What the hell is going on here...

What the hell is going on here, comrades I was browsing Holla Forums and some fucking game dev nazi is making a poll on what symbol to use on a fucking shirt in an event

Couldn't believe this myself, then some edgelords are voting the swastika to be in his shirt. fucking disgusting

Not bad.

who cares?
wew lad, blend in better

Lmao at 23+24

No matter what every thread will devolve into race realism discussion on Holla Forums. I was in a thread tofay that devolved into figuring out what kind of nigger was a ambiguously brown character, the consensous was all niggers are niggers so who cares and you are a genocidal kike if you disagree, nigger. Holla Forums is just Holla Forums with a little more video games.

To the gulag with you.

All the nerdy white virgin boards are basically Holla Forums. Except for /a/ for some reason.

Pol ruined v just like they did every board.

I don't care.
Not like I see this shit everyday, face it, the rise of unironic serious fascism is on the rise, this is the dark ages and it'll take a long ass time to get out of the dark ages, but when it happens, the left will be back and revolutionary, then will come global socialist revolutions, this dark age era will last likely til we are all 70. I have met 45 irl self proclaimed National "Socialists" in my normal day to day life, it's happening, the left is dying and there's nothing we can do about it, we have to wait it out, when that waiting period is over then will good times come, but now we're all fucked.

Holla Forums is rerarded and has shit taste, stop going there.


I don't care.
Not like I see this shit everyday, face it, the rise of unironic serious fascism is on the rise, this is the dark ages and it'll take a long ass time to get out of the dark ages, but when it happens, the left will be back and revolutionary, then will come global socialist revolutions, this dark age era will last likely til we are all 70. I have met 45 irl self proclaimed National "Socialists" in my normal day to day life, it's happening, the left is dying and there's nothing we can do about it, we have to wait it out, when that waiting period is over then will good times come, but now we're all fucked.

Where else can we go messiah.

Damn, user. What a black pill. I mean, the 80s had nazi skinheads and they went away eventually.

This is something that could had happen five years ago and no one would give a fuck. I think Trump has really made us all paranoid.

they weren't holding as much power as they are now, and the internet has gave them a platform to monopolize media with their propaganda and even the common day man spouts Fascist nonsense, we're all fucked, dearly.

Not sure if bait or just legitimately retarded.
That's just a symbol of an ancient people that lived in Lithuania.
Do you get mad at Buddhists for using swastikas too?

Who /comfybrit/ here?

At this point every board that isn't immediately related to anime has degenerated into Holla Forums, even Holla Forums is compromised and is going to be another Holla Forums colony soon enough.

Like seriously, I've decided to abandon halfchan for good now that /lit/ doesn't even talk about books anymore. It's just "postmodernism" this and "cultural Marxism" that now.


How do we not have the potential to flip this on its head?

True, but I don't think the future is as grim as you seem to think. We can be to the Alt-right what the C.N.T was to the Falange. But this time around, the Rightists won't have support of any of the world powers.

Seriously, I quit halfchan /g/ after 3 years because of the constant Holla Forums posting, it was never about technology, it was ALWAYS about muh jews and muh karltural marketism. Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the only real tolerable places to go to at this point

nah, Holla Forumsyps actually like and voted for it because it looks like and reminds them of the symbol of one of their favorite regimes. you're a fucking idiot

it's already flipped on its head
they are organising online only to repel and destroy any semblance of support offline

These are ancient pagan symbols, the swastika stands for more than NS you retard

Is /tg/ still alright, I haven't been there in awhile

plz go and take your shit threads with you

So does anyone actually use that flag unironically?

who is this thicc chicc