ITT we name historical ultra left success stories, I'll start:
ITT we name historical ultra left success stories, I'll start:
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Definition of "ultra left" please?
Glass houses.
If we're going by success stories than the entire left is a failure and we should become capitalists. Which would be retarded but so is judging validity on how long an insurrection or state lasted.
The USSR was a success story while it lasted, so was Catalonia, Cuba is a success story, Rojava is a success story. Which leftcom revolution comes even close to any of these?
Leftcom same fagging is so pathetic.
Why don't you ask them m8 none of them even know
Your success stories are all dead or socdem by now.
Not everyone who thinks you're a fool is a single leftcom.
and the leftcom success stories never existed. At all, period. They didn't even get anywhere close to abolishing value, which the others got somewhat closer to.
No not everybody thinking he is a fool is one person, but there is one "ancom" who persistently licks this ass of all leftcom shit, and is a leftcom pretending to be an ancom to make leftcoms look better. In about every leftcom thread this magically happens
take off that flag
Those countries are now world powers #2 and #3 friend. Shitholes and capitalist but that's the way it is.
The USSR was undeniably a success story while it lasted. Cuba is a success story to this day. Only crypto liberal not anarchists believe anything otherwise. Sure, there are critiques to be made, but overall conditions for the working class as a whole were drastically increased. Don't be a whiny sectarian
Where is your 19th century capitalism and feudalism, pal?. Oops, gone, "commies" pushed most of solutions they wanted.
this is a shitty thread made by a poorly read user
please refrain from posting here
The USSR in the early days made some astonishing projects come alive. Indeed, going from a peasant's revolution in 1917 to being the first people in space in like 45 years is kinda' crazy to think about.
Pic related - first man in space.
but doesn't explain exactly why this is the case
But doesn't explain why this is the case.
Welcome to engaging with ultras.
It's good that you're morons.
If you need me to explain to you why this thread is horrid, then you are contributing to the decline of quality posting on this board
Believe it or not, I'm not an ultra. I don't consider myself well read enough to fly the leftcom flag. Also, I have seen many "ultras" on this board give good critique and discussion before, and I consider their input to be extremely valuable.
More so then the meme tier
Chairman Mao ended up decriminalising drug addicts and suggesting beneficial methods of ending the opuim plight. Some minority purportedly where killed in a few different villages killing not just pusher but taker, over all it was success abdicating mass drug usage and all the related shitty things like prostituion, substance addled contention etc
I'm not a leftcom you twat.I just think that punching left for no real reason is cancer.
How would this screenshot disprove that there is a leftcom who regularly posts with an ancom flag rimming leftcom? I have also met this guy and he is extremely angry all the time, like furious in a way which suggests more than just chan butthurt
Lol wut and how did you come by the dishes?
This. We've never accomplished our goals or even come close to it. Arguing over who is the biggest failure is kind of sad more than anything.
reminder that leninism failed so hard that socialism went from basically the soviet state ideology to one gorillion resurrected and new‐fashioned sects, so I don’t want to hear about how the world’s thirtieth best and most militaristic social democracy did it all in Marx’s name so we should ignore all other tendencies and unite under the banner of your oh‐so‐superior dead movement
No that is exactly what we should be doing, because the biggest failure is the shit we definitely don't want to repeat, and the greatest successes are the things we do want to repeat, which, if I'm not wrong, is the point in left communism, its more of a school of critique than a codified position. The fact that some leftcom are close to Leninists and others are sorta Ancom like should be a big indication of this.
The Tankie notion of “success” appears to be how long it lasted or how wide it spread rather than the extent to which workers themselves controlled the MOP or the value form was abolished
If I was to make the case I'd talk about literacy etc, space, resisting fascism like Stalingrad and resisting other imperialism like Cuba. Also in the case of Cuba removing a brutal dictator with an also brutal but genuinely benevolent dictator who brought a greater prosperity to the working class of Cuba and went on to foment revolution by supporting the rest of Latin America with myriad forms of aid. The workers controlled the means of production under Castro more than they did so Batista and certainly so after the Russian revolution the government was more responsive to the proletariats needs than under the tsar
so mainly education, technological advancement, stability, foreign aid, and keeping the worker content by not having totally unbridled capitalism?
yeah I agree, ML’s really are socdems in denial
Fair point.
I still just think that punching leftcoms is kind of pointless because they do that to themselves lol
Maximum wew.
Also these:
(especially this one)
(and this one)
I wish there was a leftcom filter.
hello pls stop bullying leftcoms okay
Some people deserve to be bullied. The pretensious counter revolutionaries and wreckers are some of those people.
I said stop
They started it, if they start it they should finish it. This is the consequences of being insufferable arrogant and actively telling people not to organise, austistically shitting in new revolutionary strategies because they are not orthodox enough, breaking up popular fronts, etc etc. A cancer on the left and this board that must be cut out
It's like you retards never read Marx.
every time
I don't get why so many people hate leftcoms, the only thing they can do is criticize you other than they can't do shit, it's not like leftcoms are going to get up from their armchair and actually OPPOSE you because that would be activism, and even if they actually do it(very unlikely) we can just send some secret police forces to silence them
tldr; leftcoms are powerless, just ignore them
Their criticism wouldn't be as obnoxious if it was actually helpful. More often then not, they carry on an air of defeatism so overpowering that it can only be summed up by a portrait of a sad fat man.
Read Bordiga
Doesn't explain why that is the case. If you made a leftcom robot this is all it would say. What are you saying? No critique of ideology is necessary because ideology means nothing? So why are you here?
Where do I call them sectarians? Other than that, they are literally open sectarians who don't believe in left unity. They think that's a good thing.
Ever since thy actively discouraged organisation some anons tried to do I have hated them totally. Also pretending they are the only ones to have
And post shit like
That's why I hate leftcoms.
I 100% approve of bullying leftcoms