People's Congress of Resistance

PCOR thread.

Where you there? What are your thoughts? Is it a tenable model for Marxist-Leninists to build dual-power?

Dropped here, stop wanting more liberals. Jesus christ. The only legit movments/parties are the one who reject liberals

What is this shit

The CIA trying to distract people from the left.

Huh? Where did you get that? The point (which is the main point of State & Rev) is that the bourgeoisie state apparatus is fundamentally incapable of fighting the bourgeois agenda (as represented to most people by Trump) and has to be destroyed and replaced by a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.

Learn to read. Also if you haven't heard of this you clearly aren't following the US Leninist movement very carefully.

>All over the world, working and oppressed people are organizing against austerity, cuts and exploitation. In the United States, the working-class struggle encompasses multiple issues. These include: the struggle for full rights for all immigrants, the fight for a livable wage and guaranteed income, the anti-foreclosure and tenant rights movement, the fight for clean water and soil, the fight against pipelines and fracking, the drive for single-payer universal healthcare, the debtors’ rights movement, the push for free education, the demand for paid family leave, and many others.


Note how they don't say "get rid of private property," but "get rid of racist sexist private property."

Well, duh. That's what puts the red in red liberalism. A cursory glance shows that they are far more interested in identity than the class issues which have caused said identity to suffer in the first place.

This further punctuates the point, Racial reparations and muh patriarchy? What a joke. So close, yet so far.

Yeah, but it's not only trump. No shit that the borgeois state is not interested fighting the borgeois agenda.

Shit like this makes you useful idiot to the borguoise, just a less racist one.
Liberals don't get the gulag, they get hanged with the wall streets hotshots, liberal dogs are the biggest victory of the capital after the fall of the SU. Literal conterintelpro.

problem is that approximately 300 million Americans are liberals

so what two columns does this help empower again?

I wonder if they mean nationalization when they say collectivization? Yanks have a funny way with words.

Yeah, that's why I'm so anti-american.
You don't fight liberalism with more liberalism.

Le Resistance larping as commies to get more votes for Hillary 2020

you made me laugh today

how stupid are you? OP is only pointing to the current most powerful bourgeois in his position as president, which is something that signifies to americans and many others internationally a sense of great command and culpability, not implying that trump is the singular significant figure.
all generations of actual marxists have talked about the state leaders of their times in a similar way, read a fucking book.

Fuck off ultraleftist

Is this bait? What are you talking about?

PROC is a front for the PSL. They're basically using entyist tactics to get more normies involved in the Left. But whatever, I guess you're just addicted to losing like every other "Leftist" on this board.

*PCOR lel, but my point still stands, if anons on this board actually read Marx or Lenin they'd realize this is perfectly sound praxis.

You yanks are so naive and desperate it's embarrassing. When I look up anything affiliated with the PSL, I see extremely little on socialism or class issues, and extremely much on how a bunch of students screamed in the streets for change. It seems to me that the party has ADOPTED liberalism, not drawn it in to change it.

IdPol groups are a dime a dozen, don't be so surprised when people are dismissive. The anarchists tried letting these types of people in, the Trots tried letting them in, and so on, and the result has always been the same.