Literally every normie I know likes something because it’s advertised it to them.
Like SpongeBob? Advertising. Like “modern music”? Advertising. Like skateboarding? Advertising.
What I’m trying to say is it seems like the things most people like are the things that are advertised.
Sure, people will argue that the thing is being mass-advertised is because people love it (sort of like a meme) At first, only a small group liked that thing, and then 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧the capitalists🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 promoted it to hell so that everyone can like it too. A part of me feels like people like stuff because it’s “cool”
People only eat at mcdonalds because it’s the most popular. People listen to earrape music because it’s the most popular. See what I’m sayingg?
Well they wouldn't be pouring billions of dollars into advertising if it didn't work
Owen Mitchell
It's the opposite retard, people drop things when they get too popular. See vaping, dubstep, fidget spinners etc.
Ryan Ramirez
I actually fear more the second level of advertising. As in "holy fuck what a stupid ad", then next year I don't remember anything but there's still a subconscious presence of the brand inside my head.
Ayden Ward
Explain why rap/trap music is so popular and it too is mass-advertised and still is?
Brayden Thompson
Most new rappers are unknown meme soundcloud rappers
Robert Davis
In any city that's anything close to a cultural center music cycles out a few months after release at most. You can hate it but there's no question that anyone "trendy" despises anything even close to mainstream as soon as it spreads
Brayden Turner
Stop treating the market as some type of bad demiurge.
Julian Hill
Aaron Barnes
because it's the only music genre about keeping things real. it doesn't try to take you into some fantasy unlike nearly every other genre out there. it didn't start off massively advertised by black people in lamborghinis and gold chains like it is nowadays. it started in worn down burrows being made by depressed poor people.