Women care way more about emotional connection than lust, men are the opposite

Look, just because biology is generally one way right now (concordance) doesn't mean it always was/will be that way (stasis). Why are you mixing these two? Civilization has not been around very long and has not had enough time to affect human evolution as much as our history pre-civilization.

If other people obey a social construct then it doesn't matter what you personally do. Acknowledging that other people obey a social construct and acting accordingly is not the same as obeying it yourself. To ignore other people's obedience to spooks in the name of not being spooked yourself is a form of being spooked - on the idea that you're not spooked.

Paleolithic culture was, as far as we know, completely alien to anything we currently have. For all we know in Eurasia they worshiped animal power and fertility, for good reason. Everything melted down from there. But it's different elsewhere.

People adapt behaviorally to their material conditions.

I think you're just huffing your own farts at this point.

And those people still had penises and vaginae that worked the same way modern ones do pretty much. They still had hormones that functioned like ours do. They still had brains that were anatomically modern even if the culture the brains used was not.
Yes, but biology has much more limited capacity for adaptation, and a good deal of our behavior is limited by biology. For a very different example, human societies around the world see and describe colors very differently even though we all have the same rods and cones picking up red, green, and blue light.

If anyone's huffing his own farts it's the person who's denying the existence of spooks-as-domination in the pursuit of avoiding being dominated by spooks. The whole point of spooks is that people give themselves over to the spooks. To recognize this is not being spooked; it's merely defining spooks. Declaring that spooks-as-ideas are false and therefore the spooks-as-domination do not exist is to misunderstand the idea of a spook.

Debatable. Our Neuroplasticity is a hell of an ability. How our behavior is effected by biology is extremely scrutinized by academia because of possible cultural or life bias. Often times, it gets criticized because it doesn't meet the cut.

Which agrees with materialism. Cultures evolve to meet the needs of those around them. And it is no mystery that culture rapidly changed with agriculture. If you were right, then this shift from neolithic cultures and their interactions with Greece etc wouldn't be so drastic.

The fact is people not only respond to material conditions, but respond to them differently.

I have no faith in a genetic understanding of this, I only have faith in genetics being able to predict health concerns, likelihood of cancer or other diseases.

We are not born computers, we do not obey strict programming. Cultures across the world express femininity and masculinity differently, not concretely

Femoid lies. Women are not attracted to beta men, but to alpha men like Ted Bundy. She will drop all that personality bullshit for the chance to lick Chad's cum off the toilet.

Why do other cultures have different standards of masculinity? Inferiority because they're not Western? But it pokes holes in the Enlightenment era scientific thought you're hooked on, that all cultures are similar. Before these cultures were mapped out.

It reeks of a fusion of enlightenment era and colonial era understanding, and Abrahamic worldview. Both of which are in contradiction to how man responds to material conditions.

It's all studied.

Nice coping there beta.

What is a beta? Ho do you know I'm not a woman? Or if I was, how would you know I'm not wrong? You can only gleam so much from an image board.

I would rather converse with you on the topic you seem to be interested in, then hear you completely misunderstand the topic you skimmed a Holla Forums info graph over.

What I'm saying is you seem to be infested with all sorts of idpol

Seems fair tbqh.
Just like men aren't attracted to fugly hamplanets.