psanding by

Im gay for you to

did some one say Namefagging?
sign me up!

eat shit

this has to be parody

just Ben Dover Garrison descending into self-parody

I wish this was just a parody but I've heard boomers say this shit in response to the disaster in Puerto Rico.


I'm lost, why is puerto rico complaining about one small hiccup in a continuous stream of free aid? Maybe they should vote to be their own country instead of relying on the US and diving headlong into debt.

Full retardation, the post

Every sentence in this post screams 'I need to read a fucking book'

I've been told by boomers that having universal healthcare is bad because "we don't need more mexicans breeding" and "niggers need to stop relying on welfare"

Damn, what shithole do you live in? Usually people wait until they know the person agrees with them to come out with that

Arizona, it was from my mom's siblings at a family reunion fwiw.

They are brown and vote DEM
So boomers don't think they are human



Puerto Rico is barely first world, they're just Americans by a technicality and it's clear that the govt doesn't consider them as such

Cuba should make it their mission to give them free boat rides to the mainland tbh

Puerto Rico wasn't "first world" before the Hurricane because of US state policy, it will hardly be any better after one of the strongest hurricanes we've ever recorded knocked everything fucking over under the rule of a state that seemingly doesn't care about its existence (or wants to)

Basically right now, Puerto Rico is a ghost town on level with the Salton Sea because of this hurricane, only people still fucking live there. They want aid but the US government is making excuses about getting even an ounce of aid to the one territory they've been fucking over for the longest.

You're basically agreeing with Ben Garrison that they have everything they need to live after everything has been essentially leveled. I don't think that's accurate.

this is so fucking longwinded without making a joke or a point, it's exactly why Holla Forums says the left can't meme

and the garrison strawbabby is "liberal/progressive"? He calls Bernie a commie all the time, socialism could at least have been mention somewhere in this meandering politically-clunky maymay pic

is this one even from here? It looks like a parody of here, or taken from some facebook group

but user… liberal=communist according to Garrison

Why does that post appear under a Bulgarian flag in some screencaps and an Israeli flag in others? I think I even saw a version with a third flag once.





unfortunately the facts are on rightism's side. i dont think the pendulum is ever going to swing back from where it is- at least not in any big way

What fucking facts? Muh niggers? Is that it?

Don't be angry at him. Have some compassion, the poor man believes feels are reals.

it's true that it's basically impossible for the migrants that are being mass imported to the West to co-exist with us long term. this lynchpin for the right will only increase in power for the right as the are proven to be correct time and time again

New Garrison Comic

I don't see myself co-existing with you in the long term.

What does that have to do with the situation in PR?

you probably look like this so yeah no thanks.

Heritage Not Hate

follow the post chain more closely

I actually look like this

Occupy Wall Street comrade!

oh boy a strawman

why are you posting pictures of yourself?

They were giving a strawman of your ideas. You're not supposed to literally agree unless you want to seem dumb on purpose.

That was a decade ago

objective facts are not "my ideas"


Look out he read The Fountainhead freshmen of high school to impress everyone he hated in high school on facebook

I'll walk you through it, it's pretty basic when you understand subtext. Your ideas about PR were what was implicitly in question, given the topic and the tone. A user says "lol his ideas are probably just "muh niggers", which is funny because only a retard would try to make PR about that. And yet, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty and shown us all it's actually impossible to underestimate you

and a lot of """leftist""" ideology has evolved from that neoliberal-funded flashpoint event

a good few useful idiots in this thread

"no u" is the right-wingers greatest weapon. Here we see a brilliant example of it.

Drop the plural, you have nothing else except the supposed inferiority of niggers from spurious research.

Replace the textbooks with things academia disagrees with but I agree with because they're the real objective facts.

You're literally retarded. I'm saying OWS was a real anti-WS movement that got coopted by FBI and you're such a massive dipshit you think you need to explain to me that the FBI and wallstreet are bad actually. No shit, dumbass

Sounds pretty metal

Fucking Marx and his OWS LARPing

cool projection faggot. keep choking on corporate dick though.

i've not mentioned PR in this thread at any point

i'm not right wing you corporatist cuck

enjoy your wall street produced BLACKED cuck porn faggot LMAO

see above

I pity you

here's a drone

that's the problem, contribute to the topic or fuck off

forgot image

you understand that threads can follow tangents? soyboy mong


Sargoy pls go

Are you low key just arguing in defense of homemade BLACKED cuck faggot porn? None of that corporate bullshit for you right?

sarcuck loves cuck porn. he's a good fit for this board

news to me. i'm sure you enjoy searching it out all night spineless bourg freak

This is the point where you get banned, get frusterated and confused why you got banned, and annoy everyone here until you die because you're a hopeless image board political junkie

this is why you millennial modern """"leftists""""" are fucking garbage. uneducated and lower than lumpenproles. you hurt our cause so fucking badly.

Because Holla Forums is known for their sexual exploits and not the leftists they say have sex all the time

Oh so you were banned and angry you were banned and became a Holla Forums addict

You can keep mainlining heroin if you want I guess

if I posted my political opinion on Holla Forums they would cry even harder than you lot are right now.

though pointing out reality to modern """"""leftists""""""" does cause considerable tear ups. it was past pathetic 5 years ago.

Jesus stop answering the bait. He's a troll, he literally said that the facts are on the side of the right but he's not a rightist.

Nobody is crying you just said "Holla Forums le true" in a random Ben Garrison thread and now you're acting like you have a unique ideology nobody but you believes because you're fucking Machivelli and getting banned is against your religion

This is a topic about the hurricane and the ongoing crisis in PR. You're having a hystrionic fit about. Something, I have no clue at this point

they are and the right has learned how to use this to their advantage- and all you're going to do is sit there and throw your toys out of the pram like the toddler you've been trained to be by your wall-street funded milquetoast "leftism" indoctrination center. you are a weak and vile worm and i'd happily fight with fascists to eradicate you scum that have shattered Marx's dream into a million pieces.

jim kicks ass at web design

so why are you not a rightist? do you hate facts?

I think you're Ben Garrison

look at the bawling replies to my posts from the limp wristed mentally castrated donothings that inhabit this board.

wat means?


You are though Ben

lmao this is literally Ben

No, they don`t want to revolt at best once the social order collapses you are going to see looting and general disorder but nothing even close to revolt not to mention revolution.

Strings of consecutive insults like this really don't help your "I'm not mad" case dude

Did you fit enough labels into this one Ben

it's true when pol says you people are fucking weak. you're even sadder trolls than they are.

vile, sickening pus.

so when did you last fap to Atlas Shrugged?

Millenial an*Mefags need to be stomped out.

Everyone on the internet doesn't excercise you gotta admit this Ben not even your audience


Ben…only three labels…

I don't understand what's going on in that pic. More labels please

How old of a girl are you, Ben?



Ben "The Anarchists Are Deep Stte The Republicans Are My Real Friends Now" Garrison

hahaha eppin benis XD

Yeah you keep shitting up a good thread Ben what's your fuckin deal

lol you got us

Might as well have voted for shillary at this point, not much difference


How many threads do we make before Ben actually posts in them and makes us a label

lol, dumb ziocuck


It only took an hour of incoherent screeching for people to get annoyed with you. Troll Master.

And also, would be immediately pussy out and dedicate his content to us after like he did with Holla Forums


clam down
your tears are soaking through my keyboard


My prounouns are Ben Garrison and Ben Garrisonx

Holy fuck this made me mad


Nigger u wot?

We are so upset Clinton died falling down the stairs

it's always a burger

don't pretend you're not always seething about Holla Forums permacucking you

This user is Ben Garrison we all know it

this is a berniebro board. you have to like bernie and hate women to chill with us

goyim, its time to stop

True tbh, it's really cut down on my degen.erate orgy time

who where we suppose to support in the race?
Your liberal, or the others?

BASED bernouts! he loves living in his 3 mansions bought with wall street cash and redditor donations!

even Holla Forums knows we hate shitlery, shitposter confirmed for r/the_cuckold immigrant who hasn't read the FAQ and needs to go back

also how's that wall going?

Is this how you get your validation? Pretending to believe that some people on a different imageboard are constantly upset by another's existence?

Get another hobby, Ben. Painting is cutting anymore.

tis was sarcasm me lord

such a passive-aggressive little SEETHE this one was

take a trip to the empathy tent comrade, it's your only hope to soothe the pol induced seethe

Dude who talks like this tho

here is tent

lol ur really good at baiting other people for sure

Who talks like this…besides someone as old as Ben….

Ok not even being mean, but you have autism right?

I thought this was just stupidity, but now that you say it,
does he brows the chans?

Honestly the way you behave on the internet, maybe you need to go to one of these things and talk to a real person for once.

I can feel the fedora through my screen


Owning the communists by calling them seethes and other insult strings that give my age away and accuse them of liking things both of us hate, a collection of comics by Ben Garrison

Me on the left


Reach out and touch faith

you could have just said yes, that shit is way too long to read


Nah more like a mind broken nerd with an undeserved sense of smugness.

He inevitably learned about Holla Forums shopping his comics and that was like four years ago so even his crusty ass probably knows how to post

Ben could be anyone at any time

Wait is Ben really in this thread? Ben if it's you draw us a sketch of some THICC politician so we know it's really you

Garrison threads have become a fucking tradition now on this board lel
Really though, Ben has dug himself this deep with the "maga" crowd now how is he going to step back as Trump becomes more and more neo-con and Bush like?

yep this is me

Countdown until Ben adds us as a label like the countdown before an asteroid impact

As long as he give us an ass like he gives all the politicians he hates I'm game

Mein gott, I'm not even burger but I can feel that this guy is really, really getting out of control

wow that's very original

mm another lefturd seethe to add to my seethe collection

You know liberals and leftists aren't the same thing aaaaahh forget it you my man need help



kek, this shit has potential tbh but this bit is a little one dimensional so far.

needs a little spice, like the guy the other night who ended up telling us we need to look at every brown dick for his deportation program

Another absolutely exquisite "no u". This is a master troll at work.


He's speeding up

I fail to see whats wrong with this photo?
It's just some lib with colorful hair?

eh, feels like treading old ground i expected more


He's really become delusional with his Trump worship huh?

This guy doesn't even look weird.

who the fuck is Carlos Silva, and what did he do to you?

I mean yeah I get it, lol trannies and lol browns etc. But I'm looking for that extra edge


well you tried

who the fuck is this guy, and why should this bother me?

how can leftists compete?

literally who?


1) He was not even antifa
2) he did not die form that kick, but AFTER escaping form hospital care.

There's nothing more pathetic than tough guying on the internet but no joke the left has had, has and will always have real "death squads", the right is actual bullshit and weak when it comes to violence.


Holy shit this Holla Forums salt is incredible

why are leftists so weak? like insects

he was antifa cuck
he died on impact to the ground

cant wait for civil war tbqh. you will be annihilated so fuckin fast. nothing better than a starving commie


lol a right winger who doesn't believe in guns, have fun fighting a war with your sperg karate

I'm quaking in my boots

Alright, faggot.
I guess then that most of Holla Forums is antifa too.

Why exert any effort to put down a rabid dog?

How do you even know the guy working out is left wing for all I know it's just some rando skinny guy
Ya need to get out more jimbo I fear for you I really do


Its alright, just accept Christ into your heart.

Son, get some help


he pulled it out of his ass, he ran out of real strawmen

wow you sure showed us

lmao you really are scared of them aren't you

dont forget your estrogen pills

*wait* is the most important word in the right-wing lexicon. Right-wingers have been waiting for the happening, the day of the rope and the Nazi masturbation fantasy for decades despite having every excuse imaginable to start it themselves. If this Vegas shooter turns out to be a Liberal and right-wingers end up still "waiting" you know who the real beta cucks are.

you're terrified because you know it will be total conquest

You are aware that you would have been killed under nazi regime?

don't forget your daily dose

Sure thing buddy.

i feel bad for americans…

It can be right now and could have been 10 years ago but you're in perpetual "it's coming" mode, never actually doing shit.

I wouldn't. You on the other hand…

thanks doc

mentally ill


Daily reminder that the Nazis we're Not SocialisT, and Mao, and Stalin killed over 100 million people

meh this is getting boring again, you promised me fresh material wtf


this is old as shit, i said fresh


this shit's so boring, why do I bother


so is this just going to be the entire thread then?


Recuced to scrap the barrel, i see.


thread should be anchored at this point, what else is there left to say?

reminder that Holla Forums literally looks like this


holy fuck this is blast from the past



Speaking as an American America is already a third world shithole posing as a first world nation.

Ricans don't pay taxes.

It really is uncanny how Holla Forums's and the aut-right's first and last defense when being cucked by Trump is "lol u mad". It crossed from laughable to pathetic, then from pathetic to just plain boring. It's like predicting rain in the middle of the Amazon forest.

If there's someone who deserves to catch a bullet at a shooting spree, it's zir.

He was really hyped up as a Phillies prospect, had a couple really dominant runs, but was a largely mediocre journeyman for most of his career. He briefly took Chicago by storm when the Cubs traded Milton Bradley, who was public enemy #1 at the time, for him and then Silva surprisingly started the season 10-1 with a sub

People from nine hours ago who ruined this thread: Fucking kill yourselves.

you aren't wrong

there's probably two or three good memes crammed together into that one image