It's happening Holla Forums
It's happening Holla Forums
C'mon molotovs.
I confess I didn't even know the independence vote was banned. Who did? Madrid, Brussels, local porkies? And who are the ones being arrested now?
Isn't it against international law to violently suppress votes for national independence?
Or maybe I just assume the bourgeoisie are more reasonable than they actually are.
Madrid. They tried to have an independence referendum before but threatened legal action so it was dropped. Catalan politicians have gone full 'fuck it mask off' now and decided to hold one regardless. I will say though, from what I've read this is less a lefty issue so much as a nationalist one but, like Brexit, any bloody noses to the porky establishment is a-ok in my book.
the ruling party (popular party) is the one denying the vote, they have been found guilty of taking illegal money for their electoral campaign.
They are declaring the vote non-constitutional and are now using force to prevent it from happening the 1st of October.
People camping on top of police cars right now, lmao
Spanish Civil War Part 2: Electric Boogaloo!
As usual porkies can't contain their spaghetti, causing everyone to die.
Instead of actually accommodating Catalonians, Madrid decides to go full retard.
This is why we need communism.
The banks' worst nightmare is a new sovereign state because that state can be established with a real nationalized issuance of currency which fucks over their credit schemes and industrial slavery. This is a nonpartisan issue. This is an issue all people should get behind, and that is separating themselves from the current world economic system based on a government selling its citizens into debt. I'd prefer socialism entirely over the banking cartels running rampant in unchecked capitalism.
I hope this gets more traction and the people do end up having the referendum.
I like this idea
My one friend has family in Catalan and is really hyped about it, she was surprised that the whole vote might not be taken seriously by Madrid though, guess she didn't think that something like it could be held and no one would care. I think Madrid will have to honor it if the turnout is big enough, provided the vote is to leave, of course.
Are Catalans still anarchists? How will this help the socialist cause?
Probably not
There's already a thread on this.
There's a socialist presence, not too much but there's more hope for a socialist catalonia than a socialist spain
Catalonia CNTFAI 2.0 when?
Looks distressingly like a corporate logo.
give me alternatives
not in this context
Niggas im getting hard even though nothing is going to happen
I think it looks pretty good
AHAHAHAHAHAHA, priceless. If say Texan/Southern separatists did the same thing and Trump sent militarized police to wreck their shit you would be clapping like the lemmings you are. So much for "muh le borders are a spook #smashborders" you hypocrites spew.
When has anyone ever said that?
This is weird because in the previous thread people have pretty much shunned upon the idea
Do you really want to go there, user-kun?
>hahahahaha nobody would ever support Texas fucking off and taking the Lamer "still in office after SOPA-PIPA" Smith and Ted "I
Fact: the Catalonia independence movement is rooted on a people (evil WHITE people no less, gasp!) who share a common IDENTITY, language, race, history, cultureā¦ and want to get away from different one dictating their destiny. Isn't that what you guys stand against? You should be siding with the Madrid banking cartels on this one fams, for they stand against evil whiteys deciding to form a new NATION based on IDENTITY like you do.
Why the fuck would I ever side with banking cartel?
Why the fuck are you responding to imkampfy?
I'm a newfag who's still learning the ropes. On an unrelated note why would a non white person ever use Holla Forums?
Holla Forums is more mixed race than Holla Forums
Self hatred or simply to troll. I suspect imkampfy's intentions is the latter.
Fact: putting 'fact' in front of an assertation isn't proofs or an argument
Fact: you need to read the FAQ, probably because you just hopped the border from r/the_cuckold and you have to go back
It's all about this^
None of it's about this^, or they're le exact same thing
Read the FAQ
Take your meds
Read the FAQ and enjoy your ban, faggot
Repeating it in ALLCAPS doesn't make a previous non-argument into an argument.
Identity is all it could possibly be based on, not the unemployment rate or the disparity in how much they're taxed vs. how much pork they get from their goverment. Because when Burgerland left Bongistan because Burger is a race and not because of the fucking Stamp Act. Also tell me some things, what do you think of California? Is 'Californian' an ethnicity? If California seceded from the Union, would you support them? What kind of government do you think they'd have if they achieved independence?
That's imcucky? This low-energy b8 and ramshackle pseudologic is Holla Forums's best? I shouldn't be disappointed but somehow I am
i would support an indi Texas t b h just because it would fuck up the U.S and could start a chain reaction
plus it would eventually join mexico so it would fill the evil deeply triggering and problematic dead white people quota i have
ehh the word filter actually made that funny
I remember a Mexican university study doing a ancestry test on a bunch of Mexicans before, the average European percentage was 82%
The average Mexican has 82% European ancestry
Good job, you already do!
You can kvetch all you want mod-kun, doesn't makes it any less true.
Not an argument.
Nice lie, wat be da Nueva Planta decrees massa?
not an argument.
Not an argument and you can't silence me, LYING self-hating fuccboi-kun.
Sasuga, mod-chan!
Nice false equivalency, Colonial burgers were overwhelmingly anglo so they had no ethnic reason for independence. And even the growing cultural gap started to become a factor.
Is "Mexican" an ethnicity? Nope.
I'd enjoy the shitstorm so yes.
Basically neoliberalism with tons of nepotism and corruption aka Mexico 2.0
plus it would eventually join mexico
lolno, Texas right now would stand as one of the top 10 richest, most powerful nations in the world, comparable to Australia but with nukes. Why would they join a shit tier failed narco state?
Lurk more faggot.
because it will majority mex in a few years
Just when I think I've seen the stupidest Holla Forumscuck, another one comes along that blows the socks off all the rest.
My oh my, ikampfy, why are you such a dumb faggot holy shit?
if only posting smug anime girls could win arguments kid
no one really carea bout that stuff here
imcucky always uses the same posting style, same pictures, same stupidity, same everything. Sad!
Nope, even then language is still too much of a difference.
At least the mod is trying!
Gee wiz, I wonder if that has to do anything with the fact that every other ethnic group has a growing shared identity and joining up to advance their ethnic interests against a common enemy: FUCKING white maleeeees.
Except it is, especially compared to everything else to it's South (except Brownzil, which is almost on par).
i like how Holla Forums bitches more about "muh feminazis" "muh deeply triggering and problematic" then actual anti-male feminists and people who hate white people
you understand the people who fit this boogieman straw-man you have created are such a gigantic ideological minority's that there opinions dont affect anything right?
Every. Single. Time.
please stop avatarfagging and smugloli kys
I'm gonna need a bigger trash bag for your arguments, spic.
Catalan independentist movements were always center-right smh get informed
The Catalonian independence movement is rooted in porkies who want to keep a greater share of their super-profits.
Hey Kikefy, why don't you just fuck off back to your neocohen cesspit already?
Normally I'd encourage you to read, but we all know by now how you feel about MUH BOOOOOOOKS!!!!.
2/10, made me reply.
Ignore and do not reply to the anime avatar fag. Report him if he comes back
>there are people in this thread right now who unironically think there's anything revolutionary about Catalan separatism
Have you ever looked at the class character of those championing this? Take a lesson from the 20th century on this.
Gee, whatever could be the difference
How embarrassing
I don't think it's something banks would sweat over. They'll just force new debt, Catalonians ain't getting off this titanic.
It's more of a case of bunch of peeps using nationality as a get out of jail card, and it's not likely to work.
And the independentist movement is pro eu lmao.
These people are not even leftists. Stop larping.
What does anyone gain from deleting posts, Seriously?
Now half of the replies don't make any sense and this thread has no subject is just a duplicate of another thread.
Just edit his post and spoiler everything if you care this much about not giving muh fascist shills a voice.
People want to argue, reply and debunk them and it's not you mod's fucking problem. Your job is to delete spam.
Thread derailed.
Catalans aren't an "ethnic minority", what the fuck are you on? Anyway, most autonomist parties and movements are economically liberal and pro-EU.
lol this
Catalans are a minority in the context of Spain.
What about these guys?