George Soros

What is Holla Forums's opinion of him?

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pig who will hang with the rest of his filth (capitalists)

Just another old fuck with money. The conspiracy mania surrounding him is dumb.

If cancer cells could somehow develop a cancer of their own, it would look a lot like him.

He's an anti-communist porky. That's enough to make him bad. Although the conspiracy theories about him being a reptilian super villain trying to take over the world are always entertaining.

turboliberal who very visibly wields his wealth as influence
belongs in gulag

I fucing love the guy. In Hungary the conservative party and Viktor Orbán have built up such a ridiculous image of him through the national propaganda machine that he became kind of a meme.
The worst part is probably that George Soros himself financed Orbán's studies at Oxford. It's fucking hilarious.

I'd also like to add that for some time the governemnt has posted posters with the old fucks face and "Don't let Soros have the last laugh" written on it. He's a complete boogeyman for the right wing in Hungary.

The lovely living proof that money has no ideology, nation or moral

A jew paying antifa in USA and Nazis in Ucraine. Just because it's convinient for business.

Is not conspiracy when you actually have fucking proof of it

Just another porky.

where are my checks old man?


I'm very interested to see who the new go-to scapegoat will be for reactionaries once he croaks. He is 87, after all.

Imperialist, capitalist.

He's firmly authoritarian capitalist porkster, why do I always hear the right complaining about his "communist plots" and shit? How could anyone mistake this boomer mummy for a leftist? I'm serious, I don't get it.

And what am i supposed to do about it? It's where the leaks were originally posted. Use google

He is continuously late with those sweet sweet Sorosbux.

I hate the man, but he also loves giving me paychecks so I just have to deal with him.

still waiting on my protest cash

he's a jew who doesn't hate niggers, and that means he is a communist

It's just more fucking projection from the right.

Kochs, Adelson, Murdoch, Mercer, Singer, Johnson, Thiel…the list is fucking endless from them yet the only """commie""" they can find as a response literally funded people to subvert the USSR

How do you guys get the paycheck? I still didn't get mine

Still mad i haven't gotten my last few checks from him despite shitposting here all the time.

hard to believe

US conservatives think posting is activism though



It's also no conspiracy that Koch brothers fund the alt-right.
So some capitalist oppressors have a disagreement on who shall be president, there is no obvious bureaucratic solution to it and you willingly play the chess pieces.

How would paying Antifa and Nazi groups help his business?

Repairing stuff raises the GDP.
So people can say >muh GDP

He get’s the wall.He’s practically a Holla Forumsack.

Why would George Soros care about GDP?

Didn't he help dismantle the Warsaw Pact countries?

You can slander Soros without resorting to Holla Forums-tier lies.



Social liberal philanthropist. Just one of millions of porkies meddling in international politics.

He owes me a check for the windows I've smashed and neo-Nazis I've punched.

Why would a black nazi punch white nazis?

He fucking sucks

Riots give justification for the Police State and more government control and also works for divide and conquer.

If you're still thinking in terms of left and right, you're missing the big picture. It's globalists. Capitalists fund communists, they're both globalist ideologies that destroy the nation state. Nationalism is the enemy of both.


If you're looking for a giant cardboard check, you're not worth the time to respond. If you have an Autism Level above room temperature, here's the rundown:

Get the Koch out of your mouth numbnuts

Instead of posting an autistic video complaining about cultural marxism, how about you tell us in your own words or link to an article with the proof.

Don't you mean it's not a theory if you have proof of it? They're called conspiracy theories because they're theories of people conspiring, once you have proof it becomes merely a conspiracy

according to every Holla Forumstards he is my boss and pays me very good money

An old rich capitalist. Nothing else

Can we please talk about the guy who wants to drink children's blood (Peter Theil) or the super powerful monarch brothers that Soros deflects from (Koch Brothers)?

How long has the Soros conspiracy meme been a thing? I used to browse Holla Forums and /x/ quite a bit and had literally never heard of him until last year when it seemed everyone suddenly started talking about him.

I wonder when he first appeared in a Ben Garrison comic?



I remember that thread when Holla Forums discovered that libertarians were the ones pushing the karltural marxist meme on the internet. It would make sense if Ben helped propagate it.

No mention of him payrolling anti-communist activity in eastern europe. Got to protect the narrative.


As far as liberals go he's pretty ok in my book. Bonus points for being the right-wing's bête noire.

So what? Billionaires fund fucking everything, they'd be funding socialist groups if you weren't such political failures (I mean there are billionaires backing mainstream socdem parties)

globalism is usa nationalism with a friendly spin

he's one of the top marxist theorists of our time

Billionaires are balls deep in every and any mainstream political movement and party. The only reason they're not funding you lot is because you're politically irrelevant

But what is your excuse to not get funding from anyone? And what are you even trying to imply with Engels?


You could be a more intellectually dishonest fuck?

could you be*

something along the lines of

There is nothing wrong with funding a political movement, republicunts criticize him for that so much and yet they ignore the fact that the Koch kunts have been funding their party for years.

Engels was happy bankrolling a man who advocated for a society that would see his wealth eliminated, its not hard to believe a billionaire would do otherwise.

If any poster on here through some twist of fate inherited one billion USD, you're telling me that you'd immediately switch your political inclinations and start bankrolling Dicky Spencer's boypucci brigade?

Fucker still hasn't given me my paycheck yet