'Unite the Right' organizers rebrand themselves 'Anti-Communist' and plan an armed rally in Charlotte, NC.
March Against Communism
Intercept was right, they're getting desperate
and before anyone come at me with the shit "this is like when capies say if u buy iphone you can be commie" i say first read the pic, sec i only want to show how communism is the primordial material relation that capitalism abstract from and shatter it for its own to be able to work
hopefully the counterprotestors will do something or get something done.
Why does anyone on my home board like these people?
When will rightards realize that buying thing with money is not synonymous with capitalism?
Someone should LARP as a libertarian and bitch at them about offering free food then, tell them TANSTAAFL and shit
Lol nu-RAC.
Anyone wanna carpool up?
how hilariously impotent could a group of people be
"anti-communist" has to be the wimpiest from of political action, if we could even call it that, possible. fascism, as reactionary as it (obviously) is, at least PRETENDS to signify some kind of revolutionary social action, as wilhelm reich pointed out. so-called "anti-communism" could only be some ridiculous support of the existing liberal capitalist hegemony.
someone please tell me what is different ideologically between "anti-communists" and hillary supporters
That's the point. Just as antifa defines itself as anti-fascist -because who in their right mind is pro-fascist- so do these anti-communists.
If this goes anything like last time, and being that Richard Spencer is attending it's likely, they will probably just burn out the term "anti-communism" as well. Revealing it as yet another way in which the alt-right and other assorted reactionaries play coy with their aims and dogwhistle to one another.
That's really a lot of risk riding on their hope that the general public outside of boomers are as repulsed by communism as they are by fascism, and that they'll actually be able to successfully frame it that way now that all of their popular leaders have been meme'd as nazis on purpose in the MSM
Seriously, what communism is there to march against?
Anyone realize just how badly it would look for the right if this rally went badly?
Everyone's realized by this point that they're a bunch of autists who can't organize anything worth shit, so people will just show up to couter-protest, they'll sperg out, leave and go cry on twitter about muh icy produce.
They're public image is shattered at this point, that they're still trying to get shit going outside the internet is baffling.
someone just nuke america
Well what's the point in even reading the literature then if you're ideology can ostensibly be summed up to "People like free shit"?
Super gay article desu.
Nazis are brainlets, tbh
Can't be helped considering the subject matter
If socialists didn't pander to mass peoples wants and needs, the general public would never have chosen to vote one into office. So I thinks it's a little more then just libertarians that presume that about socialists.
What? That's not what the text in the screenshot says
What socialist was voted into office? Also what you're describing is literally just politics
Antifa is exactly the same. Anti-fascist instead of pro-communist, and therefore a defender of the status quo. Anti-anything is a position of weakness.
So you be sayin
Anti-communists are the real communists ?
"When fascism comes to America it will appear as anti-communism."
t. George Orwell.
still waiting to see an ancap paying for sunlight and air
Made me think 🤔 💭
White nationalism or barbarism.(>implying you're not a mongrel)
they can kindly pass you the bill, nothing more
Yep sounds about right, someone get the video where Holla Forumsyps think Adorno Quotes are by Evola.
Wow it's almost as if it has nothing to do with anti-capitalism and it's all a LARP to cover for Nazi tendencies while attracting useful libertarian idiots
*anti-communism, but you get the yeah anyway
We bring in the Struggalos.
the cringe is real
I'm currently making a video about crypto-nazis, I hope you guys will share it when it's done
I don't have that but i'd appreciate it. I do however have this.
Here you go
I thought of this, but you know I didn't really wanna post it.
pretty good
Wtf I hate Hitler now
nothing new
I honestly regret wasting time on this
You know, it's kind of a lose-lose really.
My joke runs the risk of being something they'd like, and if we reverse it it's not really any less retarded. I think The Squeakquel may be barren land.
I think it fits the 'SJW CRINGE COMPILATION #23930' crowd better though
You did a good job with the sleeves, tho.
thanks for that
Go and counterprotest them
Someone should larp as a lolbert and take all the food and sell it to people.
anyncraps think that taxless anarchists capitalism will work because the wealthy will give people free shit.
Holy shit someone has to do this
do you think they'll implement rationing due to scarcity?
Alright, shall we organize a counter-protest?
I don't want Antifa to keep being the face of the left at these sorts of things
no point, just let them embarrass themselves like usual.
guys, guys. We're missing a big opportunity here. Don't break it up in black bloc shit. What we gotta do is dress as Union soldiers and US GI's, and break up those nazis and confederates. Much more symbolic, espeically considering how hard sherman fucked charlotte
I kind of want this to happen just to watch the liberals not know how to respond.
That would literally be LARPing.
These things are fun to attend. I had a great time just people watching in Charlottesville. Was extremely surreal to see doughboys goose stepping about with kekistan flags.
Right? plus, it's more symbolic than hoodied hooligans with 'dump drumpf' digns yknow?
source of the text pls
Mate wtf get out with that LARP shit
I dont wanna dress up like some kid with special needs, you can counter-protest people even without literally wearing costumes
but, the symbolism buddy. costume would imply shittily thrown together cosplay, i'm talking about uniforms here. and possibly weaponry
Yup sounds normal
literally how? It would confuse both the centre right and centre left, the right being nationalist 'patriots' would have to choose the nazi/confeds or the union/GI's, and only one would fit their rhetoric. the libs would be so confused, as they glorify the GI's and the union, but then shitting on them would be entirely against their typical rhetoric
Fucking brilliant.
I wish I could hate you to death.
Why don't they understand that torch rallys look REALLY fucking bad? KKK wasn't only raciss, they hated everyone who wasn't them and ruled their territories like the mafia , asked protection money from everyone and did petty crime all the way.
Allende actually lost the popular vote. If the CIA had simply left the Chilean right-wing do its own thing instead building up some dickhead coldwar hardliner to compete with the Christian Democrats there would have been no need for a Coup.
Spencer's gf is literally a Duginite, how does this shit even work.
Jesus where's the leftist gun clubs when you need them
They'll understand when someone eventually dumps a bucket of kerosene on them
as if anyone in the US gives a fuck about "stopping communism." the only people who will follow this are lost causes anyways, this isn't a rally that will raise any concerns, or address issues; it's just noise.
they were all shut down by the fbi
I thought he was married
This is stupid. America has no real powerful communist movement. It’s like beating a dead horse.
Didn't Spencer unironically say that communism was great because it stopped the biggest threat to the white race, liberalism? This is such a low-effort re-branding.
Spencer is more nazbol then most of the aut-right. Also it’s clear that these people are ancaps.
why would ancaps have Asserites speaking at their event? Bernie Sanders is more ancap than him.
I said this to many alt right groups back when I was on the alt right. I just got kept being kicked out. A genuine nationalist movement needs to be socialist and be explicitly anti-american in order to work. But Americans really are the loudest in it currently. One good thing out of this is that now fascism will finally be connected to capitalism.
They're not protesting Communism, they're protesting atheism, feminism, and other gutteral marshist bullshit they THINK is communism.
Scratch an ancap, fascist bleeds, etc.
so liberalism then
Is he even speaking there? Also I never said Spencer was nazbol. I said he is more nazbol then most of the aut-right. That doesn’t mean he’s a nazbol. His economic policy is pretty much like Sanders.
ya he's like top billed
Hopefully they become a more organized force. If they become more organized, it'll be easier to use them as a bogeyman.
You know the drill, comrades. Stand down and let the right fuck up their own image like in Charlottesville. It's bound to happen when you've got that many spergs in one place.
When did you leave and why?
Few months back. I had several debates with national capitalists and I started reading some socialist material to have better arguments against them. I began to agree with it more. I was a Asser Bro. I eventually saw nationalism and socialism conflict with eachother. It was either I got with nationalism or socialism and I chose socialism.There is also some anecdotal… I started working for walmart a year ago and it really opened my eyes to see how fundamentally flawed not only America but capitalism is in general.The combination of reading leftist material and my experiences working for a bad corporation has turned me into a full socialist.
He got the most votes of the three.
Plurality, but not majority.
Debt The First5000Year
Why are they protesting something that doesn't exist in the US?
If you don't have 50% of your country behind you don't deserve to rule. Two-rounds, MMP, STV. Having really loud obsessed people backing you doesn't make you a leader, it makes you a dictator.
So then Bush and Trump are dictators then.
God you're stupid
Still not really comparable, even.
Allende at least had the most votes of any candidate running.
By tankposter's logic, we'd have qualified Bush and Trump as dictators begging for overthrow well before Allende. (Not that we shouldn't have overthrown Bush anyway)
NEETs are cool, fuck fascim!
someone should go there and take all the free food and if someone attempts to make them stop they should claim that all the food is theirs at default because it was left unattended an he claimed it and if someone still attempts to stop him claim that their attempting to stop him living by the ideology he believes in and suppressing free speech
Bland anti-communism doesn't really have much appeal, especially if it is mixed with economic liberalism. Not really sure what they are trying to do here.
This is one of the few times I'm pissed that I wasn't born in 'murrica.
t. butthurt pole. [spoiler]still, universal healthcare and education though[spoiler]
Lol anticom is a joke. Ex member here AMA.
Dunno, Antifa is a disorganized mess and the right has managed to turn them into an effective boogeyman.