Quick rundown:
Lauren Southern EXPOSED
Other urls found in this thread:
Similar to Milo, I can imagine this being what sinks her rather than the actually vile things she's said and done.
Big if true.
This is why we need islamic communism, unironically.
wtf I love Lauren Southern now
Really, though, how is that picture her? How do we know this?
She and her "daddy" run this tumblr. Some of the pictures are of her friend.
goddammit you hypocrites. calling your political opponents "degenerates" just because they aren't into vanilla sex.
you're not any better than Holla Forums
Nice dubs, Adolph.
I want to fuck my little girl through her poopy diaper hole.
Literally no one in the thread said degenerate, mocking someone for having an autistic fetish is a time honored chan tradition, if you have a problem with it then relocate.
why does the right have such shit-tier fetishes?
Diaper fetish is actually degenerate though. Homosexuality, which Lauren is against, is not.
Stop coping. All women are whores, even your boring trad waifus.
Nah this is just another Ted Haggard situation. An insufferable moralizer being guilty of exactly the thing they're most critical of.
Homosexuality stems form fascism trough.
We aren't the ones who have a hate-boner for dewenacy though.
Athens was fascist?
technically that's correct, in the pic attached by op she was called a degenerate though. mocking others for their sexual fetishes is still mediocre and dull. if you don't get this might well be you're mediocre an dull yourself.
well if you're so much into tradition are you sure it's not you who should relocate? what about Holla Forums, I've heard they are very much into traditional values.
Don't you have a Rosa to kill, you collaborationist fuckwig.
Fascism is 20th century, but Athens was pretty hierarchical and authoritarian.
We must join the left against the homosexual-fascist alliance to protect the working class.
Yeah I'm glad that anti-diaper moralizer got outed. haha
This is like thinking making fun of so called "superior race" retards for looking like shit is hypocritical just because we wouldn't hold that standards for ourselves. We're allowed to judge them by their own standards
Anyway this obviously isn't southern, if you scroll down the tumblr in the jaw doesn't look anything like her and the girl in the tumblr has dark hair earlier too
What if that's my fetish?
>Who's a good little degenewate?
rose or not, he's absolutely right
Cheekyboi, fun and muh traditional values are an instrumental part of the drums she beats. Diaper blogs run counter to that narrative, imo.
Stay cucked friendo. You alt right faggots had the right idea with the anti feminism stuff, but you let women into your movement and let yourself get cucked by them. Every week I see a thread by /poltard/ bragging about all the "hot" women in their movement; you dumb fucks literally institutionalized pussy whoreship in your own movement even when you knew the true nature of women. Pathetic.
I kinda wonder if it's a false flag or just autistic Tumblrers being autistic, in that case.
Not sure if Holla Forums, or just shitty baiting, either way go fuck yourself.
i'm in fucking tears, my lungs hurt, i'm dying
this is gold
Not all the pictures on the blog are of Lauren. Some of them are of her friend.
interesting, tell us more. can you expand this concept a little? i'd be curious about your analysis of human nature in general, from a leftist perspective.
I grew a fedora reading this post
tbh I hate the e-celeb worship as much as you do
Holla Forums's just as bad on that count
My problem is more that it doesn't look like any of the other pics are her. Don't get me wrong I want it to be Southern but I'd rather not embarrass ourselves like Holla Forums did with the shit-eating cuck thing
It's very simple friendo. All women are whores for Chad. Even your beloved trad waifu who was so pure and honorable slutted it out for Chad. They don't believe in anything except what will get them to the next Chad's cock. Never trust a woman, user.
I dunno man, she basically confirmed it on twitter.
I demand evidence
kiss less virgin or divorced dad?
shitposting flag
Normies are literally incapable of processing the truth, even if the evidence is right in front of your eyes. The Human Security System has done a number on you. It is quite pathetic to watch.
Probably the former, /REEEEEE9k/ and Holla Forums have been fighting proxy wars on some of the other boards from what I've seen
I filled m'diaper
both tweets are deleted this is the archive for the second one that she made after deleting the first: archive.is
and first one
there's an archive for this also, just have to find it
Guess Marx was a brainwashed normie then, I should get theory from dweebs like you instead
Keep worshiping the puss, slave. You are denying thousands of years of evidence of women being unworthy of power. You are a childish contrarian blindly reacting to the alt right putting the femoid question in full view. Hopefully you will grow a pair one of these days and face facts.
*goes back to jacking on MLP figurines*
And you…exactly…don't? You're defending a woman on the internet you don't even fucking know
This is all very fucking annoying.
Sex is overrated; you're the one that brought it up
I am defending her how? She is a whore like all the rest. Unless you think being a whore is something to aspire to, I did no such thing. Deluded normies are unable to read anything that contradicts their programming as expected.
You normies are too much.
took me a minute to figure out that "MLP" is ponies and not Marxist Leninist Party
i was so confused about the meaning of this post
yes retard, this is a thread about how Southern is a dumb cunt and you made it about how asspained you are that you don't get puss as if anyone cares
I'm glad you admit that we're normal, and you're not.
Actually, you made it about yourselves by virtue signalling your *feminism* over a shitpost. Not everything is about you, you know.
pardon me m8 but leftists aren't the social outcast club
the ones visiting this board might very much be, but we're not basing our ideology on being rejected
you need to get your shit together
You seem lost user, socialism and marxism are for chads
You're the only person in this thread to use that word
But if you are chads, then why do you all look like soyboys everytime you show your face?
Good god just shut the fuck up you whiny bitch.
For someone who fucks on the timespan of a greenland shark beggars cant be god damn choosers
Hell who am I kidding, everyone in the alt right has sexual pathology, just like Laura Southern. The men aren't different.
Friendly reminder that this is how Holla Forums likes to spend their free time.
Jocks and Nerds lol
who gives a shit
See, you just can't help yourself. You can stop this nonsense at any time, but since you can't handle dissenting opinions you just have to get all asspained and shit all over the thread. Your salt is laced with the finest gold.
Not real socialists :^)
Your own fetish is becoming more clear.
You two would clearly rather talk about me than the dumb whore this thread is dedicated to. I see that you have an obsession with me, but unlike you I have standards. Kindly fuck off back to your slave chambers, soyboys.
im 13 and this is deep
lol someone wants to be changed by daddy
I think we've got our scripts mixed up
Of course Holla Forums misses the whole point of their views.
i like how the autists who fetishize western culture hate everything about it
I'm reading this in the voice of Larry David
same but Werner Herzog
Already made threads to 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ about this. I am always glad to push shit that makes fashies uncomfortable and crawl up in defensive position. If any comrades wanna help in shitposting against Holla Forumsyps, you're welcome to join in following threads
Poorly worded or am I missing something
The real reason she's filling her diaper.
This is my fetish and I've been waiting for a public figure to be outed so I could see what the reaction is.
but theirs
you're missing the point
yeah I'm the estonian user guy that lurks Holla Forums
I'm a former Holla Forumsyp so I use my knowledge of Holla Forums culture against them so I could get the Holla Forumstards to cannibalize themselves via endless unproductive arguing amongst themselves
proof and also pics of her friends?
Glad you can appreciate the shitposting effort desu. Currently spending time trying to humilate everyone who defends Lauren so I could get incels and r/the_donald normies to completely melt down and fight each other.
When are we going to make /leftyabdl/?
Rightism is a mental disease.
So much for the non degenerate right
Are you the one who posted some Estonian punk band a few weeks ago?
Yeah, that's what I did. Droppped my interest in the subtitling project though, currently into other kind of music tbh
alri, still cool you showed it to us.
Did 4/pol/ actually delete the thread?
who's faith?
Attack her opinions, not her fucking fetish.
Hey Freudians, Lacanians. What's the origin of diaper fetish?
shut up, moralist
diaper baby spotted
This is p. interesting, but is there any proof it's actually Lauren?
If she wasn't embarrassed by it it wouldn't be a problem in the first place. You're probably howard though so I'm probably wasting my time talking to a black hole of intellect
Pretty basic anal fixation shit
Who else wears that stupid ugly braid?
thanks user, really beat my meat to this
I don't know, but there are 3.5 billion women on earth.
no probs fam
yeah, they deleted it, but 8/pol/ one is still going and getting posts
Not everyone with the Technocrat flag is fucking howard. Nufag
Not my cup of tea.
You're the judgmental git here mate.
So she was actually /ourgirl/ all this time and Holla Forums calling her just an attentionwhore all this time was right?
Freud actually did investigate this himself.
there's nothing wrong with pointing out the hypocrisy of her attacking anyone she perceives as "degenerate" when she herself is a sexual fetishist.
the hypocrisy is bad, not the fetish.
that said, this isn't a pic of her and someone has just scoured the internet for diaper fetish pics that look like her in order to smear her.
you are putting on the larp a little bit too thick comrade
Doesn't change the fact that the point of the mockery is her stance against "degeneracy" and no one would give a fuck if she was chill about other people's sex lives in general
Diaper fetish is bougie af
I have an acquaintance who's not exactly right wing or even that dumb, he just bought into the anti-SJW/le rational skeptic craze and shares shit from her fb page all the time, but is otherwise a cool dude, he even tabbed out an entire song for me that I couldn't figure out on my own. Should I show this to him?
Nah just bring it up casually if he talks about her like "oh you mean that diaper chick?". Bringing it up out of nowhere to discredit her is too tryhard
I'm rather flattered that I'm able to inspire paranoia among new-fags.
Rest assured that I'm far too vain to not post without my trip.
Even if I did make a post without it, my posting style and political positions are rather unique and would be quite recognisable to anyone that has spend any real amount of time on this board.
Just as anyone that has spend any real amount of time here should know who Space_ is.
In what way is this bad? It's not an issue of homophobia if someone says "aha!" when some conservative preacher is outed as a homosexual. I wouldn't agree with it if she didn't constantly talk about muh fun.
It's just "newfag", and holy fuck I forgot how distinctly unbearable you are so my bad I guess
Reminder that this is not her.
Reminder that the only evidence you have is her hair looks similar.
Reminder that wanting something to be true does not make it true.
Reminder that this will not affect her in any way.
doesn't prove anything
reminder that libertarian sexual politics are shit and stuff like this is actually a degenerated form of sexuality
glad that the expert on faggots has spoken.
Dont forget about rageafterstorm being a bisexual pothead that listens to post-hardcore while larping as a neo nazi.
It is her
If we associate it with her enough her image becomes inseparable from it
It is her
Reminder effected her enough to delete a tweet
Reminder you must be fun at parties
I still don't understand what she was trying to say with that tweet
reminder tryhards who think they must be fun at parties are regarded as obnoxious twats by non-morons.
Jewish people ((die)) eventually
that she hates jews I think
This tbh
She looks like she has a hairy smelly cunt.
Still wouldn't mind moshing with her at a DEP concert if she's really into that shit.
Link me the tumblr, fam
She was probably drunk. She's probably sexually depraved.
First it was Milo, now it's Lauren.
lol wut a cuk
chan conditioning turns pseuds into barking reactionaries, you just need a proper trigger
is the pic confirmed to be treu?
it might be a fake.
Sometimes, it almost feels like there is justice in this world
Athens was Nazbol
direct democracy for male citizens, but none for slaves, immigrants, or women.
a fucking stash.
Unless you have a clear picture of her face I'm not trusting these photos.
It's "stache", fam
First post best post
there's nothing wrong with being a traditionalist as long as you don't force other people to be one
I'm still gonna judge you for your shitty fetish
Stop bulling alison, guys
Wrong. The only difference between us and Holla Forums is that we offer correct explanations and solutions. fun is fun. Read some Frankfurt school, degenerate.
because that’s how you become a chad
That doesn’t mean it isn’t gross
That was proven to be fake. But Muke did get her to read Lenin though.
So much for the authoritarian Howard
Yes but the whole point is that this is in direct conflict with their worldview.
typical fascist apologist stalin stache.
At least use the one that faces the text.
Shut up you fucking baby.
I've never understood that dumb shit. What possible justification could you make for asserting that an inborn trait is derived from fascism?
Yeah, it'd make some kind of sense if they said fascism stemmed from homosexuality, but not that.
Still stupid.
Ungh I want to be her Master so bad
Can you pervs explain to me this diaper fetish thing? Do the diapers get used or are just to look like? I mean people literally shit themself?
From my understanding after years reading Holla Forums it isn't that they don't like degenewacy it's that they don't like it when other people do degenerate stuff. It's totally OK when they do it.
A mix of double standards and double thinking dominate the minds of cuntservative retards.
Tfw I know a mixed couple (she's polish and he's spanish) with 2 kids already. Can't stop love, faggots.
This is a Chad Only board.
slavs are not white.
Just gonna state the obvious and say it's not her fetish that makes her degenerate; it's the fact that she preaches TRaDItioNAl VaLuES then goes and does something obviously not traditional.
Anyways, I don't think the girl in the pic is her.
No idea, but if I'd had to guess I would say it's a sort of humiliation play related to treating someone like a literal baby incapable of doing anything without the permission and power of an authority figure, in this case a "parent".
no shit she has a shit fetish, she's jewish
Depends on the individual. Some won't use them and some will. Some will only pee/cum/period/whatever genital fluids in them and not poo.
That's fucking digusting. The kinkiest shit I do is kissing ancles or eating ass, and I always thought I was the degenerate one
Lol no. That seems pretty vanilla to me.
Ura, motherfucker. Urah!
Wearing a nappy as part of a sexual fetish though? That's borderline paedophilia.
Instant gulag.
fuck /u/InquiztiveGit stop promoting here on reddit. newfags are shitting the place up as it is.
Hi /r/chapotraphouse. Your subreddit fucking sucks now.
I really don't see how to do worse than that without ending in the disgusting. Should I wear diaper and get a chastity case, get tied and shit myself while 2 strangers fuck my girlfriend while I watch and cry and then clean her pussy and suck his cock? Wow I'm really missing out a lot
Are you in the wrong thread?
Idk bro get into bdsm or something
No, someone linked this thread there.
Nah that's sick. Nothing wrong with a little bit of chocking or a more agressive approach, but bdsm is sick
doesn't even look like her. you're wasting your time
you have to go back.
Sounds like another filthy degenerate ruining western culture
Do we even know for sure if it's her though? Word is it's some random girl from a UK diaper fetish website. I'm wishing with all my heart that it *is* Lauren Southern and she never lives this down like Milo "Father Michael's Motorcycle" Yiannopoulos' scandal.
Well if it came from her tumblr then that's one thing, but there literally isn't a source for this. It's just a picture of a blond girl from behind.
It's like, the least objectively gross fetish. No weird fluids you just tie people up in increasingly elaborate ways and hit them
The dialectic is coming from inside the diaper.
Alright which one of you did this?
Holla Forums claims to love western culture, but hates everything about it, say Enlightenment values, any art that isn't shitty landscapes etc etc.
what they love is a fantasy western culture they have in their minds, a fantastic past that never was
Ok seriously who the fuck is faith?
This mega skank
Any predictions when she's coming back?
Literally who and what happened?
I'd predict she's already planning it as we speak, but hasn't fully kicked into full gear with it. I'd give 1-2 months.
She's Evalion v2 basically. Read the story about Evalion on ED or google somewhere, and you basically have Rage covered.
Hope she's not coming back. Hope to meet her when I'll be in basel for the watch expo and dick in a tankie ML gf
Okay, but evalion was never pretty. I approve her breast implant though
I'd argue, but beauty is in eye of beholder I guess. What I can objectively say is that she had a really fucking cute voice, like really girly but not too child-like.
thats from ukdiapergirls you bunch of autists
A e-celeb named rageafterstorm fooled the skeptic community on youtube by pretending to be a anti-sjw centrist. She later revealed herself to be part of the aut right by focusing on race realism. Which prompted skeptic e-celebs calling her out, she instead cowered behind a small band of white knights. Afterwards she had some sort of meltdown because her 5 minutes of e-fame was gone. Hence why she made the linkin park tweet
Half the thread already said it's fake/not her dumbass, but thanks for the input
Is that really her, thought?
Projection every single time. Holla Forums complains about degene*acy so much because they themselves have a serious problem abstaining from all that degene*ate behavior they forbid to others. Words can't fucking describe how much I hate two-faced moral evangelists like this. Live and let fucking live. If you are not hurting others and your behavor does not result in decreased ability to get on with your day, I'd say do whatever makes you happy. Everyone in this world has a coping mechanism to deal with the imperfections in society or personal life, just because some people's coping mechanisms annoy you doesn't mean it's inherently immoral.
Good luck. You might spot her in public near the Rhine river since she lives close by there.
There are less gross fetishes, like uniforms, clothes, outdoors…
fukken saved
I doubt it. You're just going to make Holla Forums look retarded when this gets out. Kinda like the Zyclon Ben Spanktoon conspiracy kicked up.
You're posting in a dedicated thread about it
Maybe uniforms, but lol at "clothes" or "outside" being a real fetish
Every time
Pretty sure it isn't her.The picture resembles this diaper porn actress too strongly:
She ain't pretty. 5/10, would still fuck if find her in a pub while I'm drunk
Why the fuck is diaper fetish a thing?
Her Tumblr or just anybody's Tumblr? If it was originally found on that kink blog she and her alleged boyfriend run then that's enough incriminating evidence for me.
To the gulag with her!
Name one other time this happened.
Like the other user said, i like her cute voice and her large um… fucking knockers. But aside from that, she's kind of plain and really ugly on the inside fam.
Sometimes I think I'm the best man in the world to be the public face of something, because I'm vanilla as fuck.
Most of the thread agrees afaik. The issue is her (alleged) hypocrisy. The alt. right doesn't even end at describing certain sex acts as fun - they routinely use these things as general pejoratives and broad accusations against groups. When (and in this case, if) they themselves engage in such things, it exposes projection and hypocrisy.
Note the hole. That means Lauren Southern takes it in the pooper.
So basically Lauren Southern has been confirmed to be /our/girl deep down?
No. Hypocrites are nothing but /our/enemies.
Not any more than most other people who have stupidly strict codes about what is sexually acceptable. They frequently don't live up to it, and make up excuses for themselves. It doesn't mean they aren't right-wing fucktards, they're just hypocritical by their nature. Basking in projection and insecurity is kind of a feature when you have that many people who are that obsessed with what's sexually acceptable.
Now we watch all the SJWs who whine about slutshaming and kinkshaming descend on her and send that pic to everyone she ever emet.
i just wanted to tell you that i consider you the worst poster on this board. you make me ashamed of being a leftist. i hope you'll realize soon that inside you're a fascist and fuck off to Holla Forums for good.
Post proof faith goldy fucks shotas. I need to jerk off real quick
Don't be so racist.
Where's the argument?
It's in his diaper, you wanna fish for it?
can't wait for all the diaperposting this week
still better than here
Don't be ridiculous, it looks like a slower leftypol with reddiquette. It's automatically worse.
youre forgetting the better posts though
i like the braid comrade
big if true
also that would say more about how far this place has fell than say anything about any subreddit being good
then why are you still here? did your hotpocket factor shadowban you?
pleb tastes are nothing new but you should try to do better in the future
the american delusion
Fuck off
Nice try, but we actually know real communism here.
A quick browse and it seems like the majority of users when discussing this thread are caught up in tedious debates about morality, which nobody here cares about. Moralfags, please go and stay go.
People are tweeting this stuff at her, some people saying it's debunked, is this true? Or is it just folks trying to cover for her?
Literally autistic
Wait are those implants. I think it’s just the camera angle? She said that her breasts increased due to pregnancy.
You know, you might be onto something. The attention whoring right-wing barbies like Lauren Southern and RageAfterStorm get up to for a living's pretty characteristic of girls with bad relationships with their dads.
I heard she miscarried. F.
Lauren "White Countries, Brown Diapers" Southern
What I meant was right-wingers tend to engage in things they claim to hate.
Hopefully she keeps the tits.
I want archive link to tweet she made.
I see pics but no archive. I see people posting on thread. I check tumblr of person where pic is and it's just a collection of random folk in diapers.
Seems manufactured. Don't know if true. People might just want it to be true.
Yeah, I heard Hitler liked golden showers too. Degenerates.
Unless she breastfeeds within the first month of "delivery" she's outta milk till the next time she gets pregnant.
It seems like it's thoroughly been debunked. People found pictures of the same girl from different angles and it wasn't Lauren Southern.
Leaning strongly towards fake.
As far as I can tell, the evidence is the hair. I don't know if her tweet was before or after she was approached with this.
So can we expect an apology to be forthcoming from everybody in this thread?
Was the pregnancy even real in the first place? I saw few hours ago her miscarriage video, Looked pretty fake tbh. She's a strange girl
This is a worthwhile slapfight that isn't a total waste of time and energy
i haven't watched her videos but it seems obvious she's trolling
think pupinia, boxxy, bg kumbi, coppercab etc
Don't stop.
This is a tumblr post, not a better post. I wanted better posts.
Lol, alt-right btfo!!
OK seriously what the fuck
someone shops it into a nazbol fighting captain hamerica
Now we're talking.
the antifa boxing glove can be changed to anti-zionist
Jesus this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. The left just gets more and more desperate.
Do you need your diaper changed, little baby?
which layer of simulacrum is this
Dominating right wing girls and forcing them to shit themselves is my fetish.
Yes please, Mommy.
seems fake
I should have known she was a sub.
hot desu
It is fake. Imagine that. This is an absolute fabrication with no basis in truth, no archive of the supposed tweet, no real evidence showing her to be into this particular fetish.
She models for ukdiapergirls? Wow it's even worse than I thought.
nice, i really hope she posts more and more kinky stuff
saw this thread from the homepage and expected nudes, not this.
Milo is a jew though
What a terrible surprise
What are Holla Forums-approved fetishes?
inb4 fetishes are bourgeois
NTR (only for people that have read Kapital)
One way or another, e-celebs like her and Milo sinking are good.
Fetishes are a spook.
BBC cuckoldry
Gulgag BSDM
this tbh, only part of Lauren I think is cute
Let's assume that pic is real. Who cares?
She's got a good head of hair, tbh.
If I am being completely honest, she does has fair and delicate features, worth of some level of beauty. No fucking zest though, like the kind of girl you'd get bored with quick. No substance. She's a fucking rightist so that's given. Very vanilla and plain
Yep. She's like every american/canadian girl in my mind tbh. Average, bland. I take rage over her everyday
this tbh
She's definitely basic, not my type, and has no interesting features.
You know that picture supposedly disproving the whole thing? Well the one on the right is a different girl wearing different clothes and a different kind of diaper in the same room (probably Lauren's sick diaper fetish girlfriend and the person who took the first photo).
and how do you know its a different person
if only she was just in the chastity, that would have been super hot. And what is even the point of wearing a chastity belt over the diaper?
But seriously, she'd be better as a diaper porn model than a political commentator. The bitch is dumb as shit
She wants to make sure those brown babies don't make it into Europe.
So she can't take the diaper off
its not debunked see
its not debunked see
If I took that off would you die?
thanks user, I think that finally taught me not to browse leftypol when eating breakfast.
Got any more?
so often these rich white girls have miscarriages.
or maybe they just call them that to avoid having to admit to abortions
Hell yeah it does
I dunno why but I still have some conservative spooks I can get rid off, and I don't think it's worth the hassle. I'm just going to read theory, hang around and respect people if they so deserve. Some might call me a fash, but I don't consider myself one
that line of cake next to her ear
I've never seen such bad damage control! A real mess!
oh wow you totally rocked my unenlightened sheeple mind with your irreverant wit, please keep posting
that only works when the thread about it doesn't have several hundred replies
Allahu akbar
This is because female will follow whatever is told of her to do by beautiful man with large penis that makes her pussy tingles, just like they are politics. This is a critical flaw egalitarian marxism, they believe the female race is equivalent to humans.
Fetishes are bourgeoisie aberrations just like homosexuality though.
No, that is unsanitary and absolutely disgusting you filthy deviants.
Amateur porn.
Didn't she complain about getting pissed on at a protest? Shouldn't she have liked that?
Lauren Southern also fucks niggers, lol. Right wingers are the real cucks.
Nobody who cares about race thinks women should be public figures. The only people who make them into celebrities are r/the_donald types.
Heterosexual monogamy and even traditionalism do not preclude any weird fetishes. Nor does allegiance to capitalism.
Sexual fun has pretty limited political implications. Not everybody who wets their bed for fun is your comrade.
/r/the_donald types are as close to mainstream as you will ever get from your movement
user, just be a regular gay commie silly!
You know this isn't true, and it scares the shit out of you. Goyim are waking up all across the west at a record pace.
It's over. You lost.
How come anuddah shoah is occurring if the Goyim are waking up?
Yes, the world will tremble at the racial awakening of pasty incels.
Wow that bitch is going to burn down in flames, I remember the diaper Jihad that was wielded against Mister Metokur, when he did a video on diaper fags.
Also I'm going to utilize the opportunity, to out this Trotskyist that is sympathetic for the Confederacy, is highly racist and a Diaper pony fag.
You should not post photos of yourself on this board
take your meds
No she doesn't. She's borderline ancap. They dgaf about decency or morality.
oops wrong thread
I love this place. I wonder where is the feministfu who unironically was proud of bullying males in highschool. Even she bring more interesting points to the table than the edgy tankies from first world countries that have never deal with actual facism in their entire lives.
Do you have an idea of what are you even trying to say?
is there a good thread for that?
What did she say about Hegel?
Belly buttons seem different, but idk.
lol get fucked
interracial cuckold
pegging (it's her turn)
then there is good old "masturbating to your race being destroyed by jews"
Maybe she had an accident with her piercing. Those look like scars.
fat milfs and fart porn. And mom son incest
Yes I hate myself
It's like you get yourself a 3-course meal then you throw rat poison all over it.
Shouldn't it be "GULAGGED"?
how can you even prove its her
Diapers are hot and so is Southern. Would rub diapers with her for sure
Amatur public and Russian.
Rape (esp. casual)
Psychological torture
Entrapment (esp. over long periods)
itt there's a lot of strawmanning
conservatives and traditionalists can be into whatever the fuck they want, but unlike oyu fags, they ACTUALLY keep it in the bedroom or in their heads and don't try to poison the community water well.
by the way it's not lauren, fucking duh
lol nice strawman, nerd
Here we see the Holla Forumsyp in its natural environment, defending itself from aggression by reflecting the insult back without thinking. Curiously it's the same behaviour human children use.
Attack everything about your enemies, stupid.
ESPECIALLY when a surface gloss would make it appear that they ought to be opposed to the thing they've been caught doing.
Don't even care about the fetish, just who it is. If the general public care about the fetish, every pole is a lever…
Pedophobia is the civil rights issue of our generation.
this but unironically
Whatever happened to Barneyfag