Male circumcision

What should be done to "doctors" who circumcise baby boys who aren't suffering from severe phimosis in a democratic socialist transitional government?

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nice skub OP, I eagerly anticipate the oncoming trainwreck

>genital mutilation is so insignificant, you guise

Most circumcisions ain't even performed by doctors cuz most of them ain't done in The First World. It's mostly just some trusted member of the community that does it for boys and girls most of the time.

Personally, I'd ban it all (especially FGM) and invest heavily in changing cultural attitudes towards them "traditions" so you don't end up sending half you population to labour camps.

I didn't say it was insignificant, just really fucking divisive. I don't disagree with you either.

Uncircumcised penises look too feminine in my opinion. If you're uncut you should be placed on hormones, and live your life as a trap.


Holy shit, now I know why my mom insisted so much. Thank god I was always resistent

Only got one on female genital mutilation right now. I was reading bout that shit literally just an hour ago.

we need to meme this

Just make it illegal for people under 18. It's fucking barbaric that they do this shit to children.


I can only imagine the level of mud slinging from Jewish groups if this were pushed in America and how many people would buy into it.

It already happened in Germany iirc

someone explain why non-muslim Balkans is red

Can I blame this one on the jews? Just this one time?

Hasn't passed, some parties are mulling the idea over, but yeah you can already see the 'THIS IS BASICALLY ANOTHER HOLOCAUST' thing

I mean sorta but as an American it's more likely due to evangelical christians like Kellogg from back in the early days, sorry.

wasn't it more a 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧prudes🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 against masturbation thing in burgeria? apart from the actual jews

Christfags are responsible for your specific case, sorry friend.

Aye, that is a bit odd.
Found this : Overall, 4.5% (95% CI 3.2 to 6.5) of Slovenian male citizens reported being circumcised.



Watch this thread get hundreds of replies in hours
This fucking board sometimes


Ban it as unnecessary surgery and punish practitioners accordingly. Religion is no excuse, obviously.

Large Muslim (Turkish Muslims mostly) minorities.

As part of the Cultural Revolution I propose that this become mandatory for all America, Muslim, and Jewish men. (With exceptions for medical reasons.)


I probably won't be able to afford this operation by the time it's available.

No sauce on hand, but if you look at the map the only first world place it is big in is burgerland, leafistan, and aussieland. No idea why the aussies cut their dicks, but here in burgerland and leafistan it got big because Kellogg thought it would stop boys from masturbating.
t. circumcised

Really makes you think

I'm Australian and I have no idea. Most men are not circumcised here.

It DID not happen in Germany because anti-dautch thought it’d be anti-semtic.

that explains Macedonia and Serbia if you count Kosovo, and maybe Montenegro just about but what about Slovenia? Barely any Muslims there

This. 20% to 80% is such a broad statistical category that it shouldn't be there.

IIRC it's considered a rite of passage in a lot of Third World societies

Here in Kiwiland practically the entire Pacific Islander community is circumcised because of that (as being uncircumcised isn't considered masculine)

Way ahead of you.

Nothing wrong with circumcision
Preventative measures, such as male circumcision and immunizations should be promoted

Little bit of an info gap there.

Doesn't circumcision violate the NAP?

Anyone who performs, participates in or aids in unnecessary body modifications of minors should be executed.

I'm cut too. Honestly I don't see what the big deal is. I really don't feel like I'm missing much.

quintessential slave mentality right here, folks


Is there any good sources that indicate a decrease in pleasure as a result of circumcision? From what I've seen the consensus is to the contrary

Literally how?

But for real, in America it's just a way for the doctor's too make extra money off a superflous procedure. That and weird judaic moralism. The quality of life drop is pretty small, speaking as someone who got cut as an adult due to medical issues.

It's definitely not desirable imo, but it's slowly dying out in the Western Nations that still practice it, and if you live in Africa/ME I'm sure you have better things to worry about. Additionally, I'd be suprised if we dont see some way to restore foreskin from stemcells in the near future, but lmao at Americans being able to afford it with their shitty healthcare. If anything it shows the absolute trash that it market economics and medicine for profit.

In my experience anyone who makes it their pet issue is an alarmist weirdo with deeper issues.

Is this good enough? I know fuck all about huffington post.

French or "normal" cut?

if it was, it never stopped me from fapping 4-7 times a week

i like my mutilated cahk

problem solved bitches

This is not even up for debate, ban it for anyone who isn't a willing adult.

Basically all the studies are weird or suck and there's no clear answer as to whether there's any real difference in reported pleasure. You can find contradictory results to argue either point.
Either way, the correlation for lower rates of STD transmission is very weak and not worth the risk of potential complications that can arise from even routine circumcision in the first world. The fact that zero pain relief is given to the baby is abhorrent enough.

my son was circumcised when he was about 1 month old. he didn't even cry once and is 100% fine

I've seen a video of the procedure on a newborn and he was howling in agony the entire time. Maybe your son has obscene pain tolerance but for the rest of the population I don't think expecting at least some local anesthetic is too much to ask.

Yeah that's about the vibe I feel

The problem with these articles is that you can find one that agrees with your position on any topic. For example if you find an article that says it reduces it I guarantee I can find another that disagrees and provides roughly the same level of rigor in proof. I just want to see some sort of real consensus but the more I look into it the more seems to right. It's mixed.

Aye, but I liked how that article explained the foreskins part in faping etc How the foreskin is not just a "dead" piece of skin etc Get my drift? That's rly all I can say about it. I'd rather keep mine and I'd rather that other could keep theirs too.

Agreed, but I'd like to read a first person account of someone who was circumcised as an adult addressing specifically the loss of that function and how much of an impact it has. Surprisingly this sort of thing is hard to find.

This should be banned, despite all the butthurt Burgers attempting to perpetuate the cycle of child mutilation so they can pretend their parents didn't have part of their genitals cut off for no reason.

The most sensitive part of your body was cut off and sold to cosmetic research against your will and then when you noticed they try to convince you its "normal" or "better" or its "culture". If this happened literally any other part of your body (or a female's body) everyone would lose their shit.

Some parts of the US its illegal to dock your dog's tail or to force them into dog fighting, but in the US boys are circumcised and then 18 years later forced to sign up for potential military drafting. You have less right to your body than a dog.

It was, if looking into the history and legacy of dr Kellogg doesn't make you extremely wary of anti masturbation movements and how its marketed than I dont know what to tell you, that man was the biggest example of a spook and money driven quack I have seen.


it should be banned period. allow males 18+ y.o to choose if they want it done or it. if jews complain, tell them to fuck off. if they try to subvert it by illegally mutilating children, arrest and punish them

it's a disgusting barbaric practice that has no place in a civilised society

Fucking ban it.
I don't care about Jewish or Muslim feefees, which is the only reason why Germany allows to keep it, despite their "promotional video for the defence of the sacred practice" made several jury members sick.

Not only does it not violate the nap, medicaid doesnt pay for it anymore, so it's ultra anarcho capitalist
(A baby is their parents' property, if they choose to get him circumcised, it's their right to do so)

I'm going to get a circumsion at age 25 because I have phimosis
Farewell hoodie dick! :(

It's really only about the Jews, only they believe that not being circumcised as a baby forever bars you from judaism and the jewish tradition/identity.

No, there are plenty of amerifags who think that you can't get a wife if your dick isn't cut or that you'll get penis cancer. Cognitive dissonance combined with culture is a hell of a drug.

sasuga ancaps…

Yeah that's true I meant that it's literally only Jews that """"need"""" to have it done as infants or it's "too late". But yeah amerilards are all for that shit (thought I think the US thing was a post-war tradition more than a Jewish thing)

Foreskin shields the head when your walking. But they expose it during sex making it more sensitive.

Reminder that circumcision reduces the pleasure of the person the man will put his dick inside of. The foreskin's mucosal membrane provides lubrication and sliding motion that reduces friction. On top of that the shovel shaped bell end is for scraping fluid out of the vagina (specifically the semen of previous sex partners), but without the foreskin covering it and mitigating the effect, it will also scrape out vaginal lubricant (while no longer adding its own). Increased friction from the lack of sliding skin also causes irritation and dryness. And the way the foreskin rolls up the shaft causes it to wrinkle forming natural "ribs" that you find on some condoms or dildos meant to simulate a natural part of anatomy.

I'm not even going to go into the well-tread ground of mutilation, consent, male sexual dysfunction, etc. I just wanted to point out that it's bad for all parties involved and point people to an angle that may be useful (given how often women's preference is used as justification for the procedure). Sexual dysfunction on widely-circumcizing countries is arguably attributable primarily to the removal of normal sexual tissue (the foreskin could arguably be classified as an organ unto itself).

Using your logic, so does the parent have the right to dispose of his property. or in other words, kill the child as it's not a human being until 18?

Rolled 3, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5 + 6 = 25 (6d6)
this is correct
the parent can also sell the child as a slave, of course
as communists you should support this, since it's basically owning the means of reproduction and reaping the full benefits of your labor as a set of parents

Circumcisions are good, they will help identify the enemy on dotr

"Reported pleasure" is not relevant. Circumcision almost exclusively happens near birth, so there's no point of comparison to be made. What's relevant is the nerve endings that are physically removed. I've seen a lot of studies try to wave away the sensitivity issue by measuring sensitivity only on parts of the penis that are left alone. This is like measuring sensitivity on the palm of your hand to determine if cutting off a finger affects your sensitivity.

This isn't how science works. You have to interrogate the results and procedure and figure out what evidence is best. "There's evidence on both sides" is scientifically illiterate malarkey. And a great deal of science in capitalism is tainted by vested interests, this kind of issue especially due to the taboos on top of that. Which is why it's especially important to carefully examine the evidence when you have a "both sides" scenario. Vested interests rarely seek to suppress evidence against their case, preferring instead to create evidence in support. When the discussion around an issue becomes "well there's support for both sides" our "let's have the debate" culture freezes actual attempts to discover the real answer because most people are more comfortable with ambiguity when faced with the possibility of serious moral/ethical consequences.

Having heard attending nurses discuss it, often what happens is the baby goes into shock, which causes them not to cry.

tfw Burgerstanian fashies get into firefights with eachother because of the widespread prevalence of circumcision in the US.

why do you hate freedom and liberty, statist cuck?

What if the child consents tho

there'd probably also be plenty of hardcore christians who want to continue kellogg's legacy and insist "circumcision is redpilled"

there's no problem if the child consents
alright ive taught you some anarcho capitalism, now will you do me a solid of teaching me some marxism or marxism-leninism? I'm interested

what do you want to know? how do you feel about books? here are two short basic texts by Marx himself

So as to whether is da jooos, the answer is yes and no.

It's no in the sense that Jews didn't popularize circumcision. Why would they? It's a tribal identifier. It was popularized by puritans with the express intent of reducing sexual pleasure as much as possible and inflicting pain as punishment for sexuality. Look up Harvey Kellogg (yes corn flakes man is responsible for this). It's worth pointing out that at the same time these people promoted similar procedures for women and girls (clitorectomy etc.) and the idea was exactly the same. These people knew exactly what they were doing. Hell, you can read Jewish literature from over 800 years ago (Maimonidies) and they knew what they were doing. The whole point was to inflict pain and blunt pleasure. IIRC Kellogg was inspired by the Jewish practice, which leads us to…

What you can blame Jewish culture for is the specific type of circumcision that's widely practiced in the west. Like FGM, MGM comes in a number of forms. Extreme cases involve such things as cutting the entire shaft in haft along its length or flaying off almost all the exterior skin. At the most minor you have small nicks on the foreskin that do not remove tissue, or the "dorsal slit" that doesn't remove tissue but slices along the top of the foreskin to where it meets the shaft. Originally the Jewish circumcision was a much more minor form than the current "high and tight" circumsision that removes as much skin as possible while still leaving enough to cover the penis. This version was invented by Jewish elders in response to Jewish youths in Rome attempting to hide their Jewishness by pulling the remaining foreskin over the head and appearing to be intact (Romans saw circumcision as barbaric and while they were lax about public nudity they thought the glans of the penis should not be visible in public). So they devised a way to perform the ritual so that it could not be hidden. This became common because, you know, when you're going to sadistically cut pieces off babies you're going to go as far as you can get away with.

You were cut the way you were because of a combination of Jewish insecurity and American sex-negativity.

i'll report back after i finish these two works

It would be interesting if someone did studies on aggression levels in adults vs. intactness of genitals. There's pretty obviously a lot of unresolved trauma.

willing to actually read?
already you are better than 90% of the board

All I know is that it slows the development of HIV to AIDS: but it works retroactively so if you catch HIV you can get teh snip and it will help.

These threads should be banned.

Foreskins should be banned.

That's what she said.

she (kelog)

Most children are given a combination of nerve block and ring block as well as other techniques which help to result in no effective or apparent pain. This is due to studies in the 90s which showed neonates past 90 minutes post-birth do feel pain from circumcision.

I don't know why they waited till he was 1 month old, in regards to pain the best time to do a circumcision (anesthetic included) is during the neonatal period or right after birth as the child has reduced nerve feeling as to help facilitate its birth though the canal (as its head being put under immense pressure and why you can tell a c-section baby from a naturally born one from their head)

Its weird, you have huge placebo controlled studies with huge sample sizes (3000 to around 5000) saying people don't feel a reduction in sensitivity or pleasure during sex and then you have studies with samples reporting pain after (though some of these are possibly due to the sample being mostly men who were already dealing with infections and so got the circumcision in response)

Evo-psychs can leave

I'm not pushing for circumcision btw, just trying to look at the data as best I can without basing it on full reaction. As a note, unfortunately you'll also find circumcisions are pushed in a lot of AIDs prevalent countries to aid in condom usage


what did he mean by this?

For once you and I agree on something. Cool.

I thought in most cases you can just get it sliced or get a small bit of it removed to allow it to move properly if you haven't discussed this with your doc maybe you should

so much for the America-first Right

I think Stalinstash excepted what his ideology truly is.

Most cases of phimosis can be fixed with a steroid cream, but doctors generally don't tell you this because in burgerstand if you have a dick problem and are intact the first course of action is almost always circumcision.

As an adult you would have had it done under anaesthesia for one.

Pic related is French Cut aka Dorsal Slit.

Circumsize the doctors





Just get some cream and stretch it

As someone who was circumcised, it sucks that I take forever to cum during sex, but I don't hold it against the doctor or my parents, who at the time legitimately believed it was an important health concern.

Now though, I think it should be a banned practice. People who still have it done with all the current information very widely and easily available are pretty shitty.