Share cool shit about the USSR in this thread, books, documentaries, anything
So, I have been looking for some good info on the Red Army, anything from organization, weapons and tactics to political influence, I'm also curious for some reliable info on the effects of the Purge on the Red Army, cheers comrades

Is there a Decline and Fall of the Soviet Union? Anything comprehensive and literary like Gibbons but for the USSR would be neat.

Hey guys what's going on in this thread

Centrally planned capitalism is still capitalism.

This is what happens when the revolution is isolated, the dream of world international socialism died with Rosa

Although it wasn't really all that "planned", and not very centralized

and for good reason

Please elaborate



truly an infantile disease

Oh it's significant, but it's not socialism. If you want to tout as the USSR as a successful state capitalist society then be my guest

American detected.

ok, guess that's one way of coming to an opinion


literally no u to all those

Marxism isn't about socialism. It is political philosophy about progress of humanity through time - from Neolythic times till the event horizon. Any progress made is good. Any Practice is good.

When your thought is disconnected from practice, however, you are not Marxist. A Nazi Mormon tribalism is more Marxist than you.



OK? Still doesn't mean the USSR is socialist though. If you want to say it was an advancement over the feudalistic order that preceded it, then I agree, but people on here all too often pretend that it was more then that and genuinely socialist when it wasn't. Marxist - Leninists seem primarily concerned with recreating this system instead of developing beyond it towards something genuinely socialist

ayy lmao

fug didn't save that properly :^(

Here we go :^)

No, MLs are concerned with defending the legacy of the failed states while impotently protesting imperialism and advocating for socdem measures than recreating the USSR. If Stalin was the gravedigger of the revolution, todays MLs are graveyard maintenace for the revolution.

I hope the us backs rojava to invade syria and Iran so we can get real socialism rolling in the middle east

fuck forgot to take off shitposting flag


exactly MLs are the reason why we don't have socialism today, they ruined it

why do we even allow these right wing, nationalist authoritarians to post here? this place is called Holla Forums and not /right wing dictatorship worship/for a reason

Why do you fags even bother anymore?

I think they should just give up to be honest

You're terrible at impersonating leftcoms. But to do it well would require you to read, which no ML bothers to do.

so syria and Iraq aren't right wing dictatorships ?

are you retarded or just too tankie to realize that you're wrong

Go back to reddit and take the rest of the tankies with you.

you're still dodging my question about Iraq and syria dumbass

Don't tell me what to do old man.

The USSR was crappy

>you have to be a tankie if you think the USSR did anything good
Fuck you and fuck your ideological blackmail. USSR did lots of great stuff and I do not buy into liberal/CIA/reactionary lies about it, but I do not fool myself into believing it was socialist.
USSR went from a feudal backwater to a world superpower winning the space race in 40-50 years, had great education and public transport, cool aesthetics, good on women's right and against religion but it remains state capitalist with no soviet power.

Guys wtf I just wanted my info on the Red Army


This. I didn't read that part

well if you're gonna have a sectarian sissyfight, might as well create OC while doing it

Not even surprised

how can you tell?

but state capitalism is socialism lmao

Digits confirm.

pic related



I demand a leftcom describes how they'd run a state.


meant for

Nice try dork, but I wasn't asking anarchists for their "not a state" solutions. I want the weaselly leftcoms to stick a flag in the ground.

Communization ultra-leftists are also redpilled on the state. Stay mad, statecuck.




Just because you brainlets couldn't finish Critique of the Gotha Program doesn't mean reading Marx isn't important.

hi, reddit

Funny post.

it's like bait with a neon sign saying 'BAIT' attached to it
so the Earth is flat?