When did dialectics start for humans? Maybe a better question would be: When does dialectics start for a species?
When did dialectics start for humans? Maybe a better question would be: When does dialectics start for a species?
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Dialectics is rooted objectively in the evolutionary Becoming of the universe. From the inorganic to the organic. From the biological to the cultural. Dialectics began when the universe did.
Taking as our presuppositions Diderot's concept of sensibilité in "matter" and Hegel's phenomenological strategy, we emerge with a fascinating possibility. Speaking metaphorically, it is nature itself that seems to "write" natural philosophy and ethics, not logicians, positivists, neo-Kantians, and heirs of Galilean scientism. According to a fairly recent revolution in astrophysics (possibly comparable to the achievements of Copernicus and Kepler), the cosmos is opening itself up to us in new ways that demand and exhilaratingly speculative turn of mind and a more qualitative approach to natural phenomena than in the past. It is becoming increasingly tenable to hold that the entire universe is the cradle of life—not merely our own planet or possibly planets like it. The formation of all the elements from hydrogen and helium, their combination into small molecules and later into self-forming macromolecules, and finally the organisation of these macromolecules into the constitutents of life and possibly mind follow a sequence that challenge Bertrand Russell's image of humanity as an accidental spark in a meaningless void. The presence of complex organic molecules in the vast reaches of the universe is replacing the classical image of space as a void with an understanding of space as a restlessly active chemogenic group for an astonishing sequence of increasingly complex chemical compounds. Recent theories about the formation of DNA that are modeled on the activity of crystalline replication (a notion advanced as early as 1944 by Erwin Shrödinger) suggest how genetic guidance and evolution itself might have emerged to form an interface between the inorganic and organic. - Bookchin
Great thread
The dialectic is a human prescript. Making it external is spooky mysticism.
But objects pushed to extremes giving way to their opposite is objectively observable in the external world.
Dialects are bad for the workers. It creates biases.
It starts with language. That's the whole point of Zizek, btw. When he says he reads Hegel through Lacan he means that he takes the substance of dialectics to be the Lacanian signifier.
First two posts are kino
but I'm a communalist so I'm biased
Stahp. Diamat is applicable to the human domain only.
when cavemen first had two things that weren't the same and then they thought let's join these two things together so they did and then they had a third thing that was the synthesis of the two things they had before that's when dialectics was invented
So… the signifier and the signified?
i think their called the thesis and antithesis
exactly this is dialectics in action
is correct. the first process of becoming(existence, the universe, whatever) was a dialectical one. But OP said for humans, so it would be when the first mirror stage occurred. You try to identify yourself as you are, as one, but necessarily you fail and divide yourself into two, That would be the first dialectical "act" a human did.
can anyone actually justify the presupposition of the primacy of duality while also being a crypto-monist as it implies oppositions are modes, aspects or moments of a split wholeness? at most you can finesse out the 4 terms but it's still digital. coldness isn't even the opposite of hot, it's the lack of. what's the opposite of a lamp? absolutely everything else besides other lamps is nonlamp. does jogging contain within it standing still while skipping over walking, running? dancing? is liquid just a moment between gas and solid? what about other phases? what about colors and shapes? does noise imply melody?
marxism in a nutshell
descartes really fucked everyone's head up didn't he
I thought the lesson was that there was no wholeness in that sense, the starting point is the splitting.
or more pithily:
but i haven't actually read hegel
very simple put, when being became a possibility for humans. When being and time came into the view of human awareness, you have the supposition that all other dialectics emerge from.
You're talking about mitosis, right?
Where's the sublation in that?
I think that's what the RNA is doing.
dialectics… dialectics where have i heard this before