Why did Conspiracy-tards go from hating Bush and Obama to loving Trump (and other big government supporting, far right wing reactionaries)? I don't understand these people.
Why did Conspiracy-tards go from hating Bush and Obama to loving Trump (and other big government supporting...
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Gotta get dat $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Conspirania is just thick ideology, when the powers that be represent the interests of their spooks they're happy
Conspirania is just thick ideology, when the powers that be represent the interests of their spooks they're happy
Because they were never really conspiritards to begin with. These assholes can't hold a candle to OGs like Bill Cooper.
Maybe they know something 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧you🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 don't.
idk about conspiracy people but asking yourself why do all these people support trump would be a good road to take, make you more understanding
They're consipiratards who think Obamacare (state mandated private insurance) was because of communist infiltration. These quqqz don't even understand the first thing about politics and think their intelligence is above the general masses because they read 1984 2 decades ago (again without understanding the more subtle elements of that book) they're walking self parodies.
We already know exactly why and for what exact reason. We don't need your feel good interpretations of United States politics.
The elites repackaged the same old bullshit of the last 16 years and sold it back to the the rubes as "anti-establishment".