Are there any leftist American parties that are /ourguys/?

Are there any leftist American parties that are /ourguys/?

not these fuckers

The Democrats are the only ones holding the tide of reactionaries at bay, fam. We gotta go with them until we can get rid of the Republicans.

Are they really infiltrated or is it just a meme? Have other parties been infiltrated too?

leftist American is about as oxymoronic as Anarcho Capitalism.

t. fascist

They're pretty bad; they have been a serious party since 1940. They just endorse the Democrats now.



Historically? Absolutely, the CPUSA was targeted by the FBI for decades as were other communist organizations. These days they may not even bother with the CPUSA because they've become pretty docile and don't have the backing of a foreign state like they used to.

I was at a socialist convention a few months back.

There were a few former CPUSA people there, they said it was tash and got thunderous applause.