Is sexual liberation related to socialism or does it exist outside politics? When society is permissive rather than authoritarian, does it necessarily produce an underclass of people no one wants to associate with? Is the loneliness the price of freedom for everyone else. Since in my case it's only the freedom to choose what porn I want to masturbate to.
Is sexual liberation related to socialism or does it exist outside politics...
No, sexuality and sexual relations are fully subsumed by the logic of capitalism. The rising number of sexless young men is a result of a combination of increasing alienation and a sexual infrastructure that requires you to correctly market yourself as and to particular niches. Obviously more attractive and sociable people are going to have more sex but now things are entirely skewed and it's not a coincidence. Look up what Angela Nagle has to say about it, she has interviews on Youtube
I already know about Angela. It's nice to see someone acknowledge the issue but what pisses me off is that she never offers a clear solution. It's almost like even she can't imagine any other social reality
Sexual liberation movement is the ultimate proof that there is no leftism without abolishing capitalism, as long as we do stuff like this we are only cutting hydra heads, faking one problem is solved while you create two. This I have observed as an incel who is not afraid to communicate to women: women are taking the toll of alienation too. I lost count of the women I knew who in their boyfriends tried to find something to escape from themselves, exactly as incels do, ironically; or how many women were deluded by the myth of liberation through love and relationships that got caught in web of abuse and self hate. It makes me go insane how we are all so similar, so lonely and yet so distant from each other. It's like we don't know what to do with ourselves anymore. Man that are so hurt they don't want to relate anymore and women abandoned to the 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧choices🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 of capitalism
There will always be such people, difference being that people might be forced to associate with them through stuff like arranged marriages in authoritarian societies.
And you people call Holla Forums pathological…
user, you make this thread everyday. I know it's you. You could spend all this time here arguing on improving yourself.
I hate the meme that pol is r9k, no, pol is normalfag, pol is facebook, pol is the 14 years old with a fat girlfriend that thinks nazis were cool. There is literally nothing "pathological" about pol they are literally your next door reactionary guy. It's cool to frame oneself as the copl one vs the loser but it is entirely untrue.
Branding reactionary thought as mental illness is delusional. Keep believing what you want but as long as you think like this you will always find yourself thinking "god, why aren't these people convinced by my ebin arguments? They MUST be mentally ill!" And so your life will be full of strangely mentally ill people, that came out of nowhere and there is no reason for this, but don't worry ideology will cover it up all for you fam
It's not the reactionary though in itself, I've spoken to many guys from Holla Forums and found there's a clear pathological pattern (which I also found in /leftpol/ users).
Not at all what I'm saying, as Holla Forums doesn't represent all reactionaries. It represents a lot of sexually repressed chuds who have gone so far deep down the rabbit hole of isolation that they're paranoid and paraphilic.
It's funny tbh. Reactionaries (not OP) will scream about survival of the fittest all day but as soon as they realize they haven't been selected for mating purposes they will go full sexual egalitarianism so everyone can get some action.
Fucking pathetic.
Isolation induced paraphilia is a hell of a drug.
This because we are on imageboards, pol is still the most normalfag type of imageboard dweller (and the most abundant), of course the coolest chad reactionaries don't spend time here but on facebook
The personal is political.
You know what's the funniest part of sexual paraphilia, typically observed in isolated men, the type who go on Holla Forums and /r9k/ etc. Despite what this user is saying, both these boards have rampant problems with paraphilia.
But it's most often observed in men, isolation and depression only make this matter worse, to the point where sexuality becomes violent, political. Kinks become just as entrapped in race relation.
But the funniest part is that in the severe cases, as /r9k/ can be observed? You know what's prescribed? You know what's the medical solution?
The same people who bitch all day about traps can only be helped sexually by taking the same medication as traps.
Doesn't that show it's a topic that has relevance to a lot of people? Why suppress that?
It's mostly people calling you a weirdo.
How has no one posted this yet? Explains simply and plainly how capitalism makes you lonely.
In summary, if we were to prescribe everyone on /r9k/ or Holla Forums things that inhibit their masculinity, perhaps even estrogen; many of their personal and psychosexual problems with women would be solved in the span of a year and a half.
How does that work?
Sexual liberation is pathological. Hierarchy is natural. Nobody actually wants equality at the end of the day. That is why all these leftist are making fun of us for being incels, decrying us as being mentally damaged despite them being the ones making endless excuses for niggers, terrorists and being lazy pieces of shit who don't want to work.
Loneliness is the price of leftism since leftism needs an acceptable target to shit on. Simple human behavior that is universally observed (this is called HUMAN NATURE to all you psueds in this thread). Naturally, you should never accept this kind of deal. If you voluntarily choose to debase yourself just so a bunch of roasties, hamplanets, betabois and other assorted miscreants can have free shit, then you should seriously kill yourself. But you will not because you are smarter than that.
The truth is getting more and more apparent each passing day on this board. The majority of leftists are cucked by feminism, so they can never emphasize with us males. With bitter but necessary struggle, we might reclaim this board and drive out the femoids and their pathetic malesluts. We might make Holla Forums masculine again, and create a socialist society for MEN. Ingroup equality is absolutely possible, but it must be countered by absolute antipathy towards the outgroup. Nothing written on this board can reasonably convince anyone otherwise.
Women's liberation is male enslavement.
Cast off your chains you beta numales, you have nothing to lose but the frumpy roasties that wish to police your thoughts!
Shut the fuck up you disgusting psychopath. Who the fuck gave you the right to proscribe morality like this? Nobody.
Leftists like you are not very good at keeping your true intentions hidden. We incels start questioning the vaginal jew for just a moment and you already want to go 1984 on us.
What ever happened to abolishing SYSTEMS of power that generate oppression, user? Did you ever believe any of that, or was that just bullshit conjured up to defend niggers and muzzies?
Now this psychopath demands that we change ourselves to mold the system instead of the other way around. Perhaps he should get a job and actually EARN money instead of demanding free shit from the productive people of society for a change. But he is a leftist psychopath, utterly assmad that he is not running the show and psychologically impotent all the same, so we can expect nothing from him.You will never take my money to distribute it to the NIGGERS user. Not in one million years will you ever succeed without addressing the Femoid Question.
It lowers libido. People typically angry at women for denying them sex have hyperactive sex drives. Alienation plays a part, and so does isolation, but that doesn't make the development of paraphilia any less relevant. People become afraid of talking to women because they've become so sexually pent up that it is impossible for them to talk to women without thinking about fucking or being in a relationship in one way or another.
Eventually this anger results in paraphilia. And you see this on Holla Forums. Rape fantasies, talking about putting women in impregnation camps for Western men. You get the picture.
See >>2098671
as a good example of what I'm talking about.
By taking Antiandrogens, sexual libido is reduced, and the problem with talking to women is solved, and the pain involved relieved.
It's just hilarious the very people who talk about "Betas" are in need of themselves becoming less clinging to their own sex to have a functional sexual life. It's medically effective for these people to be let's say, put down a peg, for them to have a functional sexual life.
Assumpção AA, Garcia FD, Garcia HD, Bradford JM, Thibaut F (2014). "Pharmacologic treatment of paraphilias". Psychiatric Clinics of North America. 37 (2): 173–181. PMID 24877704. doi:10.1016/j.psc.2014.03.002.
"The antiandrogen cyproterone acetate has been shown to substantially reduce sexual fantasies and offending behaviors.[51] Medroxyprogesterone acetate and gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (such as leuprolide acetate) have also been used to lower sex drive"
I'm sure you can write better smut.
Paraphilia is paraphilia user, I'm sorry.
I doubt that your views are that popular, otherwise they would be policy already.
There's no need.
The treatment of paraphilias remains a challenge in the mental health field. Combined pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic treatment is associated with better efficacy. The gold standard treatment of severe paraphilias in adult males is antiandrogen treatment with cognitive behavioral therapy. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been used in mild types of paraphilia and in cases of sexual compulsions and juvenile paraphilias. Antiandrogen treatments seem to be effective in severe paraphilic subjects committing sexual offenses. In particular, gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogs have shown high efficacy working in a similar way to physical castration but being reversible at any time. Treatment recommendations, side effects, and contraindications are discussed.
Paraphilia has been studied and documented for over a century.
This is literally the kind of rhetoric that porkies have used from day1. Way to prove notsocialism reactionary once and for all, you can leave now BYE BYE!
Actually, since I still have a shred of sympathy for this place, I am starting to suspect that the psychopath arguing for universal chemical castration is in fact a Holla Forums false flag. After all, who actually goes around arguing that Brave New World is a good thing?
Hi Holla Forums, triggered much?
So is psychopathy, negroid aggression and leftist indolence. Since niggers are much more violent than the other races, are you going to ask for chemical enslavement of them as well? Come on Mr Science man, show us you are consistent and not a fucking pseud.
It's a literal medical prescription. And it isn't chemical castration, it's reducing your libido so you can actually talk to a woman without mumbling and your heart beating in your chest at a million miles per hour.
Probably, since bullet to the head would be cheaper than chemical castration.
It doesn't seem to cure those with a feminization paraphilia.
I like how the point is completely going over your head that taking light antiandrogens doesn't make you a trap and it's medical consensus this is an effective method to reduce paraphilia latent in isolated men.
Report submitted!
Does your political views have anything else expect identity politics in them?
Paraphilia and gender dysphoria are actually considered separate. You see, it becomes paraphilia when force upon others is required. We need not talk about how often /r9k/ engages in this.
I'm sorry user, maybe you just need something to kick you down a notch.
Wait till you see his memes. They are good memes.
user, there's nothing wrong with needing a little selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
I think we already found out why OP is going to die alone, can we just end this Holla Forumsthread here?
Fuck, you need some of that shit you keep pushing on me, since people disagreeing with you apparently causes you so much pain. Also, you never answered my question, faggot.
Actually, leftists such as the Controller wannabe here are engagin in idpol, since their identity is built around having earned their sexual muh privilege 100%. They use structuralist philosophy to justify negroid savagry, yet blame the individual when it comes to incels.
It is absolutely hypocritical. If you seriously suggested that all niggers ought to be chemically inhibited, you would be called
but apparently doing that to incels is 100% ok. Sexual identity politics was started by the other side.
Right, so your ideology is based around your virginity. Nice.
Appeal to moralism, not an intrinsic difference in pathological pattern.
Your ideology is based around oppressing mine, so you are equally guilty. Your ideology also involves taking money from hard working people and giving it to niggers, so I wouldn't play that card if I were you.
Take the drugs, fam, you very obviously require them to function.
Fuck off, chemicals in the brain are chemicals in the brain, whether you put them there with a needle or a woman makes no difference.
No, this is literally a fucking medical diagnosis that fits the bill of Holla Forums and /r9k/ to a T.
Here, you can even skin the wikipedia article! Since you're so fucking lazy!
Blacks and paraphilia are not synonyms.
No we're saying that lonely men typically have problems related to anti social behavior and when it comes to women, paraphilia.
It's not your fault. And there's a way to recover. Talk to your psychiatrist, seriously. Maybe you're too hopped up on your own hormones to see straight, you're not alone in this. Plenty of people like you have been treated and live perfectly normal lives now.,
Its not equal since your ideology is born out of the fact that you`re an evolutionary failure unable to reproduce. You should not blame the society for the fact that your genes are shit.
I will be laughing when the gov decides that leftism is a mental illness and starts forcing you to take meds whenever you contemplate striking. You are 100% a pol shill who cannot conceive of your own ideas being used against you. Structuralism stops where your cock begins, you fucking Sex Controller. When the revolution comes, we mentally maladjusted who disgust you so greatly will perform revolutionary castration on you as punishment for being an insufferable faggot. Die in a fire. Amen.
I reported you because you are chimping out and just spouting the typical strawmen one would expect from Holla Forumsyp. If you want to see what triggered looks like, look into the mirror. It's impossible to discuss rationally with you, that one dude tried and now you are imagining he is some leftist version of mengele hahaha
The history of Paraphilia remains controversial but at its height, it's the psychological need to control the other sex, and the logic justifies itself from isolation etc. The most extreme cases of paraphilia come in the form of serial rape or exhibitionism.
It's entirely unrelated to gender dysphoria because the symptoms of gender dysphoria aren't inherently violent. I can't say they can't be comorbid, but by itself paraphilia can be caused by what /r9k/ is. Built up sexual frusteration turned pathological.
Yet niggers have unquestionably bad genes, yet you expect me to give money to them to survive. Your ideology is shit and filled with innumerable holes. Anyone with a brain can see that it is a patchwork designed to protect your sexual muh privilege and doesn't come from any genuine feeling or theory. Get raped by the inferior gene'd niggers you love so much.
Also applies to people of the same race; after all success is determined entirely by genes according to you, yet you still want to spend money uplifting them! Obvious scam from day 1.
The government doesn't decide what is or is not mentally ill. That's the medical community.
Niggers have better genes than you, since they do not fail to do the basic evolutionary function that almost every single of your ancestors and organism on this planet has managed to do.
Genetics doesn't have much of an impact on intelligence, it's a shadow in the face of the enormous health hazards inherent in the human genome for a number of historical reasons. Different regions are susceptible to different cancers.
For someone claiming to be free from all hystrionics, you are being very hystrionic.
That doesn't awnser my why, I didn't mention homosexuality in the first place.
Not at all, you're straight up making shit up here.
They're all sexual submissives though.
Oh so now you are not even trying to pretend being one of us. Are you literally shaking? Lmao at Holla Forumsthreads ending always in complete meltdown like this. Its not even 10 minutes ago you said Holla Forums is the most normie board, now you are in a middle of a psychosis because someone mentioned psychiatric medicine. Never change Holla Forums, never change.
"Just accept the chemical mind control"
Can you give coherent reason not to if both ways lead to the same end and one is much easier?
Paraphilia manages to make itself manifest in a variety of ways but the end result is the need to control the opposite sex. This can be logically justified in any matter of ways.
And I desribed why gender dysphoria and paraphilia to be seperate, but even if they weren't, what point does that make in my overall analysis people on /r9k/ and Holla Forums are isolated to the point paraphilia is starting to manifest in itself, and the community does nothing to stop it.
Not particularly. I disagree with this. It's coming to the point where they're more likely to feign complete ambivalence to their problems to rely on manipulation.
I mean if we're going to argue whether or not Holla Forums or /r9k/ are filled with people with sexual paraphilia, I would say it doesn't even need to be an argument. It's there for all eyes to see.
You have been exposed, and have broke down. No wonder you put out such insipid shit.
HAH, so you do love niggers. What a fucking surprise. Even though niggers turn every civilization they touch to shit, you still love them. They have never produced anything of value because of their genetics, yet you still bend over backwards to defend them. Wake up to the reality sweetie, otherwise you and whatever roastie slag you are betabucking for will end up on a stake.
You people are so dedicated towards defending your sexual muh privilege that you would actually say nonsense like this. Unbelievable. Don't tell me that if you had to choose whether a Jew is smarter than a nigger you would choose the nigger. Fucking hell, you are ridiculous.
I am actually not the other guy kid. And the only one who is melting down in this thread is you, since all you are capable of is deflecting, dodging and strawmanning. You leftists have no arguments, but that is to be expected of an ideology of failure.
But it is chemical mind control you kike. If I gave you meds that made 12 hour days shoveling shit for 1.50 an hour the greatest thing in the world, then I would be mind controlling you because I distracted you from the exploitation being forced on you. Same applies to the sexual free market and your mind control serum.
Reducing your sex drive in order to help you function when communicating with the opposite sex isn't actually putting a fucking probe in your brain Invaders from Mars style.
You're just proving the point your isolation is doing more psychological harm then good.
What have you produced since your genetics are unable to continue your glorious bloodline?
Funded by the government does not equate influence on findings. In fact the government often rejects the findings, especially in cases that involve sexuality.
Nobody is saying this. At all. This is about isolation and paraphilia.
You're doing a great job at proving my point though.
Hey I'm the user who said pol is normie and I'm not that sperg. I can totally be wrong about my theories on pol and normialdom but I'm not the faggot who disrupt the thread
If that isn't mind control, then so is giving niggers sedatives to help them be civilized.
But since that is
you have never addressed the fact that that is where your idea leads. Not once. Why should we give billions to niggers in food stamps yet require that incels take mind control serum to live? There is no explanation for this contradiction other than an irrational psychopathic hatred of the sexually underprivileged. Eat shit and die.
Argument: Isolation and Alienation in capitalism makes frustration with the opposite sex, not just other human beings grow over years to the point of depression which devolves into paraphilia by nature of the problem. This is a medical diagnosis with a prescription that lowers your libido so you aren't as nervous talking around women, instead of being furious at them and wanting to control them.
Women aren't scared of you, you're not scared of them, you hold a conversation, and you live a happier life then claiming everyone is trying to control your mind.
Stop shouting about the racism you damn social justice warrior.
Now you're doing it again.
Because by doing so you are stating that Holla Forums and /r9k/ have paraphilias about controlling the other sex (which isn't even paraphilia), I really doubt that, more like the opposite.
They constantly whine about how sad and depressed they are, I suspect many of them want to be girls because a sad boy is just sad while a sad girl is cute.
Okay, my bad. This fucking guy though lmao
It literally isn't.
Assuming the FBI data is correct, which I have severe doubts, different medications for different problems.
We're talking about paraphilia. Isolation induced paraphilia.
Taking something to relax your libido is in fact, not making you a robot.
Your brain is literally chemical mind control 24/7 anyway, it's the same chemicals both ways, literally what's the difference?
Whoa there buddy, literally no one was talking about making the use of psychoactive drugs compulsory until you jumped in and flashed your insecurities to the world.
Well he's a pol faggot that believes everything he reads and has 0 self awareness, nothing new here, hope he goes away tbh
Diagnosis is easiest when its obvious, but can be diagnosed when the patient speaks in earnest about violent fantasies, submissive fantasies, wanting to be hurt, or wanting to hurt others. And I've said isolation can manifest this in people. Holla Forums and /r9k/ are basic run of the mill paraphiliac communities in one way or another. It can go from controlling the other sex to the other sex controlling them, but they get emotion and arousal from it.
If you can't see this in Holla Forums and /r9/ I don't know what to tell you fam. I theorize that sexual relations in capitalism accelerates these men and women who suffer from paraphilia in one degree or another.
Not really the same, but antiandrogens nonetheless. Just really not as potent.
LMFAO, you literally quoted him saying we should prescribe everyone these drugs. Fucking anarkiddies.
Meds won't change the fact that women are sluts by nature or the fact that they are sexually muh privileged. Keep your shit out of my mind until you bring female sexual muh privilege to our level, then we can talk.
The medication isn't meant for other people. It's meant for you.
Besides which, oddly enough. Research has shown that paraphilias are rarely observed in women
"Prescribe" and "force everyone to take at gunpoint" don't mean the same thing.
Dude you are so oblivious to reality, you should be in straightjacket already.
Here is alternative thesis for you dumb commie cucks in this thread. If your job is so shit that you want to kill hardworking people who earn more then you, why not just take meds to make wage slavery easier for you? What gives you the right to steal other peoples property because reality makes you feel inadequate and exploited?
Worker agitation is a mental illness citizen. Take your meds and never question the system.
Leftypol will literally defend any government institution so long as it upholds women and their sexual muh privilege, no matter how dystopian shit gets.
Actually, since these people are the voice of the establishment against popular revolt, their prescriptions will become culturally normalized, which is effectively the same thing as wage slavery being commonly accepted.
Dude is Dennis Hopper from Blue Velvet
Remember when you had a sore throat that one time, received a prescription for antibiotics from your doctor, and the police stopped by your home armed to the teeth every day to watch you take the medication? No? Weird, that's how prescriptions work in most countries.
Dude you are so oblivious to reality, you should get a job already.
First, it was about controlling the other sex, now it also about being controlled by the other sex. You are just rambling on here, grasping at straws to justify your labeling of Holla Forums and /r9k/ as paraphiliac. To say that this is caused by isolation, doesn't get to the core of the desire of which the paraphilia is a fantasy.
I change my mind. You don't have paraphilia exactly, it seems more like sexual sadism disorder.
You probably don't understand wage labor. Wage labor is not carried out because it is considered cultural acceptable, but because it's the only alternative to starvation for many people. Self employed individuals don't face some sort of crippling social stigma that drives them back to wage labor. If you mean that taking some sort of psychoactive medication could be made compulsory as a condition of employment, I would of course oppose that but I don't see anything at all wrong with someone giving you the option to take a medication which you currently lack access to and which could improve your life somewhat by helping to resolve a mental disorder.
Please stop posting, its just too sad to watch. Stop breathing as well, your existence is bringing us all down.
It still is. Paraphilia is rather broad, but still consistent.
There actually isn't a contradiction here, self harm and imposed harm sexually are what make paraphilia, paraphilia. It starts to become a problem when one begs for, or demands abuse.
I'm saying there's a large chunk of the user base which has some form, lighter perhaps, stronger in others, with paraphilia. Mainly isolation induced, with no control over their own.
Psychosexual problems are murky, I agree. However there is a line in paraphilia that involves harm on the self or harm on the other for gratification I've seen on these boards for years.
No wonder the right wing is the new counter culture; you people actually allow trust the government to label who is mentally defective and who isn't.
Actually, abolishing feminism and restoring the natural patriarchal order is not authoritarian in the least. And the only reason you want communism is because you are jealous of people who work harder and have better stuff than you. Don't be such a petty prick.
I actually have a huge problem with capitalism. You clearly are all out of arguments, so go cry to your pillow and come back to redpill us when you are done shaking. Masturbate to anime or something, what ever calms you down.
This is more you then anyone else in this thread. People here are trying to be reasonable with you.
No, capitalism is very authoritarian and yet we're seeing that underclass. If you want to get laid get a tinder and go for black girls.
Dude, I think you are behind the thread a bit. OP will not rest before women are put back into kitchen and communist cucks are imprisoned, because we want to chemically enslave all the rightwing people which OP represents. Yeah, one of THOSE threads..
Do you not trust your doctor to provide you with any medicine at all? There is definitely quite a bit of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, but that doesn't mean that all medicine is worthless, the same way that psychology and psychiatry being co-opted as means of state control doesn't mean that all therapy or treatment you could possibly receive is just a sinister ploy to control you.
Not an argument betaboi. Keep on misdirecting and gaslighting, you may not actually ever win power, but at least you will be lord of your little petty echo chambers. No wonder that all of the leftist internet follows the same pattern with people like you in the movement.
Wrong. People are trying to slip in fascist mind control into society and everyone is ok with it because the government and feminism approve of it.
Well if he is that much of a faggot than I would support chemically enslaving him and the rest of the stormbetas.
Also love how the mods turn on flood control because of ONE person.
If that is not fragility and a pathological fear of disagreement, I do not know what is.
There is, because you just stated something else entirely.
I think this goes back a lot further than their years of isolation. True paraphilia that is.
I've found that both are rooted in self-hatred, and that many people who call themselves dominant are really submissives that can't stand it.
Again, wrong. The government and the medical community are frequently at odds.
Flood detection has been broken across this entire site for months, stop being so paranoid.
I dont think you have right to call anyone beta after you admit that your sexual life is comprised of choosing what porn you masturbate to today. Thanks for the laughs though, you are fascinating like some kind of ugly deep sea creature.
Just a coincidence that it started acting up when I started dropping BLACKPILLS, amirite?
If you make it acceptable to mind control people with pills, then they will rapidly come to agreement because of mutual interests. You have absolutely no understanding of these things you brainlet, which is why you are such a useful tool of the powers that be.
It's the diagnosis that ranges in physical assault to sexual self harm. I don't know what else to tell you.
I disagree. Leave a man in solitary enough, he won't come out the same. Human contact is integral to psychological well being.
It isn't that simple. This actually used to be the diagnosis of paraphilia. But it's far different. The cruel truth is, some people just want to hurt others sexually, or get hurt sexually. And it all involves a hyperactive sex drive that can be created from long term isolation.
I agree that there is a, shall we say, "pure" form of paraphilia, and that manifests in serial rape. It's a bit of 31 flavors kind of deal.
Various societies throughout history had systems under which there was a surplus of women with relatively few available males. Scattered agrarian patriarchal (sorry if this word triggered you) societies where families would want to foist their daughters onto young men so they didn't have to keep caring for them are one example. Pretty much any society with high amounts of polygamy had the same deal, having a surplus of available women and a lack of men due to being warlike or other factors. Even today there are single women who are alienated and don't engage in relationships, but because your brain has been rotted by memes and /r9k/ strawmen you reduce women collectively to some oppressive boogeyman that denies you sex while being boned by chad. You're on many layers of irony when you refer to women as muh privileged when your mindset is basically the same as SJWs on men.
Fuck off beta, this is a chad board.
Again, nobody is mind controlling you by lowering your libido.
Top tier female arguments here. No wonder you destroy every civilization you touch; you are literally incapable of rational thought and disagreement. And I am NOT the OP, I am someone much more rational and unwilling to suffer leftist doublethink.
Have you had your state mandated aspirin yet today, user? Headaches might make you irritable, which could gradually push you towards rebellion.
We destroy every civilization you touch by suggesting you see a psychiatrist about your sexual issues.
This makes perfect sense. You are perfectly sane.
I think you do, since you've been telling me something different in every post you made.
All the evidence points to paraphilia developing in early childhood, not through isolation.
It doesn't involve a hyperactive sex drive at all, paraphilia is unrelated to libido, and libido isn't made hyperactive through isolation.
Commie logic is always SJWish. You just replace white people with rich people. Since your entire ideology is built around reducing rich muh privilege, the same should be applied to the sexually muh privilege. Otherwise you are simply inconsistent and are merely spouting off words to manipulate people into advancing your agenda.
And the track record of matriarchal societies is pathetic compared to patriarchal societies, like socialist societies compared to capitalists. Patriarchy is necessary for real civilization, so surely you commies who want to build a new society should pay attention.
Yes, and I just did.
Are you telling me isolation and early childhood aren't linked at the hip?
I disagree. In order for paraphilia to exist, sex drives need to be hyperactive to some extent. As I've repeated, it's such a broad diagnosis that multiple ways to get there are plausible.
How does it feel to be a brainlet?
Most psychologists believe that paraphilic sexual interests cannot be altered. Instead, the goal of therapy is normally to reduce the person's discomfort with their paraphilia and limit any criminal behavior. Both psychotherapeutic and pharmacological methods are available to these ends.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, at times, can help people with paraphilias develop strategies to avoid acting on their interests. Patients are taught to identify and cope with factors that make acting on their interests more likely, such as stress. It is currently the only form of psychotherapy for paraphilias supported by evidence.
What you should really be worried about is the development of cybernetic implants. I highly doubt that market mechanisms could ever make taking anti-androgens necessary for employment, but employees with brain chips or bionic eyes would probably be more productive than their unaltered peers, making investing in dangerous technologies that would come much closer to mind control than slighting reducing the patient's libido with his consent ever could the price of participating in society. Nootropic drugs like modafinil or piracetam may play the same role, although the possibilities for manipulation of people through them are much more mild (you can't remotely subject a part of someone else's body to your will when they take a strong wakefulness drug).
You are virgin because you are an insufferable asshole, so you deserve being made fun of. You are not being exploited by women or guys who know how normal social interactions with women work, you are not entitled to have sex from anyone, you are not entitled for even one friend. In fact you don't deserve to have sex because you are such a shitty human being that no one wants to hang out with you, even online all you get is shitstorm. You are such a lost cause with your fucked up antisocial ideologies that I don't think you could get your shit together in any kind of system. Your life is just artificial respiration, and I think it's time for you to pull the plug.
Black Pidgeon Speaks pls go and stay go
Actually, society has made me this way due to material conditions. Since niggers blame everything on YT and get free shit, I should get the same. By your logic, we should sterilize all niggers since they are not only useless but destroy shit on a regular basis. But since they are essentially your pets, we can't do that now, can we? Get off your high horse and realize that you will never save anyone. You use the suffering of others to advance your own personal agenda, your own insatiable ego. You actually have not a shred of empathy in your entire corrupted mind, but are simply narcissism writ large. Society sees you for what you are, an insufferable, abomimable emotional parasite and will always put you in the earth where you belong.
What the fuck. I'm op, I'm not that guy. Why would you assume I'm that psychopath. All a wanted was a nice thread where we discuss this stuff and I got a shitflinging contest
Pretty good post fam
Well there's your problem.
Holla Forums despises the incel question because it proves that unconditional egalitarianism is a fucking joke, but the only way to defend niggers is through unconditional egalitarianism. I will give $1000 to whatever whore you are betabucking now (no use going through you) if you can solve this intractable problem. Protip, you cant.
thanks, appreciated
Forcing women to have sex with you isn't exactly egalitarian.
Which is why egalitarianism is a farce. The only way to overcome genetic reality is through force, but doing so violates the presuppositions of egalitarianism, so you are left a confused mess.
egalitarianism means equality, not liberty.
The left combines both, as in we should all be equal in our liberty to fuck. Makes even less sense now..
Affording liberties to one group but not another is also in-egalitarian.
Equality in the process of production and the abolition of sexism and racism through the overthrow of capitalism doesn't mean that everyone has to dress the same, be the same height, and the same weight.
Equality in name without equality in outcome is a farce. It is in fact essentially equivalent to liberty. Since incels are by and large hideous due to genetic factors, and since female hypergamy leads directly towards the creation of incels, the only way to equalize this situation is through force.
The so called abolition of sexism merely leads to sexism against men. Men are placed in a disadvantaged position and have no way of mitigating genetic reality with the advent of feminism.
To clarify, the left takes the natural order in all its forms (race, sex, politics, economic) as an abomination and caused by structural wrong think. Naturally, it tries to abolish it by replacing one system of thought with another. Private ownership replaced with communal, wage labor with whatever, patriarchal love with free love. But since reality is in no way, shape or form egalitarian, egalitarianism must by necessity require the imposition of another set of ideas on reality.If things are left to themselves, the natural order will reassert itself.
No, women don't want to fuck incels because they're shitty human beings, not because they're ugly.
If you're a horrible person and people don't want to sleep with you because of that, it's not the job of me, the State or anyone but yourself to deal with that.
Either get a better personality that actually attracts people to you or stay a virgin.
Refuted by reality. Stop being delusional.
Communism is not some fantastic state of affairs where no problems exist. Most people will be able to get better healthcare, but there will still be death. Personal wealth will no longer be a consideration in dating and marriage, sexual appetites won't be warped through advertising, and I think that community groups like those that used to exist in the US before globalization brought an end to post-war prosperity will make a comeback, but there will still be loneliness. Just because every single problem isn't fixable doesn't mean that those that can be addressed shouldn't be. If someone were dying of cancer, should they deny a bandage to a child who hurt themself playing?
Communism is about giving people the value they create rather than having most of it end up in the hands of the Bourgeoise. Communism is not about getting autists layed.
solutions as ranked by leftypol in a previous thread
Stop responding to the crazy motherfucker. People like me have legit concerns and we're being generalized because this guy is retarded
Strawman. Fixing genetic reality still requires force. Since this requires force, it is obviously opposed to your conception of equality as merely equality of freedom. If it were just equality in name, then the natural order will come rushing back, undoing all your work. You did not address this at all in your post.
Consider submitting to nature (which for you really seems to mean "God") by moving into a tree and starving to death.
Any new social system requires force to implement, you foolish pacifist. If the status quo is violent, then you must be as well. The best you can hope for otherwise are a few concessions that preserve the existing class system and will be lost as soon as people look the other way [see: the voting rights act].
What an odd way to spell "agglomeration of historical accidents and thousands of years of societal development."
No we want to eliminate the concept of material wealth being accumulated individually entirely.
Funnily enough, Sparta, which can be considered the most "macho" civilization in history was practically matriarchal. They had a system of inheritance in which a man who died passed all of their wealth and land to their wife, and from there to their children, and as the entire male population was their military they had a high attrition rate, resulting in the vast majority of land and wealth being under the control of rich heiresses who could easily exert control over the political system.
what did he mean by this
Not an argument bud. You don't have to like the natural order or think that it is good in order to acknowledge it exists. If I put a 120 Autism Level person and an 80 Autism Level person in a room and ask them to produce answers to a set of math questions, the natural order clearly involves the 120 Autism Level person towering above the 80 Autism Level person. It is simple, logical reality, and no amount of whining will change it.
Likewise, if I put someone with a recessed chin and Chad together with a Stacy, the Stacy will always choose the Chad because the sexual hierarchy is looks first, money second, personality last. Simple, irrefutable, biological reality. Don't lose your shit over it son.
I think it depends on the woman.
The fuck?
This is genetic reality. No way to blame history on that, unless you include evolutionary history.
It exists outside politics in the sense that no ideology in history features it as a part of its theory. It's not bound to any political leaning and you could theoretically have, for example, a neo-feudalist who encourages free love as part of their ideal society.
You haven't explained what you mean by natural order. If you mean a capitalist state where you have a harem, I think I have raised plenty of objections that you need to address, or by "natural order" you really just mean "the arbitrary will of this god I made up."
Natural order in which some categories dominate and enforce their will on the lower categories. This is pretty elementary.
*without conscious intervention
I don't think this is free love persay. Isn't one of the tenants of "free love" that lovemaking really is for everyone? Including uggos and old people and everyone else who is normally undesirable
You're saying that you will never be able to have your harem. So why oppose social reforms, if they won't change this fact?
There is no conscious intervention when a white man puts shackles on a black man, but there is when the black man breaks his shackles? Please, take your religion and leave.
Because so called social reforms further worsen my situation you brainlet.
Women are unconsciously attracted to Chad, not to the Jew I posted. To intervene and say that you should prefer the Jew is against the natural order.
ugh here comes an anarchist saying all the dumb social reactionary, libertarian talking points
We don't have free will, although previous evolution has a lot of say in how we mate, how we are programmed by societal contracts and the media programs us more. Take control of the media and societal contracts from those currently operating it and you reprogram how people mate among other things.
Why don't you recognize that for every shitty woman there is a shitty man? Given there's more women then men in the US, there's actually MORE shitty women then men just as a point of logic. These people should can do just fine together. I see shitty people hook up all the time.
But more to the point, given, anecdotally most foreveralones I know AREN'T the bullies you knew in high school and are usually just shy or disabled people. So the same goes for socially anxious or otherwise disabled men and women. There's plenty of people to go around and you go through solutions, only 1 or 2 of which require actively stripping a sense of agency from the genders
Would you like to live in a society where gay men are allowed to buttrape you if they are strong enough to hold you down?
He's going to deny that but 100% he actually wants that right the fuck now.
1) Beauty standards are not the same across all time and space, for either men or women. In 17th century Europe, the calves of men's legs were considered a very erotic body part by much of the upper class.
2) You just defined the natural order as whatever you think is best. When you substitute "my personal beliefs say" for every time you mention the "natural order," you sound a lot less bright.
You won't believe it because you're some pessimistic realist faggot, but women are more forgiving in 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧real🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 life than on dates where the only goal is to find the most physically attractive person possible and fuck them.
The black pill is a security blanket for manchildren who were dumb enough to at some point believe the world is or should be """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""fair""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Obsessing over okcupid data, crying into All Gall is Divided and self-inserting into Whatever are easy things to do. You give up your agency. You never have to see yourself fail because you never have to try. Trying is useless after all. Being blackpilled is easier than being a normalfag, and it makes you just as delusional.
omniae feminae est divisa in partes tres…
I don't think some people understand what leftism means. Leftism doesn't mean identifying with anyone or any movement that has to do with increasing your own flavor of meritocracy through socialism and replacing capitalism's arbitrary reward system.
Leftist is just about toppling hierarchy, and promoting equality full stop. Same with sexual hierarchies, and equality of sexual experience.
Not that retard but i've tried for years. I tried self improvement of all kinds, and I asked women out but they refused. I did get a couple never a relationship. Do I just deserve this loneliness? That what you're saying?
Anything that isn't economics is not leftism
You idiots keep refuting yourself at every turn. Why do you people deserve my money for keeping your pet niggers if the world isn't fair? You dodge this question at every turn because you know you are being a hypocrite. You are exposed and there is no way out for you.
So do racial hierarchies. There is no teleology in Darwinism, but that does not mean that some species are objectively better able to dominate other species. In an ecosystem, the natural order can change if a freak accident wipes out the apex predator for example. You have merely conceded that hierarchy is the historic constant of the human species. You refuted yourself, congrats.
seriously stop posting. You aren't helping our case at all.
How is there any hierarchy here? If someone has more sex than you, can they order you about? Can they deprive you of the essentials of life? Are they taking advantage of you in any way? You've gotten your view of liberatory politics from propagandists (British papers ran stories in 1919 about the "communization of soviet women") and hamfisted dystopian films. Amputating tall people below the knee, forcing the thin to eat more, and forming lines on the faces of the young with acid are not in any way conducive to human freedom from hierarchy.
Even if economics theoretically lifts all boats, and I tend to be class reductionist too.
Asserting that talking about toppling hierarchies and promoting equality isn't leftism because it doesn't explicitly address economics (and how many leftypol threads do, like 5%?) is retarded.
Something being a historic condition does not mean that something is natural. Especially when there have been many other historic conditions competing for the label of natural.
That is not what hierarchy means you dimwit. Hierarchy does not require force to sustain, it is simply a list of who is on top and who is on bottom based on some characteristic.
Wrong. Everything is a historic condition since everything is subject to time. If we accept your definition, there is no room for the word natural, which is clearly nonsensical.
1. a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.
If you think this doesn't exist in the sexual sphere, you are delusional or actively trying to push some truth-inconsequential agenda. There's nothing else for me to say I said it all here to you and you didn't respond
Tall people don't get more sex.
Thin people don't get more sex, they get less (I looked it up)
Try fearmongering some other way
Solutions are here
Why is that clearly nonsensical? Why is a monkey shitting out banana seeds natural, but not humans intentionally planting banana trees? Why is a caveman using stone tools natural but not a modern human using a computer? Maybe the concept of "nature" you keep appealing to really is just nonsense.
You have gone completely off the rails here user. I made it very clear that conscious intervention is what separates the natural from the unnatural. If you wish to dispute that, please do so instead of vomiting nonsense all over my screen.
So why does the metric of who has more sex create a hierarchy that needs to be addressed but not disparities in height, weight, or age?
That isn't how fetishes work. Paraphilias don't just magically appear at a certain level of alienation. Sexuality is not that malleable. Paraphilias are almost always present from early childhood.
Having a highly atypical sexuality causes alienation, not the other way round.
Why the fuck do people continue to spout such nonsense on topics they know nothing about?
Also, I made NO moral judgments of the concept of natural order. This is something YOU have imprinted on me.
It creates massive social alienation and is directly caused by feminism, so you people are actively perpetuating the problem.
There is no hierarchy if people at the top can't boss you around or take advantage of you in some way. All you have is a distribution of different individuals. The same way some people are better fishermen than others.
Attracting mates is only a skill when you make it a game with a hierarchy of skill of social and aesthetic dominance
Obviously we can't remove the game and leftover roles/expectations completely due to vestiges of past human evolution, but the hierarchies can be leveled.
I disagree. Apocalyptic anger in the face of gaslighting is the only rational response. You will never kiss enough ass to make these people like you,just like you can never betabux a women into loving you like she loves Chad.
This only goes to show that most people on Holla Forums couldn't think their way out of a 1D maze.
There is only one option on that list which actually promises to allow even the most wretched and unlikable person to be happy without any kind of coercion. Only 2 people picked it. 8/9 people on Holla Forums are idiots.
Why should anyone respond to you if you act like you've never seen people compete for mates like wild animals and seen the person with the higher status win.
You are like Adam in Adam ruins everything trying to pretend like any social hierarchy, sexual or otherwise is just a spook
That's just libertarian free will drivel.
I bet he is an incel white knight.
Absolutely LOVELY how the most vague, most phantasmal non solution got the most votes. Clearly shows that you people have no concrete ideas. Better yet, entertaining concrete ideas is actually hard and scary for you.
I would be fine with differences in sexual success vanishing like the morning dew, but this should not be done through the oppression of women. Bodily autonomy of half the species is a more worthwhile goal than some guy being able to get pussy more often.
Wild animals compete for mates in very different ways. Humans don't eat their sexual rivals, in some societies (but rarely in the west) they do fight them, and they don't puff up their feather to impress mates. So tell me, how exactly to these imaginary "wild animals" compete for mates?
Some social hierarchies are demonstrably real. And some are imagined or are misapplications of the term which drain it of meaning, like yours now. You claim that one trait among many others constitutes a hierarchy without explaining why, just insisting petulantly that everyone has to be exactly the same for there to be any REAL liberation.
Women already have biological advantages in mating, so actually oppression is necessary to counteract their power.
How can you deny that humans have mating rituals in which they compete for mates?
How can you deny that humans can be ranked in order of average sexual attractiveness, and that the people at the bottom of that ranking suffer psychologically as a result?
I mean, I'm relatively neutral in all this but you seem to be arguing from a very strange position.
They are only solutions pre-written by the quiz writer and short enough to fit in a sentence.
But I think a good half of the solutions are just fine. I've seen some implemented in other countries to good effect most notably the
1. social skills programs
2. egalitarian brainwashing and adrogynizing the population (Nordic Model)
3. state sponsored voluntary prostitutes offering a GFE
4. Making it so people can afford the things that can raise babies (your own place, education for a child etc) so both genders are more comfortable with baby making simulation, aka sexual intimacy
#3 is arguably morally iffy, and not particularly utopian, but whatevs the others are better
Yeah, I bet that this won't impact anyone's chances of getting laid one damn bit.
Vague, phantasmal non-solutions are the name of the game on Holla Forums.
Unfortunately it's what happens when nobody is in any position to effect any real change or verify any ideas experimentally. There's no incentive to turn vague ideas into carefully refined policies and quantified solutions. The closest thing we come to precise planning is reading books from ~100 years ago.
Yea, I was a bit harsh. The others are good, but I think we are going to have to include anti feminism in any program, since it is very apparent what letting them run free has done.
What are these biological advantages?
Okay, you're right that half of the solutions pass the bare minimum threshold of not making things worse while possibly providing some tiny benefit.
The only real long-term and 100% effective solution on that list is the development of AI waifus. Unfortunately very few people support that because they let their gut feelings do all their thinking for them.
Actually, if you remove economic status and abolish the family, then betas have an even LOWER chance since those are our strong points. Of course betabucking is pathetic but there is no reason to not kill us off in your nightmare scenario.
Men view women as more attractive than women view men, so men are more likely to compete over women than vice versa.
All men value a woman's judgment highly, no matter what they say. That is why women can shut down any conversation with URAVIRGIN or TINY DIK. The converse is not true.
Humans have mating rituals, but different societies have vastly different ones, so making a generalization about humans as a species is as silly as making a generalization about the mating behavior of all sexual species.
While any such ranking would be to a large extent culturally determined and subjective, I do not dispute that such ratings could be done.
What if someone feels like shit when someone else is better than them at baseball? Do you break the arms of every baseball player? No, the problem is solely in the mind of the sufferer in this case, and the only alternative to offering them mental health services is to create a bizarre, oppressive society that caters to their every whim to the detriment of every single other person.
Hold up, do you support affirmative action for racial minorities too?
They all have one constant you insufferable toad; there is HIERARCHY, a natural ORDER of attraction in all of them. The rest is window dressing.
Everyone here supports affirmative action for minorities; seizing the means of production is affirmative action that no longer plays nice.
I already addressed that dumb narrative.
How do you know? Were you a woman in a past life? And why would women seeing men as a group as being less attractive as a whole lead to any one man having more sexual partners than another? Wouldn't that mean that personality would be more important than appearance, if all men are considered to look so shitty, albeit with some a little better than others?
Statistics cunt. Most women view men as below average. This just means that given the freedom, women will compete for Chad instead of even touching the lower 80%. Since Chad can pump and dump with no consequences (state funding for STD research, abortions, and birth control), this is even easier for him.
Just because you're incapable of thinking of any solutions which aren't retarded and unethical doesn't mean that others can't solve the problem. In fact, I guarantee this problem will be trivially solvable within a few hundred years due to advancing computer technology.
It isn't about others being better. It's about losing every game because you're forced to play against others who are better. The analogy breaks down at this point, but the real solution is to provide simulated games where the person can win no matter how shit they are.
Also, it's worth remembering that the problem of incel men is only one aspect of the more general problem of different people having conflicting and mutually exclusive utopias. Utopia in this case being defined as the world which brings maximum possible happiness to a person. We should be striving to achieve maximum happiness for everyone, and the only way I can really see to do that is to throw everyone inside their own matrix-like simulation of their own personal utopia.
More like put antisocial and selfish people in the matrix, since they dont care that they are surrounded with AI. Everyone that is left agrees that working together and common good is the best, and everyone will be happy, even the porkies in the matrix
So all hierarchy is natural? But didn't you say that everything natural is good? If all hierarchy is good because of the naturalistic fallacy, then why are you so adamant about different people having more or less sex?
Cool. How do you deal with quantum indeterminacy and why aren't you a nihilist? Besides, I'm not disputing that it would be nice if everyone got the same sex, just claiming that women > chad > you is not at all like any other hierarchy opposed by leftist thought. You are free to abolish capitalism, pump out sex robots etc., I just don't think that it is consistent at all with the goals of any leftist social movement to force women to have sex against their will. If you oppose this on the basis of free will not existing, then you are left with no argument against any sort of tyranny or personal offense which the mind can imagine.
People who go on dating apps and websites are vapid and only care about appearances? I'm shocked.
No you aren't. You won't keel over and die if you don't have sex every week, as I'm sure you've discovered by now.
We already have those.
I'm sure you'll be able to get one eventually, possibly even under capitalism.
That's just introducing randomness in the brain at best
That's not what
again, not what
You can keep asserting that's my position when it isn't
I have been thinking about this a fucking lot lately waxing philosophical incoming:
As far as sexual lib or really any-social-construct liberation and socialism go I see it as more of a means to an end than having an inherent relationship. I mean of course any socialist society is going to have sexual liberation and everything else since they both involve maximizing personal self-fulfillment for as many as possible, if not all, people in that society.
But what I am saying is: Bringing about socialism isn't just a "common revolution" it is much grander than that. It is the ultimate revolution, insofar that it is a revolution against everything. In order to bring about a socialist revolution, and have it not turn into "not-real-communism" or communism-lite like the blunders we have seen, society has to be changed on such a fundamental level that the honest way to describe it is not change but destruction. The attempts at instating communism, or socialism in general, have thus far been embarrassing failures simply because they were implemented prematurely. The revolution had won the day, they attained the power to abolish the long standing institutions and instate what they had been fighting for. But they they did not fully abolish the preexisting society.
Remnants of it remained in the minds of every single person, even the most ardent of revolutionaries. I'm talking about the tabula rasa, in case anyone hasn't picked up on that yet, and its importance… And ironic near impossibility. The problem that the tabula rasa presents is, even if we were to tear down the institutions and we gathered the best minds to carefully engineer the society to be that which is best for all, all of the changes made will be in direct reaction to the society that was toppled. And because of that we would not be starting from the clean slate that socialism requires.
Before a problem can be fixed it must be fully identified. So the problem here is with any socialist society, which is built by people who have lived in any other society, will be plagued by preconceived notions. Even if everyone involved denies having preconceived notions or any memory of the past society there will be atleast some who will have those lasting impressions still living in the back of their minds.
For instance:
Corruption is one of the biggest weaknesses that socialism has. One corrupt individual in the wrong place could spell disaster. And the necessary ingredients for corruption are as simple as memory of the concept of property and the word mine.
I realize thats a bit of a shitty example, I picked it to highlight that even something so stupid is a potential crack in the keystone
And that leads to the question:
That right there is one of the oldest questions in the history of human civilization. Ive read primary sources that date that question to 1800 years ago and Ive been told its been translated in texts dating back to the Sumerians.
That doesn't mean that it's a question without an answer. All of the proposed answers that I have seen called for a period of total anarchy during which knowledge of the old society would fade to varying degrees depending on if the period is to be a couple of years or generations.
Which could work, I suppose, but the chance of a true socialist society being started after that period of time is entirely dependent on what the chance of 'not-socialism' has of being started and I would hazard the guess that those numbers aren't as favorable as you or I would like.
Which brings me back to sexual lib being a means to an end. Sexual lib, and all other social change, is a direct attack on the society itself. Bringing about sexual lib means that the social battle of tomorrow will be something that isn't sexual lib. Slave liberation was once the sexual lib of the times and you dont hear anyone unironically arguing over bringing back slavery not even the dipshit nazis.
Thus that part of the society has been destroyed. Its gone and if it suddenly stopped getting taught in school it wouldnt occupy a single brain. Once every single social construct has been "liberated" a socialist revolution could be conducted with zero preconceived notions, in fact that revolution would have already been finalized.
And I can't tell you how many nights I've spent screaming into my pillow after trying to debunk everything I just said almost every night because it means that the only way to implement true socialism is through fucking identity politics.
I know that that's not your position. There is also nothing wrong with creating media that doesn't support highly exclusive beauty standards. I'm sorry if I didn't make this clear.
Why does socialism require a "clean state" but not any other social system? For instance, all cultural works produced under feudalism didn't need to be destroyed for capitalism to take root.
Ok I'll spell out the argument again in a different way
There isn't a necessary female agency vs. sexual outcome equality dichotomy
It only exists as a dichotomy if two criteria are met
1. women are a collection of demi-gods who are superior to men and there aren't equally shitty women to shitty women (obviously not true)
2. you don't think the aggregate supply of sexual availability can meet aggregate demand (also obviously not true
3. you can't recondition people to behave contrary to how they are currently conditioned to behave (also obviously not true)
sorry, 3
I guess either identity politics or burning down literally everything is required to achieve a political democracy.
You grossly underestimate just how awful almost all humans are. Need I remind you that approximately 10% of the US population are kept in cages in horrible conditions just because the rest of the population think they should be made to suffer?
I wouldn't choose AI because it's ideal. I'd choose it because it's better than living in a barbaric society populated by people who are barely above witch burnings and human sacrifice.
This is a very capitalist argument. I've seen the exact same reasoning used to suggest that workers don't deserve luxuries like nice food or free time. Just because something isn't essential to keep you breathing doesn't mean it isn't essential for mental wellbeing or living a fulfilling life.
In a very limited form, yes. They're the equivalent of early hand-cranked silent movie projectors. We should be aiming for fully immersive VR. As a bonus, the same technologies used for fully immersive VR will be of massive benefit to people who need prosthetics.
I honestly no longer see what we were disagreeing about. Sorry to have bothered you.
No, what's necessary is for a large group of people to choose to follow absolutely the dictates of one guy who goes on to capture productive assets through sheer force of arms. An old man saying "mine" in the corner over and over won't do a damn thing unless he can bring significant force to bear. Sure, someone could get an atom bomb and set up their own little fief, but that could happen without there being any revolution at all as well.
capitalism boils down to a reapplication of feudalism, the lords are the corporate leaders, politicians etc
I didn't say that only socialism requires a clean slate. The philosophical question of the tabula rasa is that any new society formed will always have impressions made upon it by the societies that came before it unless a clean slate is achieved. Why it applies to socialism, and maybe even more than other societies, is because if within socialism there exists even a trace of the cancers of the previous society it is doomed to failure. If that weren't the case than there would have been atleast one successful implementation of socialism in the past 500 years of earnest attempts.
You miss the point entirely. The instance of mine existing in some random guy on the street means that it is not only his mind that it exists in. There would be others, maybe someone he speaks to, maybe someone entirely removed from him who also has that idea somewhere in his head if it remained in the one guys head then its naive to suggest its even possible that he is the only one
Mine leads to theft, hording, graft, embezzlement. Mine was a huge problem in the soviet union, and every other nation that had a 'successful' socialist revolution.
Much better way to put it than my example, thanks.
And yea outside of those two options I don't really see any other way. And with the burning literally everything down theres always the chance that what gets started after the jobs done could be something nightmare mode horrible. Imagine if we blew up the world outside and when all the ashes finally settled instead of our socialist utopia what happened was an entire repeat of the previous history of civilization because by once everything is destroyed, as far as tabula rasa goes, so too should be the idea of socialist revolution. hows that for a mindfuck?
That is an example of why every time I set out to debunk this shit I wind up screaming my ass off because it always comes back to "identity politics is necessary"
I like my sexual freedom, but I also understand where incels are coming from and what thier concerns are. I think the proper thing to do is create sexual freedom that EVERYONE can participate in. I'm not sure how
Another option is to encourage long-term monogamy. Personally I hate monogamy and commitment but to create a functioning society I'm willing to take the L.
I see what you did there:
"Sexual liberation" really comes in three stages of overall societal perception. The first stage is one specific part of human sexuality, be it homosexuality, buggery, etc. being completely reviled and the general public calling for the execution, castration, incarceration, what have you, of those who practice this, even those who passively desire it. After a while, the hysteria will boil over and people question the overall motive of the absolute hatred towards this aspect of sexuality, but the dogma that has been so forced onto them is mostly intact. These people will take a more moderate stance, and this leads us to the second stage, where the general public is sympathetic towards this sexuality, but usually considers it a "mental disorder" and although they feel pity, they still feel the people who practice or desire this aspect of sexuality need "help" and need to be kept away from society at large. This will however cause these people to accept that they have this "mental illness" and thus have potential to question whether or not this holds any merit, leading to acceptance of oneself as a healthy human being. With discussion of said sexuality being less taboo, more people will be open to more "radical" stances, and people who practice this sexuality will have more freedom to speak up for their rights without fear of being ostracized from all of society and potentially be murdered for it, although that is still a possibility. The hole that was opened by the sympathy that people gain out of vilification taken to it's extremes, can only grow larger at this point and end at the third and final stage. The final stage is acceptance, normalization, and legalization, in which the institutions that keep whatever repressed sexuality we are talking about from reaching this stage have broken down. Those who still show hatred are ostracized from most of society and can't be expected to be taken seriously.
This has nothing to do with the /r9k/ shit being discussed here, but more of a response to "Is sexual liberation related to socialism or does it exist outside politics" as sexual liberation does of course exist inside politics, but is firmly guided by material conditions within society like all other ideas. This is what has happened throughout history, and will continue to happen until all those who are wrongfully persecuted for their sexuality are vindicated. The more close-knit and communal society which socialism would bring about certainly helps to undermine that which seeks to oppress sexuality, I'll give you that.
i know this is a shitpost but still.
Can somebody dig up the walls of text from the last thread that some user posted? They were the only non retarded observations that ever came out of these threads.
And since it's clear we're gonna keep having these threads, and equally clear that /pol9k/ will keep making a beeline for them, can we expect some tighter moderation so they don't get swamped in the same old bitter incel spergouts?
Doc extremely related:
Do Communists Have Better Sex?
Yeah go fuck youself
Look, it's Stalinstache shitposting again.
Fuck off moralist puritan cunt.
Ehy, look. A liberal
Not Lenin, but acting like everything St. Lenin said is the Absolute Truth and damned be the heretics who dare oppose it.
Now go fuck yrself.
Why are the sexually muh privileged so triggered by arguments against their hedonism?
It is because they too have been blackpilled on an unconscious level but are too afraid to acknowledge it openly, so they resort to non arguments in order to defend themselves. You betabois are afraid of the truth, the truth that you have become enslaved by the femoid and that the only reason you cope is because you hope to get Chad's sloppy seconds. Untangle yourself from your delusions comrades and join us in the masculine light.
Not that user, I'm a 25 yo virgin and I think you should either get over yourself or go back to /r9k/, Holla Forums, r/incel, or whichever sewer you crawled from, tbqh. No offence or anything.
Don't be such a fucking cuck comrade. These people are Stacy worshipers and have no place in their heart for you. Their entire ideology is merely capitalism applied to the sexual sphere.
The sexual bourgeoisie clearly have an unfair advantage. Only a revolution will usurp this reality.
Obviously. No one does, except perhaps for my family.
No. "Sexual market" is a retarded meme. Having your labour exploited has absolutely jack shit to do with not being able to convince another human for intercourse.
Wrong. They are both voluntary exchanges. Labor exploitation is a meme, since you voluntarily gave up your labor for the capitalist's money. Stop coping and realize that the left refuses to apply its standards consistently.
See, you people have no standards. The proletarian revolution is literally the rape of the bourgeoisie. There is no difference in terms of morality except that one gets you free shit and the other is you exercising your desire to protect your muh privilege. Two sides of the same coin.
No, it's not.
Oh shit nigger, stop memeing. I'd give my labour away regardless of whether was living under capitalism or communism. Everyone would be necessarily working for the common goal in any conceivable part of human history, from paleolithic hunter-gatherers to XXI century. It's just that entropy won't reverse itself. Your retarded shit runs contrary to basic human decency that's literally built into the brains of any social mammal.
(posted while I was typing the above)
I feel ashamed for responding to you, Nonfacetiously >>>/suicide/
There's that word again. I don't think it means what you think it means.
Wrong. Patriarchy is basic human decency. Man has known ever since the beginning of the species that women cannot be trusted with anything but raising children, that they are capricious, untrustworthy and manipulative. This is why the only relevant societies have been patriarchal and why female empowerment has always led to the downfall of civilization. You are an enemy of mankind, a spineless worm greedily eating away at the foundations of our world for the sake of you and your femoid master's ego.
I seriously hope I've fallen for the bait while drunkposting. Have a nice day.
Search you feelings cuck, you know it to be true.
I don't think its true.
Sexual liberalism is a disease and an emergent event of late capitalist alienation. Holla Forums, being a bunch of hedonists, will gladly choose capitalism over socialism if capitalism preserves femoid/tranny supremacy. Prove me wrong. protip, you cant
In fact in the beginning of this thread, we talked about isolation induced paraphilia and I very much believe you fall under the diagnosis.
I think you'd find that /r9k/, given the oppurtunity, would splooge over every kind of fun imaginable.
What if you're just mentally ill, refuse to get help, and blame other people for refusing to get help, and then scapegoat other people who are mentally ill you think get more attention than you because you're still stuck in adolescence.
Open your eyes to the truth. Show me that our history books are all lies, that females actually ruled over all successful civilizations instead of males. I will be waiting.
Not an argument Hoochie.
Germania, Scythia, Sitones, Sarmatians
It is an argument. And I'm not hoochie.
You refuted yourself, congrats. None of those stand up to even a fraction of the Romans.
More proof on why you people will always fail.
Women's liberation is male enslavement.
But let's venture outside of Europe, not counting post-paleolithic/neolithic Europe.
The Mosuo culture. The Padaungs. Much Native American tribes, we can keep going and going.
And the Romans fell too and with them came darkness. Civiizations come and go, nothing new.
Where did I insult your personality.
But the people you just insulted were the pure blooded Aryans….who would have thought they could lose to Mediterraneans? :v)
Stop, I can only laugh so much. You have nothing, you ARE nothing. Just accept it and move on.
The only one here who is mentally ill is you, since it is only you who considers stone age barbarians to be excellent models of government. Give it a rest and get back to the kitchen.
Females and cucks are not human. I consider a nigger male more of a human than a femoid of any race.
This is coming from someone without a job.
Really? How so.
Where did I bring up we should become similar to the Gauls? I only see your ilk doing this.
Shouldn't you be cooking more for your own mother?
Thanks for ruining our inroads and attempt to reach an understanding with your insanity
t. Incel
You are delusional and you are making it seem like we all are like that
That's weird, a lot of people think the same way about histrionic schzoids who stutter around women
Daily reminder that the most powerful women in the world were CONSERVATIVE women. Feminism refutes itself even in action. Good job!
Typical femoid tactics. Sucking dick for 5 cents a pop is not a job, nor is mooching off of your betabux.
Didn't work in real life and it won't work here.
Neither is not having a job, like you do.
So you telling everyone you're a nice guy when you end up admitting people are subhumans gets you dirty looks and suspicions you're a pervert.
What fascism is this
but you hate us, why are you speaking for the board dear redditor?
r/incel please
So conservative women are the most powerful, but they're bitching that they have no power and you agree with them selectively, and you're bitching women have too much power who aren't conservative
Make up your damn mind
You got BTFO when you failed to provide a single good example of female civilization; I am surprised you haven't accused me of being a virgin yet. Stay salty female, you know you are out of your depth here.
I am here to make leftoid minds explode. As none of them have provided a coherent response, I can confidently say that it is working.
Margret Thatcher was the greatest female leader especially since she BTFO femoid socialism with a single quote. She looked like a man, so she probably was successful because of her high test father. However, she was no Caeser; it is literally impossible for femoids to be on his level.
Where did I make anything up. Besides "make up failed civilizations" when you used Rome as an example. It too failed. I said civilizations fail. You can't seem to grasp nothing lasts forever, (and all the nations I listed are not only Aryan, which kind of self insults your whole ideology), you also can't seem to grasp these places are where myths of Amazons came from.
We've heard this before.
This bait is so awful it single handily becomes canonical art.
There were no matriarchal civilizations and there never will be you got btfo
Why are you dismissing Tacitus' observations. I thought you fags loved Rome. We were Romans n sheeeet etc.
None of your female dominated mudhut societies ever produced a fraction of the Roman's economic, cultural and intellectual output. Females are bad for innovation. End of story. How long a civilization lasts is only a partial component.
The Romans also lasted against strong enemies while your femoid societies always caved against masculine invaders. You got BTFO slut, and instead of wasting my time, you should get back to sucking cock or whatever it is you do in place of useful employment.
Boudica was a shit leader, which is why she got all her soldiers killed in Britain. The fact that femoids worship such a terrible leader only further shows how hopeless they are.
kys you disgusting roastie
I think we can measure civilization's success on just how long it alsted, and counting paleolithic/neolithic Eurasia, Germania, Sycthia, etc., they all lasted quite a long a long time in terms of civilizations of the day. Rome would be nothing without Greece.
Indeed, the Gauls, meaning, what you call traditional Europeans, were considered "mud huts" in their day.
The Gauls were equally "masculine", and they failed against an empire, the rule is tactics, not retard strength.
What does this have to do with Tacitus' recordings of Eastern Europe.
If you btfo them why can't you get a date
agreed. socialtwigocracy is the only way.
A society that lasts forever but produces nothing is not a good society. It is no better than a pack of wolves hunting the same patch of earth for eternity. A complete waste of human ambition and potential.
By contrast, male societies have consistently been creative, innovative and dynamic. Male societies celebrate human achievement while femoid societies wish to make us equal with the worms in the dirt. You femoids are pathetic if this is the best you do.
Patriarchy is a tactic you stupid braindead bitch. And universally successful one.
You are nothing more than a warm wet hole that is to be bred. You are literally not a person.
Everything Rome ever created belonged to the Greeks in origin. Their culture, their art, their politics, their philosophy, much of their religion.
And yet you claim that civilizations that produce nothing original are useless. By this claim, Rome is useless compared to its orbiting civilizations and the Greeks.
You don't seem to get the nuance the sexes had in places like Greece, Rome. You're using Feudal European law like it existed forever, but this is not the case.
You females have nothing, and instead of seriously considering what you are doing wrong you decide to leach off of males and claim their success as yours. This is why you will never be successful, since success necessitates dealing with failure. Females are universally rewarded for failure in everything else since they know their cunt is the only thing they have of value. When even a 500 pound landwhale can find mates, you know that it is over.
Agreed. The pure blooded Aryan masculine Gauls defeated their Mediterranean counter parts. In fact, they considered the Gauls humans and not fuzzy men with beards growing out their assholes.
Sounds more like Holla Forums to me. I'm just talking on the logic provided. The Romans were practically lifting Greek culture. They copied Greek Bronze art into marble.
The Greeks didn't create Constantinople or build a system of government that endured for centuries. Are you seriously arguing that the Romans never accomplished anything of value? Female desperation is such a sad sight to behold. I would hate to see what you become in your 30s when Chad is done with you.
Actually, you are zeroing in on this trivial detail in order to cover up the fact that you have conceded every other point to me. Debate is not your strong suit, femoid. Only getting fucked by Chad is.
Did someone forget about Alexander?
Yes, they actually did.
No, I'm saying that under your own logic, they did not accomplish anything of value.
I'm arguing with someone who thinks that the Greeks political influence lasted for mere centuries, I don't think I'm conceding much in this argument.
The modern senate has little in common with the roman one. Additionally it's shit tier compared to Athenian Democracy.
Are you in grade school or something
Imagine being this pathetic
The eternally relevant image
CONSTANTINE, an evil WHITE ROMAN MALE, had that city built in HIS NAME. Female superiority, everyone. You have no knowledge of even basic history. You are only useful for fucking Chad, despite your Daddy wasting thousands on your education. Also, the Greeks were not matriarchal, but I realize that would cause your tiny ego to shatter into countless cumstained shards.
Not an argument. You guys are like herd animals. No bite, so you try to exhaust the aggressor with stonewalling and gaslighting. You are sheep, have an ideology of sheep and will be ruled like sheep.
Congratulations on showing me that Constantine exists. I'm learning shit I've never even heard of before.
And yet you said
Like you're retarded as shit.
Do you want to bite us? Or does your football helmet that prevents you from smashing your head into the wall prevent you from biting anyone.
You borrow terms like sjws like you borrow their identity politics.
But I thought society unfairly ruled over you. Is it not ruling over you? Why is that?
Sigh, female power fantasies are pathetic.
Nobody actually claimed this. Reread the posts you're arguing with, like you should reread your high school world history text books about ancient greece. Because you apparently think their influence lasted just centuries.
That's the dumbest thing I think I've ever heard on Holla Forums.
Wrong. I said nothing about the Greeks. I only said that the Romans built a system of government that lasted for centuries. You literally cannot stop making shit up to cover up for your lack of intelligence. I would feel sorry for you, but then I realized that that would merely be rewarding female inferiority. Stay pathetic, femoids.
I know. Power fantasies are pretty pathetic aren't they.
another thing worth pondering along this topic is:
Is sexuality in itself a social construct? If we could travel back to the days before civilization proto-civilization i.e. before even nomadic quasi-civilizations Back when modern man had first evolved, he had the neural capabilities of any person born today but he hadnt yet used it, he hadnt yet developed a way to effectively communicate complex thoughts outside of grunts and nondescript gestures. There was no collective knowledge to be shared. When a group was much more a herd than it was a society. Did sex as a past-time exist? Or was it nothing more than a tool used in the application of hierarchy? The alpha male raping the women as a claim to property and the below alpha males as a reinforcing of subservience?
Wtf I truly see now
Please stop tripping over yourself and saying stupid shit.
You're rewarding everyone here with this fruitful, nectar like bait.
Europeans are the descendents of Romans, true. I don't know how that is a power fantasy.
Wrong. You tried to use the Greeks to show that the Romans were not a great civilization, because they apparently didn't anything or some other dumb shit. Everything else is windowdressing compared to this point, and you have endlessly attempted to confuse the conversation in order to hide this point. It is very apparent that the Romans had innumerable innovations and that they have dominated every other metric of social advancement.
Your femoid mudhuts could never even get close to the PATRIARCHAL Romans. There is nothing to argue beyond this one point. Your entire conversation was dedicated towards dragging the Romans through the mud because you have absolutely nothing else to offer. Your very argumentation proves time and time again my point. Amusing.
No, the Greeks built mud huts until the Romans came along and built a real city. Get BTFO, slut.
I'm 1/18th greek mom
No, I was saying that under your own pretense, that civilizations who create nothing original aren't worth value, Rome would have no value. Because they basically took everything from Greece whole cloth. This is not saying Rome did not have an impact. Read for understanding.
You claiming the Greeks had no actual influence past centuries is particularly funny so I'm going to keep bringing it up.
The Romans respected different parts of civilizations in Europe, but nowhere did they ever respect the Gauls, who are not only the people you idolize (note: Not Mediterraneans), but were considered for the longest time until Christianity came to be hopeless.
Wow, all this makes everything seem so relative doesn't it.
Romans were whollly European.
Agreed, Greeks didn't even know how to climb trees. A truly savage race of barbarians.
My ancestor :)
Are we talking Rome or the Holy Roman Empire
They are my ancestors. The town I grew up in is 24 km away from Roman ruins. You're just jealous because you descend from people who swung from tree to tree (probably still do)
My ancestors :)
This is beyond sad. You actually think there was no cultural advancement at all under the Romans, that not once in in all of their existence they had an original thought. None of your femoid societies ever came close to the economic, cultural and political output of the Romans. No amount of misdirection will ever change that the Romans created an innovative well oiled military machine second to none in antiquity. That is innovation. Female innovation is coming up with new ways to get fucked by Chad.
Keep on making shit up femoids. It is what you do best.
Not particularly anything that wasn't already present.
So you don't have Lombard or Visigothic ancestry?
You make all men out to be powerful chads but poor little you is too weak to be considered strong so you lash out about Western civilizations and Margret Thatcher
You're mentally ill and your ideas are stupid. You hate the people you want to fuck, you probably suffer from some sort of deranged paraphilia, and women think you're some sort of creepy pervert who stares at their ass too long.
This is why we're arguing right now. Don't say not an argument because this is the source of all your earthly problems in your mind, it all comes down to this.
Sorry, but this is not an argument. Everything in your post reeks of being butthurt that you lost intellectually. Please contact me again when you have gained at least 10+ Autism Level points.
Hell you don't even have a particularly adept knowledge of European history and culture. Ironic enough.
I'm not the same user.
I don't think anyone can compare to your Autism points.
Sure thing bud.
Besides this being obviously an exaggeration, the Romans were unquestionably innovative in non cultural areas such as engineering and military affairs, which are preconditions for successful civilizations as I mentioned before. Besides the Romans, it has always been patriarchal civilizations that have driven cultural change; the Romans are only one entry in a long long list. Females have still produced nothing, even after affirmative action and feminism, showing that you cannot transcend the innate female condition. Sucks to be you, but at least you cunts always have Chad, amirite?
Everything you're saying reeks of hyperbole, and you're saying I'm exaggerating? Every other sentence you make has a forced adjective.
Wrong. Females are objectively this disgusting. You being female means that you are incapable of discerning the truth, but that is to be expected.
Yes, only one person could actually think you're mentally ill in a thread where even other incels have called you insane.
Is the truth that you actually deserve someone to be your literal mother. I think that's a bit off.
Let me quote again
If they're disgusting why are you lamenting you can't fuck them
I am surrounded by brainwashed feminists tho. You have been programmed to reject facts and reasoning, so of course nothing I say makes sense to you.
Wrong. Females are objectively disgusting, just like how shit smells. They have no morality, decency and are predisposed towards hypocrisy and deception. These facts have been known for eons. Don't be so triggered by reality, cunt.
The most ironic thing said this entire thread
When people have free time to develop themselves, when meaningful relationships are encouraged, when social inclusion is a virtue you people will have vastly improved lives and a gf too.
That's all that needs to be said here. Impolite sage
But if they're disgusting why do you say you deserve to fuck them, and why are you attracted to them
Just come out of the closet already.
Someone get this guy laid already.
You've managed to bring up everything from incorrect interpretations of European civilization, feminism, bizarre deviantart-tier ideas of human sexual dimorphism, and your dick, for reasons why you can't get laid and society is destroying your life by your lack of sex.
This is actually why you can't get laid
You have been absolutely BLOWN THE FUCK OUT every time you tried to argue with me. Don't pretend otherwise bitch. Honestly, you tried to claim that the Alexander and the Greeks built Constantinople. Like, what the fuck?
Nobody has that little self respect.
No I didn't
Not an argument. Please drain Chads cum out of your brain before engaging in serious intellectual activity next time. You might actually have a chance of not being humiliated.
What do the Greeks and Constantinople have to do with you not fucking
I was saying that Alexander had more impressive military victories then just creating Constanople. Sorry for the confusion.
This is clearly a galaxy brain conversation we're having right now about your virginity and western civilization.
You said no such thing. Holy shit, how low can you possibly go? I love how you can't edit posts here, so that your stupidity is on full display. Get fucked, cunt. Femoids prove why they need to be controlled with every word they type.
Having women fuck dogs and whatever pre-industrial tribes they can is absolutely essential for the revolution
In fact I did. You misread.
Also, Alexi lost his empire after his death, while Augustus built one that lasted for centuries.
Thank you for letting us know
You are such a failure. Delete your posts so that you may save yourself some face.
The user who brought up antiandrogens helping people was totally correct. I think the only thing that can calm you down is if you become something completely different then you really are.
Maybe then you'll fuck the people you consider beneath you
The point of the user was that Alexander, a Greek, was a builder, not if he specifically build Istanbul.
Alexandria anyone?
One of his general created a dynasty that ruled Egypt for centuries.
Keep trying to pretend you argued otherwise. When reality is preserved for all to see, you females lose every time.
You said earlier people here have sex and that somehow makes them evil. Or something. I guess you're superior for not having spilt your seed into a bottom of the barrel tradwife.
That's not even me. You can't tell anons apart either.
you seem lost, this is a chad board user.
But……..that's true?
Greeks were still patriarchal, and Alexander is a FUCKING WHITE MALE, so you really are just proving my point. Femoids know they are inferior; it occasionally leaks out of their subconscious.
What was wrong? The Alexander was a builder or that one of his generals built a dynasty?
Why should we care about the race of Alexander the Great in regards to your sex life
You all sound the same to me; vapid, boring, deceptive, jewish even. The only thing femoids have going for them is their looks.
Jesus do you tie your testicles in a knot to either get this furious or create bait for this long
But I thought you said the femoids were disgusting
Truth is my undying love.
Ebin male logic
They are especially so when they turn 30. I enjoy kicking homeless women; serves them right for being trash.
But you just said they were only good for their looks
Leftist female tactics.
Don't be pedantic user. They are also good for raping, but I thought that was a given.
So you get an erection around women who you think are disgusting and it makes you think about Rome
And you lie on the internet about homeless women you think are disgusting you get an erection over because you haven't fucked yet
I can see that the femoid is tired of losing arguments, so she got you to replace her.
Even in communal aboriginal tribal societies where property doesn't exist like those throughoutly studied in Australia result in an uneven distribution of selected male mates. With certain males at the top being selected by multiple females. Same shit happens at our nearest animal cousins, the chimpanzees.
This is the only thing that prevents me from buying into the communism meme.
It all breaks down when you look at humans most primitive and ancient urges. Eggs are expensive and sperm is cheap. The average human female is inherently considered more worthy than her male counterpart due to this fact. Lifelong and stable monogamy only occure in species with no sexual dimorphism while humans are considered to be at least quite dimorphic.
This things are so irreconcilable that they distress me. I'm truly lost.
If women are disgusting, and I'm a trap, do you hate me or do you love me
and dimorphism is the mark of competition.
Don't bother with communism m8. Socialism is where it is at, but this socialism must be imbued with proper masculine virtues in order to be successful.
You are a crime against nature.
But what if I'm not a trap? Would you love me more?
People love watching leftist females get destroyed, since femoid politics is based entirely around getting free shit at the expense of the working man.
Why do you want to spend the rest of your life with a singular person you hate and think is disgusting, isn't that kind of abusive? Isn't that kind of fucked
So you go on the internet to get an erection over talking with people you think are women to argue over Rome
Bonobos are closer to us than chimps and their society is basically free love hippy utopia.
I'm convinced this guy is purposely trying to turn leftypol against incels by acting like an asshole. Please don't fall for his dirty tricks. There is a real problem of alienation here and the existence of one asshole turbocel doesn't mean we all deserve to die alone.
Sexual dimorphism in 2017
In 2017 girls think :
Beetlejuice is a dime
Larry David style is in
Guys think:
bball shorts are perfection
a towel is a blanket
Nice idpol redditbro.
If its obvious to everyone why are you simultaneously saying that nobody gets it
Doesn't your argument hinge on the idea you know the truth nobody else does
Obviously, but you aren't helping things. Have you even offered a solution your
No. I am very tired today, so I will start seriously thinking instead of shitposting ,since it is getting quite old in my opinion.
Good luck!
You may be on to something here, however "femoid" is a strange name for bourgeois.
Refer to:
Additionally, you seem to have looked at aboriginal society which does lack private property, and failed to consider their social structure. Many primitive societies have rigid male hierarchies where older, established men are polygamous with the majority of younger men having no partner until they themselves join the older more experienced men.
Thanks community college anthropologist
girls just start fuckin gushing if you do a sam elliot impression and say howdy shucks ma'am
There is no evidence for any of this suddenly dissapearing after a revolution.
There's actually evidence against what you're saying in the first place.
Like what
Cultures being different outside of Eurasia. Evolutionary Psychology being completely shat on by almost everyone in academia.