What does Holla Forums think of the antideutsche movement?
What does Holla Forums think of the antideutsche movement?
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Belong in the nearest gulag.
Pure concentrated ideology
đź…±ordiga was completely right.
any organization that's "anti-" anything or wants to "re-" anything is reactionary and not leftist
funded by Mossad
"re-" OR "de-", I meant
i agree in concept. in practice i still think anti-fascism is good, but you are right, anything trying to 'negate' the prevailing order that doesn't put forth a sustainable alternative is reactionary horseshit, takin the long view
wtf I'm not anti-zionist anymore
the one case where you could accutately describe something as being motivated by white guilt.
germans were a mistake. Stalin should have kept marching west and killed them all.
the GOP has absolutely nothing to with republicanism, which is an inherently communist ideology if its tenets are taken seriously
Which of those two do you think your flag symbolizes?
The real correct opinion was the holocaust would have been good if only targeted people in Germany
in general, the GOP. however no one actually uses it on Holla Forums so I've adopted it myself to signal my special snowflake brand of leftism focusing on building commonwealth rather than moralism or "victory" of the proletariat over the bourgeoisie
What the hell is up with Germans and their belief they need to "save" Europe?
Every single time it only ends up ravaging the continent.
And this is somehow new?
Class collaborationism is the idea that the class system is a positive feature, which is an idea I don't hold.
The Anti-German tendency was in its beginning and understandable and to an extent necessary reaction vulgar anti-Imperialism and nationalist revival leading up to and following reunification. But has gotten way out of hand and is a very puzzling and excellent way some 'lefty' Germans deal with their past.
I can get down with it.
Tbh, the world would be so much better off if instead of establishing Israel in the middle of the desert, Britain should have killed all the remaining Nazi-approved Germans and told the Zionists to take Germany and fucking deal with it.
It’s retarted. If you don’t support Hamas against Israeli imperialism you’re #NotMyComrade
its shit
idpol is shit