What does the perfect communist look like?
What does the perfect communist look like?
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That's what the perfect man looks like.
feminine penis
but these are capitalists
t. infantile
prove me wrong though.
all Lenin did was turn the soviet union into a war economy without freedom of the press and promptly died before handing Stalin the throne.
Read a book.
This is the only correct answer.
Censoring the old nobility was not an attack on freedom of the press.
maybe because there was one being waged against russia
like this
Since every positive development implies the negation of its base the perfect communist would no longer be a communist but something qualitatively different.
the ban on all factions targeted other marxists.
until its collapse in 1991?
A Hungarian capitalist?
are you okay?
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Fidel can rock those converse.
You know that old rhetorical tactic of condemning someone for something bad, but not telling the whole history because it turns out that bad thing unavoidable, or the lesser evil, or the proverbial step back etc.? That's Lenin.
you know what they say about the size of man's pipe
Converse is a guerrilla's shoe. You see a lot of it in Syria too actually.
Probably because of all the similarities between doing sweet tricks on skateboards and killing reactionaries.
Yes. You know what the cold war was?