Hear me out, Fascism is just capitalism decaying. Then fascists just want the state to cuck them for their capitalist masters.
Like corporate shills pretty much.
Hear me out, Fascism is just capitalism decaying. Then fascists just want the state to cuck them for their capitalist masters.
Like corporate shills pretty much.
Other urls found in this thread:
We know, fascism is for betamales who want Hans to pump their women full of babies and Communism is for chads who get a cuckquean wife.
I thought it was about women's suffrage and electoral reform.
Nothing more communist than treating women like some kind of achievement in a video game.
Most leftist women are subs into this shit. Go outside you retard.
It is the best sex to be had.
Not really. Stop making things up to feed your power fantasies.
Damn right.
Fascism is one raises his arm and the others raise theirs after him.
The ideology is made for betas who need to be told what to do, what to say, what to think on every step.
B-But my Party discipline
Not my fault Twilight and 50 Shades of Grey was written by women and sells incredible well with the womenfolk.
It absolutely is, every leftist girl I've met has been some form of sub and this experience holds true with at least five friends, both online and irl. There is nothing wrong with consensual kinky sex you puritan faggot.
They aren't called red fascists for no reason user.
Both fascism and communism are shit tho
Christian girls are they kinkiest I had ever sex with. They do it in all three holes, in an order which may surprise you.
Lefty girls are usually more switches. It's fun to have two around. This way you can convince one to team up against the other. Treason highly encouraged.
get personally btfo by marx scrub
literally nobody said anything about any of that except you though
Fuck off shill. There is nothing wrong with mate guarding or beta males securing the means of reproduction from Chad. The destruction of traditions promotes harem society and dooms betas to sexless loveless lives. Communism is a feminist plot to entrench the gynocracy, since despite the communists's apparent belief in economic justice, the defense of feminism/ femoid supremacy and Chad sexual imperialism takes priority over any genuine working class movement. Freedom for Chad is slavery for the betas; good luck refuting this. (protip, you can't).
You're in the wrong thread, try this one
fucking kill yourself retard
The blackpill is all I need betaboy. Keep taking that estrogen, maybe one day you will be like the females you enslave yourself to.
There has to be something to the whole "the more outwardly pure you are, the more dark the inside" thing. Religious people let loose to an insane degree when allowed to.
A non-decaying capitalist will always try to cannibalize a decaying fascist one, regardless of alliances.
I want you to read everything your just wrote out loud to yourself.
I hope this autistic /r9k/ invasion ends soon
LEL, enjoy your safespace nerds.
*hands over half of Europe to the control of an ostensibly socialist state*
you're a faggot.
I get laid and you don't so I think you're just confused now
only because they were too devastated by war to stop Stalin dumbass
They were both capitalist, what fought one another was liberalism and fascism.
Tell that to them
Why do my comrades hate me so?
They are sexcucks man. Think of classcucks but applied to the inequalities of the dating market.
This is some n-dimensional chess shit right here
In my experience christ girls are sluts but usually vanilla.
turns out I was pretty much a Fascist a few years ago and never knew
Replace "capitalist" with any other system and you will understand how idiotic your reasoning is
Other than this, are there any good books on psychoanalysis dealing with fascism? The psychosexual disorder of these people is really quite the spectacle
Could you elaborate that?
It's not exactly about fascism but Elias Canetti wrote a book somewhat related. Not a psychoanalytical one though.
Fascists are better people than communists. 100% unironic here.
A ton of Marxists are activist weasels who are lazy but enjoy manipulating people and fantasize about being in positions of authority. They're huge on being hip, they keep up with fashion and culture, they get piercings, do drugs, and deride right wingers as boring or pathetic and sexually frustrated. They try very hard to be cool, so they fantasize about replacing economic differentiation with social differentiation. All of this is triply true of anarchists, who tend to be the most repellent inidividuals involved in politics.
Except for drugs this is irrelevant.
Most right-wingers are at least one of these for sure.
Now fuck off Holla Forums
Reich argues that fascism is the result of sexual repression and that sort of thing on a societal scale
It's not irrelevant. Marxism attracts a lot of trendsters who devote their lives to looking cool. They crave direct democracy and better negotiation for labor conditions because they're confident they can sway group decision making and pass off shitty jobs to people who never talk while they stretch college campus lifestyle into their 40s.
This is why Marxism attracts so many LARPers and lifestylists. It tends to be a bunch of incredibly narcissistic people obsessed with being young and cool, because their skill set and identity is fundamentally incompatible with any stable norm of adulthood. Read The Culture of Narcissism.
Cuckqeans tend to be abhorrent redpill women types who predicate their sexual fantasies on evopsych garbage.
What ideology do I need to follow to get a gf who like to dom sometimes and sub some times as well?
Most are liberal or leftist subs that like group sex. Reactionary women are vanilla but slutty.
Female Switches are pretty rare, but the few I've met have been liberal or socdem.
Which is it? Is it
Also I will disagree with other posters, robots can stay because your ridiculous whining about how women are disgusted by both your appearance and your retrograde politics makes me feel great about my superior sex appeal and politics. To the extent that Chad sexual imperialism exists I benefit from it, it's fantastic, and having been on both sides of the chad/beta divide I can honestly say that chadness boils down to a very simple set of social skills. Only complete blithering idiots don't pick it up, and only the very stupidest of those idiots get sucked into the Holla Forums-/r9k/ memepool over their inability to learn the simple principles of successful social-sexual interaction.
git gud you fucking plebs
Is there a sillier possible combo? Give me qt leftist kinky subs any day.
Literally this. Don't be a fucking sperg and shit will work out. Shy or awkward? If you can talk and laugh you'll be fine.