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Mon visage quand Holla Forumsyps think helping along the slow motion collapse of a corrupt, exploitative...
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Non gringo here, please explain what is going on
Colin Kaepernick awhile ago decided to protest police violence by kneeling during the national anthem and by wearing socks with cops depicted as pigs on them. Other black football players started taking a knee too I think? Reactionary white dudes who watch football were extremely triggered by all this and now NFL ratings are in the shitter (though they were already in rapid decline - I'm sure there's 5,000 word thinkpieces out there blaming the millenials for it).
Yesterday Trump in a speech called Kaepernick and anyone who kneels during the national anthem a "son of a bitch" and said they should be fired.
Basically it's dumb culture war horseshit but if it further collapses the NFL while at the same time wildly triggering Trump and his cultists then it's a win-win.
Fritz the Cat mascot when?
It really is the worst spectator sport in the world. All the black players boycotting and causing the league to implode would be fucking fantastic.
NFL supported SOPA-PIPA too
So does Trump own a baseball team or something? I'm trying to figure out the 3d chess excuse here
Good. Baseball, Football, and Ice hockey are far superior than gridiron.
Baseball is boring as fuck. I don't know how people watch that shit.
I have a feeling that we're going to get another economic crash simply because nobody wants to acknowledge that millennials are too poor to buy basic shit like cable.
They're kneeling baseball now too.
whats the point
Baseball is D&D for jocks.
He's only a quarter black and is from a military family, so he's taken a half-breed approach.
You're thinking of fantasy sports
In the US it would just up basketball and hockey popularity before anyone would give a fuck about football
If the niggers are going to make our one nation "divisible" by their own choosing & actions, then we ought to revive the original salute that accompanied the Pledge. Also perform this at sporting events when the Anthem is played.
Start with hand on heart for "O say, can you", then when the word "see" hits, extend your arm out toward the flag.
2 4 6 8
We don't want to integrate.
What else is new.
Proof that amerilards are all literally retarded
Guarantee they will stop kneeling when the ratings are in the toilet and they have to get a job at McDonalds because all they are qualified to do is chase a football
Or just sing the Canadian National Anthem at the Baseball game like they did in the Simpsons.
Top kek
They've devolved to children's songs
Holy fuck my sides
Comrade Shady
Love how the nerds on 4ch/sp/ have been triggered over this
Fuck the NFL.
Can't read what's highlighted in the pic related. Is The NFL getting shoah'd or something?
I feel like the world needs more of these
It's a shame he never mentions Kim by name, it would be pretty funny listening to Trump has a senile rant about Kim Jong-Un the little rocket man shooting rockets all over the place.
This is pulling people out the woodwork so I think it's a good thing.
Some NFL black dudes refuse to stand for the national anthem.
Conservatives are butthurt
Trump threatens NFL team owners with… something unless they fire the players doing this.
NFL owners do nothing.
Trump looks like an impotent dick.
Holla Forums expects the comfortably earning, aging, white dudes that make up the core fanbase to stop watching meaning the NFL would lose massive amounts of money.
I liked it so much I combined them for later.
Improved it a bit.
More info about this hottie pls.