Left Leaning Centrism

I've always been a left leaning centrist, I had a fascist episode for a short time I attribute it to being on half chan Holla Forums and the propaganda getting to me.

I've been shat on many time for being against totalitarianism and also free range capitalism which I have a huge problem with and i'm starting to lose friends because it, they claim to be Ustaše (fascist) but they didn't even know what state corporatism how can I show these people that free range capitalism is shit and total totalitarianism while remaining an ardent Nationalist which I am. They won't listen my mans they keep cucking for billionaires.

Also first time posting on leftypol and only lurked for a bit so I don't really know the collective mind on nationalism and centrism.

Other urls found in this thread:


But did you read the FAQ?

Your position is understandable assuming you haven't read any books.
Read some books about leftist political philosophy then come back

Recommend any books? Also being left leaning is a death sentence in my community and my whole family despises Communism and anything of that sort and so do I. Albeit what i've just stated i'm open to almost anything.


Quit being a dick, this guy is new and is very clearly curious about what goes on here

But yes there is a reading list in the sticky that you should check out

Google Bookchin

You say that every time I tell a newfag to read the threads we have specifically for them, and they keep not reading them and making the board worse. Might as well just delete those threads and let every newfag make a thread for the most basic questions we get every day.

Ok thanks but I have school and work which book would give me the most bang for my buck?

Also i'm quite cautious of that "Progressive" label does it mean what I think it means in the social sense of today aka "SJW's" or just equality?

I honestly don't know why the hell was the word "progressive" used the person who made that book list.