"[The lesson of George Orwell's '1984' is to trust] leaders, the press, experts"
-Donald Trump
"[The lesson of George Orwell's '1984' is to trust] leaders, the press, experts"
-Donald Trump
Wasn't that Clinton?
Yes, it was Clinton.
And the lesson is simply to think for yourself and that authoritarianism is bad
I bet it'll work. It's not like the people who hit you over the head with 1984 have actually read the book (or any other).
1984 is used in America largely as propaganda.
Forget what the actual intention of the book was when Orwell wrote it, in the United States it's used, essentially, as a scare piece saying "this is what our enemies are like". Both what the enemies of the US are like in their own countries as well as what the ideological opponents of the reigning American political class will turn America into should they ever gain power.
It is in this sense that Hillary (and Trump) invoke 1984. So, yes, the "lesson" the American ruling class has been pushing for 1984 is that you should never subvert the American political paradigm. It was more a slip of the tongue on Hillary's part.
The lesson of '1984' was clearly that socialism is bad, and capitalism is good
t. neolib
the lesson of 1984 was to never trust nazis, social democrats or soviet russia
Orwell was right wing liberal, and anticommunist.
Orwell BTFO
In America 1984 and Animal Farm are used as anti-communist propaganda. Never mind they were written by a socialist. I guess the American bourgeois are shit at writing propaganda novels. There’s people here who believe Orwell was a “constitutional conservative.”
No. Read the Road to Wigan Pier.
Same goes for Animal Farm. Its used as anti-communist/anti-revolution propaganda, when really its was more a cautionary tale of how you have to be careful to not let opportunists co-opt the revolution
Animal Farm was actually the book that made me a leftist.
Wew lad.
Wasnt that hillary?
They'd like for us to read Atlas Shrugged instead but nobody wants to read that shit.
Brave New World was better imo. Closer to life.
Well no shit. Atlas shrugged is poorly written.
1984 is dictatorship, brave new world is liberal democracy. Both are functionaries of capital in their own right, just depends on the material conditions as to what will work best.
Yah well 1984 doesn't need meme images to defend.
And BNW is pretty fucking corny scifi schlock for the most part.
clinton's what happened
this is your brain on MLism.
it's somewhere in her book.
if you don't know how to use google to find it, then figure it out you lazy sack of shit.
wtf I love the feds now
Nah orwell was a fucking snitch ass bitch, fuck him
wtf are you talking about. There’s central planning in 1984.
anarchist praxis
why does fucking nobody actually know what orwell reported them for
really makes you think