What happens once we're totally atomized, friendless except for social media, drinking a diet of soylent, and no longer need to work due to UBI?
What happens once we're totally atomized, friendless except for social media, drinking a diet of soylent...
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Fully automated luxury communism.
Hack into nuclear systems and put an end to all of it.
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Multiply for a while then eventually porky culls everyone and establish their own communism.
Probably this unfortunately. Really the worst case scenario for establishing communism, but it's again the most probable path.
UBI is financially impossible and automation is exagerated by Asimovian utopians and fearmongers.
what do you mean though
Invest your time in pursuit of culture, arts and widom.
Read books, do sports, play music, travel the world, learn about different cultures and engage in exciting hobbies.
But it's not like this will happen in the new future, so don't worry about it.
Freedom of work is liberation, not some dystopic shit where ennui drives humans to insanity.