
Reminder that cites should be abolished.

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You go first.

Personally, I prefer the kibbutz or small polycentric village of less than 7000 people model.

Polycentric, because the villages themselves are quite centralized. In rural France, for instance, every village out in the countryside has its own centralized well for water, schools, etc. But villages depend on each other too.

But yes, small rural communes are the way to go. And fuck technology.

raze the cities
remove urbanites
agrarian socialism now

integrated brutalist garden communes are the future

da fuck is this shit? gardens where gladiators massacre each other or something?

Iunno, if I was the benevolent dictator of Utopia, I'd enact a law forbidding any given land area from going past a to-be-determined population density.


read rafiq. "nature" should be abolished.

I like cities.

Stop being dumb friendo.