how come after adopting a system that actually works(capitalism) why didn't eastern european productivity explode?
which level of irony is this
But it did explode, user! There was just a 16 year hiccup.
It's a horizontal explosion.
shhh, the porky sycophants might realize that capitalism becomes a shithole once it can't expand.
fug, forgot pic.
few countries did manage to stay in good shape
That's not at the collapse of the USSR
More than 60% of the Russian economy is owned by the State.
Thats why it recovered, that massive drop was capitalism "working".
That's due to German economic colonialism. You have to be pretty desperate to think that's a good thing.
Source me comr8
yeah Rostec etc
EU bux
This. I don't agree with pic related but it's funny as fuck
I'm a Pole and I find the pic kind of amusing in a "fuck me sideways and put me out of my misery already" way.
GDP means nothing when your freedoms, luxury, andninnovation is inferior to that of other countries. Using this argument to support the USSR implies that the US is the best country on earth and that evey burger has the highest quality of life in the world today.
Yeah but that doesn't matter because capitalism is better for productivity since in socialism everyone can just be lazy all day.
I think it's more or less a "lmao we are a better capitalist than you when not even trying" joke that got seriously out of hand. exactly like the FALC retardation.
the poles are the lowest point of human developpment, this pic doesn't prove anything
Inability to capture and accumulate capital.
Wew lad
slavery is even better for productivity. your point?
This god damn talking point again and again
and also they got fucked over by their own ex nomenklatura who became the oligarchs who snatched up 90% of everything, the ex-KGB didn't stop them, and the people were too brainwashed to not realize they were being robbed at first then bamboozled by the ridiculous fake news campaign to get Yeltsin reelected when he was at 2%
Can I have the source of this graph? Not doubting your claim, but I need it.
g*rman detected
holy shit I'm actually belly-laughing
The Eternal Pole hahahahahaha