How do I stop being a paranoid reactionary in general?
How do I stop being a paranoid reactionary in general?
Joshua Cruz
Alexander Nelson
Get laid.
Chase Kelly
Usually when I have plenty of time, usually from a couple hours to a couple days to think, my thoughts start to rationalize again, but how do I skip the reactionary stage so I can rationalize in minutes?
Daniel Rodriguez
Read more frequently
Adam Hernandez
Don't overestimate human agency. FEMA can't manage basic disaster relief, let alone run a nation-wide complex of secret concentration camps.
Jose Hill
Read a lot
Luis Campbell
As a stress-relief?
James Hernandez
Just become a tankie, it will suit you.
Jason Rivera
Brandon King
Well that too, though you'd probably have to be a special kind of person to find Marx relaxing.
I mainly meant as a way to learn more about a given subject. It's not a coincidence that most reactionaries are dumbasses