What do you think of The Young Turks? They may be not as far left as some of you would like them to be but I've been watching them for 8 years and I think they do a job of promoting progressive ideals. Plus they're easily the most popular leftist news channel on YouTube by far.
What do you think of The Young Turks...
It doesn't matter how far left they are. They are completely fucking retarded and trying to support them would backfire harder than the alt-right with Trump.
why was this anchored? jimmy and co are the most prevalent lefty YouTubers around
The liberalest liberals of ever liberal.
Who gives a fuck about progressive idea? Without Improving material conditions, civil rigths are just porky's tool to show a human face
She's a cute tho, especially in pic related.
saging in an anchored thread
I love watching it from time to time, ceng is such golden shitposter
and so on
why shouldn't it be anchored?
they're complete rambling idiots but does Jimmy Dore count?
jimmy is the only one who can be called lefty, the rest are all unabashed capitalists.
Cenk is literally bourgeoisie.
Cenk is one of those idiots that thinks socialism is just whenever the government does anything
Dore is the only one who isn't shit, and he influenced most of them.
they used to be complete Hillary-supporting liberals until Jimmy whipped them into rationality.
They aren't left enough. You can't really almost be a socialist with liberal politics (barring Jimmy Dore, Bernie Sanders, and Jeremy Corbyn).The Young Turks are shit tier and not even socdem.
Honestly op tyt is retard and they are pretty openly anti socialist, or straight up misconstrue socialist ideals on a damn near regular basis
Tier arguments. Is abysmal. Jimmy is the only redeemable one of the bunch, Jordan is cool too but they only go so far
Well I'm glad you're not a mod then. Imagine scrolling through the catalog and actively looking for reasons to anchor threads… it strangles the community
Why do people on here continue to punch left? If they were open Marxist they would have like 10,000 subscribers at most. Your extremist autism is why the left is dying.
>you got Trump elected Berniefags! >:(
no it's not, you can't just point at everything we do and say "lol THIS is why UNBASED lefties are BTFO ya feckin pedes >:0"
and judging by the state of Bernie Sanders rallies I don't think TYT types are "dying" at all.
Not to mention our purpose was never to engage in extreme shameless populism.
we can have a poll right now and I guarantee most people here are glad this is anchored
Who's the "co"? Jimmy is the only one even remotely decent out of the TYT crew.
Shits like Ana and John who get the most airtime are the most bottom of the barrel liberals.
the bird is an absolute semen demon, but someone needs to post that video of the fat lad explaining communism
Jimmy is the only YoutTube "Progressive" that reads and is actually class conscious. It's cool that they're are anti-democratic party people like Humanist Report etc. but they're all still operating within capitalism.