Irish Republican Army General.
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we're in the decadent phase of capitalism. there is no reason for this idpol. read icc.
what will be the impact of brexit on N. Ireland and Ireland?
Will Irish nationalism rise?
That flag makes me wanna kill myself and whoever designed it.
Should have used this one but i couldn't find it in my hard drive
It's a movement that wants to kick fucking imperialists out, shut up
Gunn come baaaack
Bloody hell.
Is it really that hard for you to find a Starry Plough flag?
no, there literally is nothing good to come out of "national liberation" in a hundred years, let alone for modern ireland. agitate for something appropriate and revolutionary instead.
if dubs the IRA bombs Westminster
You had one fucking job.
They have to rise again, i want left wing nationalist militias back, when will cascadians stop being pussies btw
Joke: Modern IRA
Broke: 1970s IRA
Woke: 1910s IRA
Bespoke: United Irishmen.
Also reminder that Jim Larkin didndu nuffin wrong.
hell I'm not even Irish but I'll volunteer. especially since Rojava is no longer accepting cannon fodder.
I like the IRA but is right.
Obligatory "Come Out and Fight" link:
The Irish free-state is a shithole and I would rather join the police than join that garbage fire of class-cuckery and failure.
It literally has the revolutionary potential of a wet lighter and for socialists there is literally no reason not to stay in the UK.
These were men… trained cadres. These men who fought with their hearts, who had families, who had children, who were filled with love… but they had the strength… the strength… to do that. If I had ten divisions of those men our troubles here would be over very quickly. You have to have men who are moral… and at the same time who are able to utilize their Edwardian instincts to kill without feeling… without passion… without hallucinogenic substances… without drugs. Because it's the drugs being pushed by the Blairite BBC fanatical far-left establishment that defeats us.
the IRA is dead, LARPers
go away DUP shill
Leftcoms confirmed for anglos
Red fascists.
Really? They don't want foreign nationals at all or is there a training requirement now?
Andd you defend british imperialism
Nationalism leads to fascism. We need to abolish such concepts.
Social democracy cannot work without nationalism you dumb cuck. Otherwise, where would you get all the money to subsidize refugees and free shit for dindus?
Nation can exist without nationalism, case and point the EU, future of Europe.
You have to go back.
Please, I only support the god chancellor.
Is Gerry Adams /Ourguy/?
Your arse leads to your mouth
Pick on you fucking imbecile
*Pick one*
Lmaoing @ your dumb ass right now. Marx supported national liberation everywhere it happened. He supported Irish independence as well as Polish independence from the Russian empire, both out of the principals of liberation and because it would lead to the democratization of larger imperialist states which would be forced under the new conditions to give more rights to other such groups within their empire, and to weaken the imperialist countries themselves.
"leftcoms are well read"
leftcoms revise marx, hahahahaha
we elect far more socialists to both our national parliament and the european parliament than the brits do
fever dream - tier
right wing nationalism leads to fascism
left wing nationalism makes sense since it's in capitalism's nature to commodify everything including the culture of your nation
Post-nationalism is not reactionary, its left-wing.
Scotland here take that the fuck back I'll have no more of your Tory pish thanks Jack
They are socialist.
Ahaha why are leftcoms the only ones to pretend they've read Marx more like it
except you know Cuba.
Someone, redpill me on lefty nationalism
and Rojava, and pretty much every Latin American struggle, Vietnam, so fucking many
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
Always worth sharing
Literally social democracy at the barrel of the gun.
Better than robber baron capitalism at the point of Batistas gun
But it isn’t.
Ah now! Stop that
Even worse
Okay, name them. I might be wrong about the free state. But it seems to be that the only "socialists" in the south are spineless SuccDems.
Scotland is cool. If Scotland left the UK and joining Scotland instead of staying with England or joining the south was an option I would vote for it.
But it's not, so in the mean time I'm going to point out that there is no reason for socialists to want Northern Ireland to leave the UK.
Who the fuck makes these
Cannot for the life of me understand why people here are so scared of left-wing nationalism
Nationalism is the single biggest driving force of the masses, even the kurds that the anarquists love to suck off so much are insanely nationalist
Northern Irish huns.
They have an eh… interesting culture.
Left-wing nationalism is the easiest way to get more people into the left.
Because it's a lazy strategy that is more likely than not just going to shoot the left in the foot years down the line when most of your followers don't give a shit about actual socialism and just joined up for the nationalism.
Yeah, its how I got into the left
Catalunia begs to differ, the struggle for national liberation has been going since the Civil War, the Irish fought against the brits for centuries, and the kurds, too, are still fighting
Just, you know, guide them instead of saying how everything they are fighting for will be destroyed after the revolution
I became a leftist because of mexican nationalism
I know, I am from Northern Ireland and the absolute and total state of socialism here is why I'm against it. Every nationalist in my community thinks they're a socialist but barely any of them know the slightest thing about it. They just know socialism has something to do with Irish nationalism which is what they actually care about, otherwise they're garden variety SocDems.
And it's irrelevant. Actual liberation doesn't happen by drawing lines on a map, it happens with economic and actual emancipatory socialism. Which has got to be international.
Not to mention Irish nationalism is a total dead-end for Northern Ireland. We have half the population who are totally against it and continue to vote for reactionary parties that are against their economic interests for similarly retarded nationalist reasons. Nationalism is bad period and any leftist movement that is going to hop into bed with nationalists is going to find their movement hijacked by nationalists some years down the line. Yes, even Holla Forums's beloved Kurds.
this lad knows what's up.
polite sage.