why can't we get our shit togheter? I mean pol and the right wing channel into powerful movements like trump, it's like a fucking octupus, why is the left constantly in a state of battle even here?
Dude lmao leftypol is too sjw
this board is shit but the only place you can discuss actual leftism on the internet
People always complain about the state of almost every board. This board has always been kinda bad, but it's the really great bits that you end up remembering.
I agree, the level of discussion is pretty decent here
What universe do you live in, pal? Holla Forums's real life impact amounts to a bunch of proud boys getting their faces kicked in.
Do you seriously believe this?
This board is neither too pol or too sjw, neither is it le middle ground as it tries to transcend every and all idpol through class politics. The only ones saying either of these things are usually the echochamberists from either reddit or our favourite self-hating mongrel board.
epic meme
Not saying that pol has impact. what I'm saying is that what they percieve as their interest perfectly aligns with what their higher caste tells them to do. They all read and do the same stuff
fuck off Holla Forums
dude what the fuck I'm not pol fuck off
I think the responses calling you Holla Forums are due to Holla Forumsyps constantly spamming us with threads like "hey fellow leftists, doesn't our board suck?", and yours is basically that.
All anarchists are COINTELPRO
What the fuck has the catfriend made new comics?
Polyps are entirely pathological faggots united entirely through muh identity.
That sounds like something Holla Forums would say.
We ban nazbols?
Would be more accurate if it said Asserists.
Even unironic Nazbols are tolerated here
that's actually kind of sad.
Yeah, it's each others posts.
Wew and here i am thinking that Holla Forums is too /polpot/.
It's a con of being on imageboards, get use to it. Unless you're also autistic, then you have no hope and must suffer the ever present inconsistency of post quality.
The majority of posters just ended up here because they're addicted to anonymity yet cannot stomach Holla Forums.
The handful of booksmarts dudes at the heart of this board can only do so much to try and get people to actually read something. I think they're getting overwhelmed.
So you want an aut-right style hivemind?
isn't nazbol and Asserlsm the same thing? can someone tell me the difference? this is a genuine question.
Asserists are socialdemocrats, nazbol are just racist communists
this explains why i got banned when i pretended to be a stra(fucking wordfilter)serist but not when i pretended to be a nazbol
define "actual leftism"
arisuchan and 420chan are full of anarchists.
/marx/ is for factual discussion. here, half the posts are retarded liberals claiming to be anarchists and half the posts are pol shitposters
ye i'm sure it doesn't have to do with the fact they support ruling class ideology. it must be their memes
Unlike those retards, we don't really care for unity. We're not so stupid as to believe there is left and there is right. Some of us have less in common with other Holla Forums posters than we do with Holla Forums posters.
No it isn't.
have you actually bothered opening any of the threads?
Yes. It's a dead board run by a retard that was rightfully run out of here.
all i see is a kid throwing insults at someone who's a lot better read than him.
Yes, I know what looking in a mirror is like. Seeing as you're a complete retard who thinks the irish forces in WW1 were conscripts and that donating to the KKE is the height of revolutionary activity, I'm going to regard your thoughts about as highly as what my dog shits out.
read a book
That's the best you got? Can't say I expected much from a larper, but even so I'm disappointed.
i have nothing to say to an autistic kid that spouts strawmen, insults better read people than him and shit-talks the Party while sitting on a computer in his underwear eating hot pockets.
Yeah I got banned for promoting Strässerism as well. Mod got really butthurt and deleted one of posts explaining in a more rational manner but shitposting as nazbol is always fun. plus I'm still spooked on patriotism
Everything I said is true, Ismail was run out of here because he couldn't take the bantz and you are a fuckwit who thinks irishmen were conscripted in WW1 despite conscription never happening in Ireland. Claiming facts are strawmen is being revisionist, which is unsurprising from a ML.
Yes, how dare someone insult the party that plays nice with golden dawn while managing to do less than anarchists who aren't getting betabux from flabby stemfags. Sitting in my underwear is as revolutionary as your larping but cheaper and far less embarassing.
what you call the "bantz" is commonly referred to as shitposting.
what the fuck are you on kid?
what facts? i don't see any facts in your aspierants so far, only the fact you're retarded
what the actual fuck are you talking about?
you are talking about things you have no idea about. you could eat a bowl of letter soup and shit a more coherent sentence than what you just wrote
not only are you ignorant, not only do you shit on communists organizing workers irl, not only do you throw blatant schizo-tier lies, you actually fucking admit you're useless lumpenprole vermin like the rest of this board, affirming my original point
Cause I'm retarded. Out of all of the spooks there are, at least the nation-state comes about due to material conditions. I'm really interested in culture and I like to get involved with my community. It will be impossible if not take a long time to unite every ethnicity under one banner which is why I think internationalism should be the solidarity of the multiple nations working together for the greater good (like on issues like climate change). Basically fuck globalization but internationalism is good
Patriotism is ok, Nationalism is not
And that doesn't change that he couldn't take it.
Facts. We can see by your posts in you have a losse grasp of history and reading comprehension as well.
Then you're blind, which given your awful reading comprehension would make sense.
The KKE supporting golden dawn involvement in a strike and doing less than greek anarchists who are housing refugees and deliviring medical care.
No I actually have a job, unlike you who are a flabby academic that has never worked a day in his life. This is in addition to your denial of facts and thinking your impotent larp group is revolutionary, which together make you a complete idiot who would best serve the revolution by killing himself so we don't have another autistic sperg to screech retarded shit at normies.
why a soviet posters always so homoerotic? not complaining, but i just wanna know if it was something they did on purpose or what
Customs and cultures are ever changing. To think I want a culture to stagnate is a ridiculous implication. All things have to evolve and "improve" one way or another
slander the party behind a keyboard all you want you lumpen fuck. just know what you are, a parasite whose most "revolutionary" act is shitposting on an anime forum. thats the last response you get from me
the next step in human culture is dialectical materialism.
Honestly doesn't seem that homoerotic to me.
Men are presented as strong in an effort to glorify the common man and represent their independence as liberated workers. They're seen together to promote the sense that not only are the strong and independent, but together in comradery.
I can see how this would look homoerotic nowadays but I dunno
But I am not lumpen you retard, not everyone who disagrees with the glorious Golden Dawn pals KKE is a lumpen. That you, a stemfag who is comfortable enough to work a PhD would call a working class electrician like myself a lumpen is hysterical. Turn tail and run like the useless coward you are larper.
wew laddie
Is he Rafiq or Ismail? I keep mistaking the two.
What's the fucking difference? It's all in the eye of the beholder
Ismail is a former anti-revsionist turned Dengist who runs /marx/. Rafiq is some autist from Revleft who makes extremely long posts and is probably a leftcom.
I confess that neither of then running a board would instill me with enthusiasm to post there.