Commiserate over how irredeemably dumb our country is here
/leftyburger/ thread: erotic chomsky edition
I dunno user, what do you want to complain about today?
I hope Mitch McConnell trips face first into an Arby's deep-fryer and dies of shock so that the funeral is closed-casket due to his face being rendered inti a mouthwatering golden brown sheen
At the very least the US does have a national mythology of decentralization and revolution. This could be tapped into if burgers knew how, but anything leftist in the US is too busy trying to appeal to minority interests rather than speak to the majority of the population.
Anyone else genuinely disappointed?
What? he has driven most of the ME into the hands of Iran, is going to invade Venezuela & get caught in a snare-war and is making SK & Japan seriously consider their partnership with the US.
Multipolarity is coming, bucko.
Do you think a new Latin American revolutionary left is going to come out of the ashes of Chavizmo?
top kek
What does Holla Forums think of Bernie.
the fact that he's the most radical politician in America right now is sad but also hopeful because it at least proves that burgers aren't as paranoid about socialism as they used to be.
and he would have won
Well Jill Stien is more radical then him and she’s a polition.
What the fuck is wrong with us that we did occupy and then said "nevermind!" and havent tried anything general in the 6 years since it failed? Like hello? We have the most leisure of anyone in the world and we cant learn basic lessons from ows amd try again? This shit makes me feel retarded
The US isn't the most reactionary country in the world, but it is the most cynical. People who make over 150,000 dollars a year pretty much agree with the Clinton hypothesis, change within the system is good but changing the system itself is impossible. They look at the divide between the rich and the poor and go "It's always been like this, we can't change that."
Keep the faith brother
She's not really a politician if that's what you meant to write. She's a doctor or something with no actual power whatsoever and who failed to get more than 1% of the vote.
This. There is honestly so much to work with in terms of national mythology in the US, as a leaf I'm honestly jealous. Here are a few things that could be co-opted with relative ease by the American left…
There is so much to work with. We just need to get rid of tankie larpers, SJWs, and embrace civic nationalism and a leftist idealization of America.
Oh and that's not even considering making use of religion to mobilize people towards leftism. A skilled preacher dropping liberation theology all over the South could be devastating to the right.
What does Holla Forums think his foreign policy speech is gonna be about
For some reason I have never forgotten Mattis, shortly after becoming the SoD, saying the most tired american cliche: Capitalism may have some problems but it's the only system that works.
Unfortunately making people ignorant of this seems to be one of the major goals of our ruling class.
And this has almost been completely co-opted by american right-wing ron paul tier "libertarianism" which is really fucking sad.
I totally agree though. If there could be found some way to take advantage of these elements in a way that can bring young people who want change together with actual workers in a very american kind of way it could be just the trick.
But people gotta drop (or at least find some alternative way of satisfying the problems regarding) idpol dammit.
I've thought of a few ways in which we can steal it back from them, as well as steal a little of their rhetoric as well. I don't think it's hard to see the socialist undertones in many classical liberal writers, and I think that if we emphasize these rather than more typically socialist thinkers, then we will gain far more traction. Socialist ideas need to be demonstrated to be the logical conclusion of classical liberalism, which shouldn't be hard for us because I genuinely think that this is the case. Honestly I think we should just drop terms like socialism altogether and just start talking about thinks like workplace democracy, mutual aid, the end of domination/subjugation, etc. These are all things that certainly sound very palatable to people who value individual freedom, far more so than any talk of the dictatorship of then proletariat or defending of Stalin. Socialism can be framed in terms of self sufficiency, in that it's ultimate goal is to create a society not dependent on elites to survive, where people are capable of governing themselves. Some of the more committed AnCraps and lolberts may be able to see through this and recognize socialism, but this would essentially create a rhetorical trap. Either they don't label it socialism and we get away with our ruse, or they do label it socialism and in doing so dispel their own strawmen about muh big gubmint. We do all this while appropriating their language, rhetoric, imagery, etc. I would also not be opposed to appeals to patriotism in this case, I mean what says good old fashioned American freedom like striking workers brandishing the Stars and Stripes while facing down armed state backed strike breakers? Pic related.
This. Americana is still incredibly powerful and the american left needs to capitalize on that in the future, it's not like it endorses anything completely alien to leftism. I still find it bizarre that right-wing "libertarians" claim it unchallenged.