Spooks are spooks.
I don't like Nietzsche cause he talked bad about Socialism!!! I prefer author X!"
When the mammi hits hard.
Whenever i see people talk about Nietzsche they always misunderstand him. That always comes from a superficial reading and prior lack of philosophical education, or maybe because most here are underages from Reddit.
Heidegger and Jung were very both sensible, peace-loving people and they both appreciated Nietzsche's work a lot, and people still he's about "Cruelty is high-society"
falsifiability is a principle, not a theory to be tested
1. It is a principle you can't justify using itself, if you justify it you have to admit the ability for things to be justified without falsification
2. The principle requires a method of falsification, which is empirically unfalsifiable.
falsification is a principle applied to theories
OK? So philosophy can make justified and true statements and they don't need to be falsifiable because they aren't necessarily empirical.
method of falsification is simple
theory makes predictions - you test predictions to be true or false
if these statements are testable they can be true
but if they are not, how can you say that they are true or false?