Have we finnally been BTFO?

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Humans vs Orcs 2: Electron Boogaloo


I spent a minute staring at this trying to figure out how it debunks communism but I don't get it.

What chemistry textbook did he read this in? I have yet to see this in any of the classes I've had.

>Polyp almost grasps the LTV
Disappointing really.

Ah yes, because atoms trade electrons based on supply and demand and personal preference. Inaninmate collections of subatomic particles assign economic value to other particles, communism BTFO!

You can abolish the law of value because muh electrons


Molecules form because atoms "share" electrons, that's to say they occupy a hybrid electron cloud. It's literally a common -> communism.

Anthropomorphic projection of market relations onto nature.

holy shit fuck off

Bookchinposters can be based sometimes.

So if this is true then it means the sexual free market is true and Holla Forums being incels is natural and not a jewish plot. How can they believe both?

I think he's talking about electrochemistry. Very very basically, in certain situations positive ions can shunt electrons to negative ions, creating electrical charge. I can only imagine the sort of brain damage it requires to link that with communism somehow.

never would have though about that

Hmmm makes you think doesn't it sweetie :)


u have to realise polniggers believe "capitalism = trading or bartering of any sort" and feudalistic systems that included any sort of trading of good was merely a form of capitalism, literally cavemen swapping roots for meat is a form of capitalism to them.

No when an atom has to many electrons they give it to an atom that has to little electrons. Holla Forums can’t into STEM.

eradicate bourgeoisie ionic bonds, All power to the covalent soviet! proletariat atoms unite!

Even in that case, it's still a drop down in overall energy values. That doesn't even make sense to compare it to "value"


I love to see polyps act like they're defending nature itself from the big scary communist menace when in reality they're fapping to traps and the greatest thing the left has done in a while in burgerland has been knocking over a few trashcans.

fucking get out reeeeee


so much for "basic economics"

Nature is actually socialist. Molecules trust their electrons to a black box (QUANTUM INC) central bank and have no idea what they do with their electrons. No accountability, no oversight and NO ALTERNATIVE. Checkmate, CONservatives.

Fapping to traps is how we disempower feminists you dumb commie scrub.

Literally sounds like something came up after the third bong rip

reminder nature is post-left


lefties BTFO


Brainlet can't into neoclassical


Only central planning involves shortcutting this (the "this" the Holla Forumsyp is wrongly arguing occurs in nature being exchange). Market socialists (like me) definately don't want to.

What chemistry class did this moron take? Even if you role with his analogy it implies that all services and commodoties have a permanent fixed price that can be calculated, a very Marxist idea.
If anything physical phenomena like chemical bonding and thermodynamics is comparable to anarcho-communism. A thermal interaction, for example, involves hotter objects giving cold objects their energy until both achieve equilibrium. Of course the idea of using vague analogies from physical phenomena to say your system is "natural" is fucking stupid regardless.

This Holla Forumsyp, as all rightists do, believes that exchange equals capitalism, when in reality not even complex markets equals capitalism.


I really can't even understand what point you're trying to make.

Not gonna lie, this was the first thing that came to my mind.


pic related: a atom

I mean, Communsim will never work but idk what that dude brought electrons into the conversation for…

I guess?
I don't think a Utopia is natural to start with, so anything trying to make a Utopia is "short cutting" nature.

A broken clock is right twice a day.

that marxist theory, all of it, is literally a pseudoscience not just for being unfalsifiable in some popperian way but for using scientific sounding metaphors exactly like this kid on cuckchan did, to try smooth over the exact point where its whole logic breaks down.

And what is "the exact point where its whole logic breaks down", exactly?

You have to be more specific than that.

value aka abstract labor. it's imaginary. activity is not a substance, there are no abstractions in reality. for a rundown see:

i'm pretty sure this is what drove althusser completely mad btw. hopefully it works on more of them.

Of course its an abstraction but its a real abstraction. It might as well be real because it can dictate how the market works.

New developments in this domain affirm Nature is actually accelerationist;
Hubble constant is greater than previously thought, the big rip will happen before heat death.

you need to explain this out yourself. i know it's in hegel.
so it isn't real? what is the status then. EXACTLY.

i'll tell you: its an artifact of the economic analytical framework, and one that is not necessary as prices do all the same work in a revised classical "marxian" account if you take that to be the approach par excellence. fine, but by occam then it's nothing but an arbitrary extra loop to get to the same results. it picks out nothing in reality, not even in some median plane of social relations standing between private thoughts and the real.

Value is a social constuct. You can't cut open a king and find a trace of royalty. Vaue is something society invented.

just saying it's a social construct means nothing. "abstract labor" is not a social construct. value in marxism is the DEEP analysis, and its principal unit from which everything of actual importance is derived. it's meant to go below the surface of overt external constructs. that's why it was Critique of Political Economy as the subtitle.

i could also simply say science, philosophy or politics are social constructs. it's a cop out.

Are there any charts on this to show that redshift rates are accelerating? I've never given the Big Rip any credence for that very reason.


it's all a house of cards

Measure of Ho

to add to this thought: "value" and the moments of alienation / contradictions that arise with it is the basic marxist theory of how such 'social constructs' or 'ideology' come about to begin with.

Thank you. I'll delve into this when I have more time on my hands.

You would disempower feminists if you all started dressing like women and then tell women to gtfo and wear rags because they can't dress like a man anymore.

Even better, you could suck each other's cocks in public, feminists would be absolutely BTFO!

recall me one president who actually does.

Is this the best worst analogy? … WTF did I read?

what did he mean by any of this?

more of a*

if markets are so smart why did the baby market create anti-market human beings

checkmate, bourgeoisie.

This guy knows what's up. The universe is merit-based and communism is a rebellion against god. Sooner or later you realize that you're not anti-fascist or anti-capitalist, but just anti, as in against-g-d.

But how does he explain that molecules share electrons?
Capitalists BTFO

*explain why

from each according to his ionization energy, to each according to his electronegativity?

polite sage due to terminal autism

I don't have a single reaction pic that can convey alone the strange and unpleasant mix of emotions that such a moronic statement made me feel.

Heavy metals monopolize the means of bonding without even working on composing most of the universe's matter. That's unacceptable. Hydrogen of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your reaction chains!

we are all iron in the long run though.

Look at this spooked neutron, he still believes in the Fusion Dream!

heat death realists go and stay go.

For the love of God OP link or post the screenshot of this, I have to see this with my own eyes. This is possibly, without exaggeration and quite frankly, the least intelligent thing I have ever and possibly will read in my entire life.

Dude, you lost me on the second line and things just got worse from there.


I hope you know this reads like complete gibberish

this is the only good thing to come out of this thread
