Why are young men today so sexually insecure


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I'm continually surprised by how many of you there are. Till I discovered the chans I wasn't even aware there were any virgins past 20 unless they were saving themselves for marriage or disfigured

This is the correct answer. If you look at history, there's obviously always been socially awkward people. However, it's only in recent decades corresponding with the emergence of neoliberalism that we're starting to see the phenomenon of a sort of hyper-alienated isolated monad-type person. It also seems to be a phenomenon that is most predominant in hyper-capitalist economies.

But, hey, at least I'm not "blaming" anyone but myself. I guess I'm just really scared and anxious about human intimacy.

2D are idealised of course they are better than 3DPD.

Ah, yes, "the chans".


Porn, alienation, all kinds of shit. It's easier to fuck once your cherry gets popped but the issue is getting there which for some dudes is a challenge to overcome their nerves. As time goes on it only gets worse, so you've got 20+ virgins who are fine besides being shy in addition to the cripplingly autistic. Then you have guys like your first friend who seems to want companionship more than sex, which is even more intmidating and hard to get. The last guy could probably get laid using tinder or whatever but the hookers are probably hotter. I mean I'm a good looking guy and the hooker who posts here has a body on par with the absolute sexiest girls I've managed to slip it in, so I guess he'd rather do that than spend hours swiping.

Why would you blame yourself? That's sad, I would help you out if I knew you

"Sugar Daddies" are one thing that sort of upsets me. Annoying how they are so open about on dating sites even saying shit like "Venmo me $5 then we'll talk"

I'm sorry, who posts here again?

Oh no, they have their own apps just for sugar daddies now. Gone are the days of fucking around on cheap dating websites, in these places, people are looking to shop.
Some of them also pay these girls like, $3000 a month. I'd be arm candy for some rich old hag if I was getting a living wage, shit.

Sex and family distract you from earning money by being a productive employee.

28 master race reporting!

Oh who am I kidding..

(You'd probably be a shitty lover/husband, and your child be a complete disappointment anyway, and your fiancée will backstab you because she can. Money will give you purpose, respect and freedom)

Because abolishing the family was always a part of the plan. Read the communist manifesto.
It's really short, do not fear.


buying gf 2mil

How do those wizard powers feel?

Blaming might be too harsh of a word. I just think that the problems I have when it comes to girls are within myself and not, say, refugees stealing my potential gf.

Leftists are supposed to be against economic rent.

The nuclear family is in huge parts a product of bourgeois society, albeit a contradictory one. So "abolishing the family" isn't really the goal of bourgeois society, if that's what you mean. And abolishing human intimacy surely isn't part of the communist plan either.

Did Kant fuck? I'd really like to know.

You seem to be under the assumption that I'm endorsing them.

Got two more years left and it ain't because of the wizard meme and I don't hate women.

I just have trust and intimacy issues where I can't get close to people to the point that my last friend I had was when I was 9 years old.

You seem to be on high doses on ideology, faggot.

How to interact with other human beings tho? I'm no virgin, but I'm confused how the hell does it works. One girl refuse me because I give her too much attention, another one clings to me more with every compliment I give her. I get one girl just for ignoring her while not being asshole, another one gets cold because I should have had acted sooner. Every woman (or man) is simply unique, there is no "golden rule" how talk to people, there is no "rule" how to get laid.

It's almost like you have to learn how to interpret the signals other people give you in order to develop a stable relationship with them.

There are more irl then you think and if their like me they just lie about not being virgins. Not like anybody can use a virgin scanner to tell if I'm lying.

Can anyone tell me if I'm irredeemable?
I'm 19 and I'm a virgin, but I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome in 2012 and PTSD in 2015. I know that I'm already abnormal n the first place being autistic and all, but is it abnormal for someone with my mental health issues to be a virgin at the age?

No abolishing the family its a part of the communist plan.

Read your own goddamm manifesto for fuck sake.

Not at all, you still have time, take it easy.

Oh fuck, for some reason I thought it's 28 instead of 30.
Fucking hell. I'd give you a hug if I could.

Do elaborate

I never had to lie because the topic never came up. And I'm pretty sure all of my friends know anyway.

Communists want to abolish the nuclear family, you fucking moron. The idea that communists want to get rid of families entirely is laughable.

Fuck off, Chad.

And what would be put in the place of the nuclear family?

Holla Forums is Chad Central, buddy.

Loneliness is one of the biggest health problems of our time. Even people who aren't virgins are more lonely than the previous generation on average on average.

That's not the Chad image I wanted, but let's roll with it anyway.

Solar family.

There's an escort who posts here occasionaly.

No you're not fam. Lots of normal guys are virgins at that age because of various factors in fact. You've got some shit to deal with, but you can get laid. I'm gonna tell you right now you won't feel any different after you lose it though, especially if it's casual.

The extended family, retard. Holy shit, actually make sure you're informed before making claims about what Communists want.

I'm not really hoping to feel different after it happens. I mean, I am hoping to feel like less of a biological and social freak, but not like a changed man or anything.

It sounds like bitches are drawn to you like flies to shit.

You might not like the discoveries you make, user.

You won't user. You need any advice?

You think you just have to be arm candy? You gotta eat that hairy hag ass faggot

Maybe for $4000 a month.


Extended families seem like a bad idea because it doesn't allow a person to grow as a individual. Its hard enough for ppl to date woman now, just imagine dealing with the potential gf and the entire family.

Extended families have their value but they are hurtful in other ways.

He fucked pure reason

Why do people always want you to meet their family and shit?
I broke up with a girlfriend I had because she insisted on me travelling with her to Oklahoma to meet her hillbilly family who literally eats roadkill off the side of the road. Like, no bitch, I'm just here to suck on those big milky titties, what the fuck are you doing?

The commies plan for family is sharing.
Aka mass forced prostitution.

It is extremely likely that he never bothered. More evidence for the volcel master race.


I grew up in Peru in an extended family. For dating and marriage, there was no problem. Usually they helped to find a candidate. It's really great to have a lot of people you can love and rely on. Hard to describe unless you experienced it

They don't exist though

The nuclear family consists of just the parents and their kids. It's a form of family that alienates you from everyone else in your community. The nuclear family is only a recent development, it appeared in the last 200-300 years. It's not natural. The nuclear family only makes sense in the context of a capitalist system in which there's intense competition everywhere outside of the family.

I envy people with good households to the extreme. I'd cut my nuts off if it meant being part of a family that loved me

thats nothing, i had to deal with my ex taking marching orders from her family. I moved to her city and moved in with her (Big Mistake). After about a month she insisted i meet her grandmother , and parents. The parents tried to get me to take on debt to buy a car and get me to go in the military( Navy). The father even tried to trick me into signing at the recruitment office and told me "you dont have to go if you dont want to". Everything we talked about as a couple was relayed back to her parents and they would use that to convince me to do things.

nothing > being


I miss the good old days when you could ask a girl's father for permission to date her and that was all you needed. Bitches are toi crazy and cynical nowadays to connect with.


it must be different than here in the US. As a man i need my partner to listen to me on some thing and not taking mommy and daddies advice on everything from pregnancy test to financial decisions.
Its all good if ppl have families that have morals and aren't scammers

The "good old days" weren't really good, user. If you didn't have high enough social status the father would say "no". And even back then the woman had some say in who she was married to, you'd still have to work hard to woo her. Probably harder actually.

It's like Baudrillard says about all kinds of shit, when it's going away its signs become intensified. Sex is on the way out, at least as we know it. Hence everything is sexualized and you can never forget about it. It's near to hand although the puss is so far away. Plus manhood is supposed to be about slaying chicks because no one ever thinks about real purpose. Plus there's the whole thing where "men are muh privileged" and it's impossible to have a sensitive discussion about the topic that doesn't wind up blaming men or treating them like they're pathetic. I think the solution is for people to embrace the fact that sex is everywhere not just in sexuality, and fuck the world.

Honestly the drive to have sex is similar to doing drugs, it often comes from boredom. We don't take emotional risks or go for emotional intimacy because of the generalized social deterrence set up by muh the system. Here, what must be realized is that your life is always at stake, you could die at any moment, so there is no sense in playing it safe. Finally, understand that the ideology of sexual possession and personal fulfillment through sex is not really a thing. You can slay models and be sad because you don't have purpose. I know it's retarded to say but it gets boring, like a compulsion (not that I slay models just empathizing with chad). The male/female duo shows how society is (Marx, 1844 Manus), and the way we are now we just compulsively pursue relationships because that's what you're supposed to do, just like our society goes crazy developing means with no regard for any end. The filling of dick in a pussy and blowing some chick's mind is fine and all, not meaning to be anti-sex (except we'll be sexless cyborgs soon), it's just that sex without seduction is fairly lamesauce. And in order to be seductive you first have to be seduced (Baudrillard).

So maybe it's not even finding purpose, but letting purpose find you, to find out the mystery of the game you're already in instead of repeating the same old tho(ugh)ts and actions every day. Lastly people's insecurity about sex is entirely justified that shit is fucked up right now. All the pseudochads spouting muh bootstraps at the wayward are ridic- the sexual seen at the moment is all in-itself, no for-itself, and women and men and transfolks are all locked into some crazy shit.

But it's interdependent: you act "normal," don't hit on the girl or whatever, because you don't want to bother people. But other people don't reach out to you because they think you're normal too. So break out, say weird shit, say touching shit, say heartfelt shit. Just don't be so target locked on the puss that you lose sight of the person it's attached to.

The only thing standing in the way of you and your goal is you- and your goals.

I would prefer a kinda of hybrid system if there is one. Both have their values and problems

You do realize that you're describing capitalism?

The extended family is a hybrid between the nuclear family and communal family. Communists don't advocate for getting rid of parents in favor of communal parenting (well, some of the more insufferable tankies do, but they're retards who should be ignored).

I stuck my dick in a vagina for the first time when I was 20 to a prostitute. I don't suffer from any type of mental illness, I'm just shy and awkward sometimes. I've had sex since then without hookers and I can tell you from experience that it's better to have sex with someone you actually like/enjoy to be around. I know it may not seem like it but there are plenty of girls who are virgins into their 20s they just don't talk about it due to the retarded stigma of the v-card spook. Anyways bringing it back to leftism and economics I think our current system of capitalism basically promotes people use relationships as commodities to gain social capital and personal wealth. I feel like without the financial motivation people will pursue more meaningful relationships rather than a sugar daddy who would give them a living wage to pay rent, bills, food etc.

Sage, retards. Don't let this garbage shit up the board

And how would that go?

/r9k/ was a nice board, once upon a time.

user, I don't know what to tell you.

the saddest part was that the mother suppose to be some type of relationship author writing books and her daughter cant even write a fucking paragraph. I would spend fridays and saturdays trying to tutor her in writing and math after getting off of work.

I remember telling her my mom and i got into an argument about me moving. 2 hours later she calls her dad and he comes to see me talking about i need to stop contacting my mom or his daughter would be upset . i walked outside and cursed that piece of shit out.

I tried that shit. I asked again and again and was rejected every single fucking time. Sorry I never tell anyone about this but it seriously makes me suicidal. I tried, lifting and looksmaxxing and pua. It doesn't work for me.

I don't think there has been a single woman hateric post in this thread so far

Why didn't you dump her right then and there, dumbass? Are you dating her parents too?

Just be yourself user. :^) Unless you're a cunt. Then be somebody else.

The extended family is shit tbh fams

I'm not looking good enough, or have charisma to impose my personality on another person.

Liberal "you alone is responsible for your success and failure" is as flawed as Reactionary "you are perfect, the problem is [insert minority]". Your actions are AT BEST just half of the battle. The question is also how "easy" target, OR how compatible woman you can find, some luck, culture you are living in and so on. You need to like yourself, don't be afraid of "easy" girls (these dumb bitches just need dick), and if you try your move on some girl and it don't work, there IS, of course some stuff you could have done differently, but she most likely just have too different nature to you, so you would not enjoy it anyway. I would suggest you going for most beta targets you can - middle school girls, they are easy to get and very naive, but since you are a little older than me I'm not sure if you still find them attractive. Good alternative are first year university girls, it's not beta to get them, and they like to fuck.

not really, I have sex only about once a year, I'm losing to see sense in that. Masturbation is preferable to sex with some girls.

I am myself. I'm a nice guy too.

Because I would get banned and my post deleted if I spoke ill of the protected cunt class.

Did you actually mean to reply to me with that first bit, or did you quote the wrong person?




You are 100 percent right but at the time i thiught we had a kid together and i grew up with out my father so i didnt want to leave her for that reason.

Now that shes gone im a better person and much more happier

You thought you knocked her up?
Oh, user, I'm so sorry. I can't begin to understand how shitty you had it.

Go back to r9k and bitch about women not sucking your cock.

are you 15? No such thing happens after high school, it's actually compliment for girl if a man asks her out, she feels attractive.

yes, I did.
was stupid thing to say

Projecting much leftcoms?

I can barely keep up small talk with coworkers and old classmates, let alone complete strangers. I'm fairly sure that being a 25 yo virgin is a tip of the iceberg here.

high five.

the point of lifting is to gradually become disinterested in women after enough exposure to aesthetic male bodies

I didn't know the ability to read basic social cues fell under empathy.

removing alienation wil sole most social problems. And the only way to remove alienation is to remove capitalism.


I'm 18 and still a kissless virgin. Fairly attractive and not an autist. I've been somewhat of a social outcast most of my life and I go to an all-boys school, so I guess kinda explains it. But still, I don't even know how I still haven't fucked. I just feel like I have no idea what to do after realizing a girl likes me.




Life ain't fair

Get a tinder and fuck some girl. Your issue is that school removes you from encountering a girl, as someone with a similar situation given my job using tinder or whatever is a lot easier and reliable than other methods. Probably cheaper than hookers too.

Every time

You don't know what it was like having autism. Luckily, I was able to cure my own autism. I used to get extremely triggered when people would ask me "whats up?" because the intended response was different than the literal answer to the question. I had to train myself to say "nothing" even though it made my skin crawl because I felt like a liar knowing that several miles of atmosphere were above us.

I'm sorry user, but that's fucking hilarious.

Still, good on you for taking control of your life. A lot of people with mental conditions don't manage it.

I believe a better phrase might be, "Be the best version of yourself."

In that same vein, "Be confident" means "Put yourself in a state of mind where if you get rejected or things go south, you can walk away from this unscathed."

I'm trying to help you here, user. If you take care of your anxiety issues before trying to enter a relationship, dating's really not that hard. You might even find it fun!

You dummy, you actually fell for that stuff?

Your problem is assuming all women are the same. Just like men, there isn't any universal turn-on or appeal for women.

Try to have some empathy for a change, wouldja? See them as people rather than aliens, and ya might get somewhere!

The fact that there are people who really think like this is both hilarious and pathetic at the same time.

There's your problem. I go to a tech school myself. Place is pretty much a desert as far as girls go, so I usually just grab hookups/dates off places like Tinder.

Fucking lol. Think I should show this to my Holla Forumsack virgin friend?

Y'know what's not fair? Capitalism. You wanna know why you're not getting a date? Capitalism. Other folks could explain if you'd like.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go hug my daki of Kirino. Good day.

You fucking nigger. I tried that first. I've only started all this other shit recently. Why do you assume I'm some kind of asshole. It's because you want to believe bad things happen to shitty people. Well I'm not a shitty. person. You have some kind of just world complex.

I have no idea how I'd even go about hooking up though, even through tinder lol. Where do I bring her? I just can't even imagine it happening

I mean maybe, but we have sister schools and I still feel like I'm in the minority as a person who hasn't even gotten so much as a smooch

Wrong. Incels have always existed. Capitalism is helping them because they are simply a market that needs to satisfied

They will be much worse off in socialism since there wouldn't be any profit motive to have anything to do with them

You have a smart friend.
I would honestly suggest that emulate him, I suspect that you would be much more happy .

It's too late for you user. I was told I might get laid in college, but that was a lie. College bitches are even worse and they hate your guts just for being male. I am turning 26 and I have never even held hands with a girl, despite my good looks and being 6'3. It is hopeless, women are evil creatures that exist only to torment people like us. Spare yourself the pain and give up altogether, you will feel much better.


Assuming you're talking about the "incorrigible paedophile hardcore traditionalist incel, that is. People with anxiety issues or who're too busy are potential comrades who would benefit from mental healthcare and reduced alienation.

I don't believe you

Something is not right

How do you separate people who "deserve" to be incels from those who don't?

Holy shit mods delete this thread please
It's turned into woman hateric/incel hate bullshit

I got over the feeling a long time ago. I have no qualms about being a mid-20s virgin.

This. In my experience, more than half of the girls in college already had a boyfriend or were married. Even a "pickup artist" type guy I knew had a lot of trouble getting a college girl.

You should. It's sad and pathetic

Simple: Whether they improve with therapy and resocialization.

Fuck off.

You too.

By your standards. God why did this thread go to such shit? It started out mildly constructive

/pol9k/ arrived. Pay them no mind.

How can you be so fucking pathetic, Howard?

I'd rather have /pol9k/ than faggot /soc/ posters like you.

Could you tell me why?

Can we please just stop the hate? Hate doesn't help. Hating incels wont help them and hating women won't help incels

A good rule of thumb would be to assume that the ones who themselves identify as incels are irredeemable.

Because you came here from facebook

How do you do this and how is it different from what's already tried (and didn't work)

We're entering 4th. final stage of pure simulacrum. Buckle up

Fuck off.

I'm not a psychologist, honestly. I've just heard it's an option, and helping people is something that's important to me.

you seem like an autist tho

Underrated post.

So everyone itt

Wait until your late thirties when your physical health begins to decline.
Your time is running out, you have to bang while you are healthy or you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Speak for yourself. I'm not an incel, I just can't get laid.

Stop doing this. Sex is irrelevant

That's the definition of an incel

That, plus the whole cancerous subculture of reddit9k, with their ironic misanthropy covering for their actual repulsive personalities. No thanks.

You will die alone buddy.


Didn't you have hermits in previous eras?

There's a difference between being cloistered and being atomized.

Ridiculous. Sex only gets better with age since you start to give less of a fuck.

Do you guys even live

thanks cpt. obvious.

I don't.

Probably the same reason why they don't want to get married. It's fear induced.
Another good question is why are younger women letting themselves go to be fucking land whales. No sane man wants to deal with the conditions brought down and brainwashed into women these days.


I don't wanna say it shows, but…


There would be absolutely NOTHING wrong with that message if the guy was attractive. Fuck off with your lookism spiel. Women only care if you're attractive, EVERYTHING ELSE IS SECONDARY.

Attractive guy saying awkward shit = cute/endearing/funny
Ugly guy saying awkward shit = creepy/scary/weird


hey girls, look at this butthurt virgin little boy

That's essentially true about ugly/attractive girls.

women are not attracted to 28 year old virgin neets who live with their parents, in fact they disgust them. i can't change that, so all i can do is accept it, but i don't have to like it

Except uggo women can still get some random bozo to go down on them frequently, fucking good looking dudes fuck the most atrocious warpigs out there. Then they get some frail looking faggot to settle down with them when they're 30, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE WOMAN'S LOOKS. A WOMAN CAN LOOK LIKE A FUCKING DEGENERATED MASS OF SHIT, BUT AS LONG AS IT HAS A VAGINA THEN MEN WILL BE KNOCKING.

This can't be real.

It is real bitch, reality is a motherfucker. I'm still leftist in most respects, except when it comes to women.

why are you angry?

Sometimes I wonder how you robots even find this place.

And those kinds of messages are definitely a turn off, even if the guy is fuckable.

what happened to the good old general anxiety, feeling of inadequacy, inability to read social cues. fucking Holla Forums I swear.

Ugly people do not deserve to reproduce. If they did, humanity would be ruduced to a bunch of disgusting hobgoblins. Only people with aesthetics should be allowed to sire offspring.

I'm a sexually frustrated turbocel, why else would I be mad?

I was tired of Holla Forums running amok through the internet and I'm non-white. Yet me being non-white means I should automatically be on board with trannies and women rights. Such a sorry state.

Why would you be angry because you're not having sex?

Literally nonsense. Most of human civilization had men usually having one partner who they would marry. This union was usually done without regard to how either party felt either.
What the "norm" is right now is people playing seduction games that end up into relationships that usually end because both parties stop putting in the work. This used to be the games aristocrats played but now because of technology everyone has time to do it.
Not to mention that the most important thing in deciding norms (media) has created a world that is unrealistic and unattainable which really starts to fuck with people when they find things not working out for them like it does there.
The guys who are incel are living in a fantasy world as much as everyone else. Just move to the third world and learn a bit of the language and you can find a girl in weeks. Went to a jazz club in Hanoi and jesus fuck was it full of fat old white guys with middle age Vietnamese women.

m8, our society conditions women to think of how they look first and foremost. It teaches them to value how attractive they are over everything else, and you're surprised that maybe some of them project this onto potential partners? Have you considered that your obsession with sex is itself a result of conditioning, that our society teaches men to be obsessed with it? It's got nothing to do with biological differences, stop being so spooked


is it too late

That's the best age actually. Women that age are looking to settle down. If you have a job you'll find someone

Being raised in an overtly capitalist religious cult with a caste system while your folks stop you from hanging out with other people in your teens to stop you from turning out "gay" certainly doesn't help anything in regards to making friends/partners.
Hahaha God damn.


No, fuck that. I am into girls ten years my junior. At least they didn't have enough time to fuck their lives up yet.

Some of us aren't worth saving and are disfigured on the inside.


He won't get a young girl this is his only choice. If he'd rather be alone then whatever

Fuck off. It's still legal so no problem.

Reactionaries get the bullet as well

How am I a reactionary for having a little self respect? I deserve better than some old dried up STD riddled cunt who is nearing the end of her biological clock.


34 and virgin in a few weeks lads, gonna go past the Jesus barrier!

Polio left me pretty disfigured, so yeah.

Don't even attempt to argue like an /r9k/ idiot.

Feminism emasculated men. The gynocracy heralds the arrival of bugman society, in which the 90% of you who were not culled for lack of use value never reproduce. Chad reigns supreme amid his endless harems built on the empty soulless shells of the proletariat.
Capitalism reigns supreme in the economic, political and sexual spheres;leftism is finally revealed to be a Chad ploy to enslave radicals. This is the future you choose.

This is what women really think like. Take the blackpill and join us in the conspiracy against the world. Embrace the dark side, comrades.

If he speaks out against his condition and attributes it to the people who deserve the blame (females), he is an incel. Much like how if someone fails in capitalism and complains about it he is a degenerate leftist instead of a normal person who sees the game is rigged against him.

t. sex haver.


At this point I think I want to stay a virgin

How is this one insecure? He's just found the truth.

R9gay and pol the cuckold warriors ruin another thread.


This is true though for the average proletarian/lower-class man

Bourgeois feminism has ruined women

Go try it for yourself faggot. This is not propaganda, this is SCIENCE. The science of the capricious femoid mind.

having kids is reactionary af because you're giving capitalists more people to exploit
loving someone is also bad because you will feel bad when you lose that person
as a revolutionary you have to keep yourself as cold as possible, you should not know fun or sex or anything that distracts you from the revolution and you should be prepared to die for communism at any moment

Yes, excellent idea. None of you should ever reproduce. Just keep biding your time for a revolution which will never come until you are too old and sick to fight.

Nice propaganda.

Fuck off female.

What does reactionary mean?

Stay mad virgin.

You guys ITT are gonna make it, just never go for materialistic women like, those that go to clubs a lot, general gold diggers, or bitches that pretty themselves up with expensive shit and you'll do fine.

Adorno was right, fascism really is psycho-sexual in origin. This thread is just more proof.

The forces of reaction, they crop up when change is present.

Engage full nihilism

How is that a bad thing? Doesn't it make sense to adapt to change? This is how every lifeform on earth today has survived. Reaction to change is what fuels evolution, species that can't adapt go extinct.

You're taking it far too semantically, they don't adapt, they react and attempt to enforce the status quo.

There are many, many reasons. Here's a shortlist:

The boomer generation decided to throw away centuries' worth of morals and traditions in favor of loose sexuality and drug culture and this spread to the subsequent generations. Ironically what you see today is just capitalism applied to human relationships, but it seems nobody on the right can grasp that.

The more alienated one becomes and the longer one is physically and socially isolated, the harder reintegration and resocialization become. The pain that pushed them to the periphery becomes so great that it cannot be overcome, and the further isolate themselves to try and escape the current pain of their alienation and the potential pain of exposing themselves to social humiliation and rejection.

this. also:

has Holla Forums become /leftyr9k/?

Holla Forums is waking up to
cuck and there is nothing you can do about it.

will consume all

Nah, I'll just start when I am out of college and have the nessesary things to rebel against the world order.

Women aren't all that attracted to at least the bottom 80% of men. most would prefer to share (be one of several fwbs of) a man in the top 10-20%. I believe one Tinder study showed that its economy was more unequal than that of Angola.

Stay mad, /pol9cuck/.

There's still time. I lost mine when I was 19 (to a willing girl after a date and not to a prostitute I should add). I know it's a cliche but it really all does come down to having confidence. It doesn't need to be Chad levels but at least be assured in yourself. Unless they have a dom fetish, the one thing most women find a huge turn off in men is weakness (of mind).

People get lucky sometimes. There's nothing intrinsically wrong with this mating pattern, but it can cause problems when there are a lot of unpaired men. It would probably be easier to use genetic engineering to fuck with our m/f ratio at some point in the future.

Uh-huuh… Question: What happens to all the unpaired women?

It's not like this is China we're talking about here. And even they only have a 1.15:1 ratio.

I'm 5'9" but good looking and I fuck tinder girls all the time and so do my friends who are less good looking than me. And I've seen shorter and uglier dudes than me with gfs, some of which were qt. I don't think the 80/20 thing plays out irl.


when you have tons of unpaired women you get cat ladies. when you have tons of unpaired men, you get ISIS. I'll take my chances with the cat ladies. sucks to be them, but the alternative is worse.

Yep. Even if I didn't have an extremely inconvenient sexuality, I still don't think I'd be in any rush to get married or start living with a partner. Most women are expensive, annoying, and have very little to offer besides intimacy (which they'll use against you).

Atomization kicks ass

What, you mean that isn't the norm? How the fuck do you live mate?

I seriously hope you don't believe this.

I'll admit that society pressures men not to seek out mental health services. However, if you think ISIS rose to prominence because Abdul couldn't get his dick wet, you're either taking the piss or absolutely delusional. For your sake, it hope it's the former.

Do you have any idea how selfish you sound right now? You're talking as if people owe you sexual pleasure.

And don't even fucking think about giving me the "socialism = free gibmedats" line. What you receive, you must also give back. In a socialist economy this means contributing to the community with your labor. In a personal relationship, this means being an enjoyable and generally not-delusional-and-autistic person.

And to answer another question: Yes, Communism will help you find a girlfriend. But you'll have to woo her yourself.

I think we've found the answer to OP's question.

sending men out to conquer new lands for wives (since all the native girls were in someone's harem) isn't really anything new in Islamic history, though ISIS is not quite this, obviously, but i would certainly expect some kind of reactionary movement centered around re-asserting control over women if there are too many unpaired men.

it's not a matter of owing, but a recognition that unpaired men are much more dangerous than unpaired women, and large numbers of unpaired men are inevitable under any economic system that doesn't, in effect, socialize the means of reproduction through various norms or legal structures.

Obviously, I'm too inferior for any girl to ever like me, or I wouldn't be posting on fucking Holla Forums. My genes will fortunately not be passed on, but I'd prefer to not end up on the wrong side of a bunch of angry unpaired men.

Capitalist therapy only works if you're dumb enough to buy into the placebos they'll try to sell you.

Jesus Christ, man.

I say this with the utmost sincerity: Please seek out therapy. Or at least try to do something for yourself. You've obviously got some sort of deep-seated anxiety issues. I know this, because I told myself the exact same thing not too long ago.

I've found it's the opposite, really. Unless you've got a serious and permanent condition like Schizophrenia, anxiety can almost always be solved through finding a support group and steadily building confidence again.

It's a stony road, but we're all gonna make it.

Honestly you sound like a naive idiot who had a bit of mild anxiety, went to a therapist a couple of times, and now thinks that every problem can be solved by telling people to man up and get some therapy.

My problems are somewhat outside the scope of this thread (I'm not even really an incel), but I can assure you that there are plenty of people out there who are irrevocably fucked in every possible way. My current life goal is to not be forced into a situation where suicide is the rational choice, and I'm not optimistic about achieving it.

But socialism IS free gibs cuck. Under socialism you take the means of production from the rich and give it to the workers. The same applies to abolishing the sexual free market. You take away from Chad and give it to we, the people. Same principle at the end of the day.

Also, women are incapable of genuine emotion, so men by default already give more than they receive even under capitalist chadocracy.

So when are you just gonna kill yourself, user?

Thanks comrade, I needed that.

I think it's a bit more nuanced than that. Women are capable of genuine emotion, but most of them are incapable of really empathizing with any man they're attracted to. Feeling sympathy for a man dries their vaginas out faster than anything else, which then immediately turns that sympathy into contempt.
Women are only really genuine with people who they see as neither competition nor possible mates.

You replied to two different anons.
It could be anywhere from a month to never.


That word really has lost all meaning.


It's the other way round you nonce. Sexually insecure men don't pay for sex.

Maybe instead of blaming women for not touching your dick you should take a hard look in the mirror and re read that post. Why would anyone want to date an ugly misanthrope who thinks they have the mind of an animal?

You were serious?

But you actually don't have to go if you don't want to, retard. You only have to process out if you've already shipped. You can quit anytime before that. Navy is fucking gay, anyway. Join the USMC, so you can be prepared for a life of homelessness.

For any interested these are answers to the problem ranked by leftypol in a previous thread.

most of us here are celibate or use hookers or whatever. So threads about sexuality revolve around that to some degree. Not a new thing.

good points.
And I'd expand social media to all media. For some girls I knew in school, the guys they paid the most attention to were the like… pretty boy celebs, disney characters, and 90s boy band guidos. Like… the vast majority of their attention. So when they went out into the real world and found out that most men aren't like that, well some adapted better than others.

This is such a fucking reddit buzzword. Why don't you go back there.

I feel the same, most of /r9k/ would consider me a chad. I think Americans just have fucked up views about sex because its not nearly as big of a deal as they make it out to be.

The general vibe like… 70% of the boys got from basically all the girls in any given class until about 11th grade was, "get the fuck away from me you maggot and if you have a crush on me that's disgusting"

That does damage to one's psyche. And it went way beyond cooties. Maybe it's better in public schools, but that's the way it was in the private schools I was in.

Please get your shitty incel logic out of communism. This is bourgeois male sexual chauvinism, I'm not even a fan of third-wave feminism you guys just suck ass.

So much wrong with this post.
First… in a post-industrial society, gibmedats are fine, there's enough to go around, you are speaking like a right-wing socialist when we have surpluses of literally everything it makes no sense.

Everyone deserves intimacy just as much as people are entitled to the labor of doctors


Your thinking and your gif portrays women as if they are some sort of collection of demi-gods that men need to prove themselves to women more than women need to prove themelves to men. That men need to woo and chase women, but women aren't called to do so to the same degree. Maybe in a resource scarce environment where women's lives are in danger and hence reproduction is itself in danger does that thinking even remotely make sense.

In reality there is a fucked up piece of shit girl for every fucked up piece of shit guy. Maybe even more, given there's more women than men in the USA in total. The only reason this wouldn't be the case would be if you genuinely believed that women were meaningfully and objectively better than men on a whole and that this extended down to the bottom of the female hierarchy.

So I have gotten burned by a woman pretty bad. I was married for almost ten years then she dumped me. I let her keep everything, but now I'm 27, and I feel I'm too old to date. Also, I decided to go back to school and there's a 19 y/o girl that seems to like me. I kind of think she's cute, but I don't want to take advantage. Assuming she's into me, should I go for it, or is that breaking some ethical boundary? I mean, I think she's cool, but she's just a kid, and I've been out of the dating scene for a while, so I might also just be misconstruing things.

get on with the times grandpa


Well, I don't know how shit like that goes. Remember, I've dated in high school and then got married, so I have no idea how college dating works. Mostly, I'm just unsure of myself. Are girls that young normally into older guys like that? I mean, I could understand if it was 2-5 years, but I'm 27. I just don't know what to make of it.

Women date up anyway.

pretty shit tbh

2 people voted for it -shrug-

But honestly I would prefer that to what we have now.

Take the 1956 novel the story of O, which highlights the sexual availability of women in the decade to come

and compare it to 50 shades of grey, which kind of highlights the sexual atmosphere of today (a deep desire for literal contractual sex with a porky as a way to pay for x)

which is better, which is more porky?

Don't you a have board with a shitty design to LARP in?


And what would that be, user same as mine?

why did you get married when you were 17?

It's more complicated than that, but image boards aren't a great sample given the over representation of virgins and autists. And let's be honest, if you've kissed a girl /r9k/ thinks you're a chad so that isn't saying much.

Go for it if she's down.

Some are, but you're only 8 years older than her fam. It's not like you're cradle robbing or anything.

What if I told you, you could be effeminate, a NEET, AND fuck

sure it only costs $50-200, the problem lies in finding a relationship, even when you're in a blue collar job


Read the One Dimensional Man and Eros and Civilization

Professor Jordan B Peterson gave a 1 hour lecture on why men like futanari. A long Q&A from both genders followed by some history of Peterson's porn usage.

"Psychoanalysis" is bullshit created by Freud for the purpose of getting rich and advancing his social status, while at the same time assuaging the guilt of his clients (from the sexual improprieties they engaged in) and himself for fucking his sister-in-law.

It's like the phrenology of the mind

Link, motherfucker. Do you have it!?

It was a joke


You're boring. I'm going with the man who encouraged people to be NEETS and have orgies.

I was 20. I said almost 10 years.

That doesn't make what I said any less accurate, user

Herbert Marcuse said nothing wrong from what I brought up from him.

You can be a neet, you can fuck. You should be a neet, and you should fuck other neets.

Well, fuck you then, for getting my hopes up.

Most NEETs I know are forced onto SSRIs as way to UNNEET them or for their mental health

but that generally doesn't help them and it makes them not that interested in sex

1984 shit

That doesn't make what I said any less accurate, user

I'm disfigured, paralyzed actually. But I still get laid, faggot.

go to socialanxietysupport.org
about two thirds of their 200,000 users are virgins and above 20, many above 30

The largest "incel" or foreveralone board and it's not advertised as such.


What if I just have been depressed for so long that I don't how anything else feels? I don't have a fear of social situations, I just don't like or enjoy them. Can that even be qualified as social anxiety?

That's just anhedonia
But a lot of socially anxious people have anhedonia, so you see the complaint of not being interested in meet people frequently on that site

Honestly, I don't even know WHAT I have. It's not like I'm not interested in meeting people. I just don't know how you approach someone in a situation where is many-on-many, instead of an one-on-one. And I don't think is anhedonia either, because (if Wikipedia is anything to go by), I do find certain things enjoyable, but from several years to today, these things have become less and less frequent, and the moments of joy more and more spread out.

The only thing I do I have is depression, and that therapy doesn't work and it's a waste of my money.

anhedonia is one of the defining symptoms of depression. You may not even have all the defining symptoms of depression, as the lumping of symptoms psychiatrists do isn't that scientific, but you definitely have anhedonia from your description. Decreased ability to feel joy aka

There's probably a certain amount you always won't be able to do that to the degree others do, but practice makes perfect.

t. sex haver. Its like a cappy fuck saying that not being a wage slave isn't a big deal. What if I took your cock away m8? Bet you would miss it then.

Check your fucking fucking muh privilege, cunt.

You are a pseud if you cannot grasp the obvious Marxist connections between the capitalists exploiting the proles and chad exploiting betas and omegas. Take off that flag, infiltrator. You will not hold back the incel revolution.

All women are whores, like your marriage proved. Pump and dump (she probably would love it anyway)

Stop coping.

Also glad that that anti incel moderator is no longer banning people who disagree with him. That was really a pathetic display.

The best thing about having sexual intimacy isn't necessarily always the sex itself, but the comfort you feel around all women for a good period of time afterward. It's a nice change of pace.

The fact that some people basically never get it and don't visit hookers means they aren't comfortable around women -> women find that a turnoff -> they continue to be celibate -> and it's a vicious cycle that needs breaking for the sake of their mental health

There's literally nothing wrong with that, /leftypoz/-kun.

Exactly. These fucking chads and stacy's don't seem to get that for whatever reason (probably rid the cock carousel for too long). But since we are men, obviously that means we can't be oppressed. These Holla Forums chads are anti idpol up until the moment it affects them personally.

The issue though is that I don't see any reward in learning how to that. I can't see myself getting better, becoming happier, etc, and so, I don't see the point, you know. Why try when it's too late to make a difference. Anyway, that's how I feel about my current situation/existence


You want to opress other people to get what you want. I'll never support that

Pic related.

From what little I know of that, it's possible that literally all of these women are bots.

Literally every thread like us, someone whines that. just let us commiserate a bit.

Kinda like Rasputin I guess.

Fuck off liberal

Not an argument

I'm giving you advice from the good Marcuse Man himself. Maybe you should take it and fuck another neet.

Alienation is caused by financial factors between the sexes, the internet showing everyone your dirty little secrets you want to delete, lack of social media with friends being a tell this guy might not be entirely trustworthy, increase in date rape, caution over sexually transmitted diseases. And most importantly of all, having a relationship costs more than it ever did in the past, so if you want to invest in someone, it has to be realistic.

All of you who believe women are evil shrewd goblins for taking all of this into account, should probably also take all of this into account.

Sex simply is more complicated then it used to be.

The sexual free market some claim exist died in the 20th century. People just don't fuck anymore because it's also a waste of time.

Not him but I thought that was Marcuse's vision of a proper world, not the one we live in

Be the change you want to see in the world

What can be asserted without evidence etc etc

Don't be so fucking scared of taking the black pill user. Go on tinder and repeat the experiment yourself. We do this kind of shit all the time and it always turns out the same.

This is your brain on ideology

Not him but even if what you're saying is true, it'll just make me feel shit and accomplish nothing. I'm not an incel but I've been single for a long time.

Just pull yourself by your bootstraps

Honestly I don't even have a cellphone because I literally have no one to talk to. Even creating fake profiles on find-a-fuck websites is out of my reach.

So sexually transmitted diseases, finances, possibly not getting on well with your partner resulting in a bunch of bullshit, trusting your faith in random strangers, being nice to the person who has no social media presence whatsoever and hangs in the corner. Possibly causing an accidental pregnancy.

You know, you should just ignore all this because its just woman think. Did you listen in sex ed. I swear half of you desperate fucks are asking for an STD. And I know because most of you'd think a condom "feels too weird".

You should be cautious about sex. Jesus Christ, is this some kind of revelation to you?

Nobody owes you sex, because of the potential hazards involved with it. Unless you make yourself out to be trustworthy, you're not going to fuck. You should actually be just as cautious with women as women are with men.

Shocking shit, I know.

True, I don't feel like i am accomplishing anything right now either. In fact, the more this drags on, the more despair I feel, since Holla Forums is very set on reproducing capitalist ideology in the sexual domain, despite claiming to be "for classic socialism".



Who fucking benefits from capitalist modernity and feminism?


Who is the fucking cuck who takes it lying down?


Eat shit classcuck.

The duality of leftism gentlemen. Isn't it obvious by now that these leftists are merely tools of women and capitalist interests rather than being genuinely against exploitation and greed? I would say that these people are actually sexual fascists since apparently think that all incels are subhuman scum who should just die off alone. Holla Forums can defend niggers 24/7 but incels? Nothing for us.

How is that relevant to people who have zero prospects

Propose a solution or shut up. All you're doing is trying to convince people to go full Eliott Rodger. It's not productive

You forgot your "Afu-fu-fu" slogan, imkampfy.

The bourgeoisie, the politicians. Even "Chad" is squeezed tight for all his money. There are no special people, not even you.

You might as well say bigfoot.

You because you're always in these threads fucking around.

I'm being cuckolded because people are screwing? I'm so ashamed omg

Eat pussy, muff hound

Yes. We're focused on material things, like resources, and organization. You're focused on cuckoldry, a fraternity of men who is as real as Swamp Ape, and being blind to class. Making some perverse parody of it because people are less trusting.

You know, you could at least address the points I made in

It would be more polite.

Because desperation leads to unwise decision making. And you should be questioning why it exists in the first place beyond the galaxy brain explanation given

There are no decisions to make. These people will die alone

why not? women were considered insecure and indecisive for the last three decades (and probably longer), so it's our turn now

That's a rather rude thing to say.

If there is one thing leftists hate it is the sexually disabled. It seeps out every time we attack the alt right and conservatives in general.

Do leftists hate incels because we disgust them? Because that since we are disgusting and horrible, we just might be irredeemable? That non fascist socialism will entail giving us our time in the sun, that they just might have to deal with us in real life? We are horrid little hobgoblins to these leftists, pudgy little imps stirring shit up in their marches. We are a black stain in their utopian vision no matter how much they deny it! Socialism sounds so nice, but not if we have to deal with nig, sorry INCELS god forbid!

t. sex haver

The sexual bourgeoisie everyone. Incels should just bootstrap themselves, but we should have a revolution to give free shit to single mothers, niggers and white trash.


Structuralism stops where your cock begins, THIS IS WHAT LEFTYCHAD ACTUALLY BELIEVES. Chad and Incels are equal, since they are both getting screwed out of their paycheck. Even though Chad is seen as actual humans while incels are nothing more than lumpy fleshbodies who creep women out.


The sexual bourgeosie will have their dicks French'd in the revolution, but they won't mind since fucking isn't really that big of a deal anyway.


but that's the hard part

Bourgeoisie: Noun not Adjective, Definition: The class of people in bourgeois society who own the means of production as their Private Property, i.e., as capital.

See, this is why nobody is fucking you.

So I go from fucking all women at all times to not.

Feels great to know that I am right. Feminism is a farce, so you should just shut the fuck up next time and let the black pills flow next time.

Was saying red text "CHAD EXISTS, AND HE STEALS MY WOMEN" an argument?

I don't think this is even an argument, I'm conversing with you about your special needs disability.

It's true. I had a guy I played vidya with who always complained about tfw no gf, was in his mid thirties. Recently I try to contact him. No response, check his Facebook there's a memorial poster for his suicide.

It's an anecdote I know but I just don't buy the idea that ALL incels are just bad or incompetent people or they just don't understand. Seems like a just world fallacy idk.

Maybe it's this loneliness that lends them to lash out like the ALL CAPS sperg itt and not vice-versa

You should take some actual pills, like Valium. Lexipro. Xanax. Anything. Get it together.

Wow, you are such a fucking snowflake holy shit.

Don't tell me the women have already taken your balls. Maybe that is why you are so keen on defending them, since you literally have no choice. You are such a sad creature, to be reduced to this state. Enjoy defending your oppressors cuck.

I never said they were incompetent, I said they were naive about the nature of sex. It has its own costs, and expecting it outright isn't the same as expecting a job to survive. Because a job doesn't give you STDs, cause emotional turmoil, could very well result in pregnancy by purpose or accident, creates relationships where you're both financially screwed, or fucking random strangers who can talk about you online.

There's a lot of stupid bullshit involved with sex and the absolute need for it on people here isn't what I would say is incompetence. Rather it is naivety. It's not getting all of these problems related to casual sex or a relationship down, because frankly

Not a lot of you could handle a relationship. It's stressful.

Being a virgin is a plus. It's not 2005 anymore and there's nothing to be ashamed of.

I never said incels are evil, and you are the one claiming you are too special to abide by the caution all people have about sex

t. 18 year old who thinks the 2000s were some halcyon time that was so much simpler.

That's the complete opposite of what I just said.


Nobody knows your a virgin unless you god damn say it. And I would still say its a plus.

Loneliness is not a plus. It feels terrible. Year after year. I can't take it.

Yeah, but because there's a broad contingent of incels that when they're told they have to cultivate themselves into someone others want to be with and around they flip out and spew reactionary shit, just like you do here.

Here's a tip (for when you finally decide to bee yourself :^) insane, bitter rants and bigotry aren't really all that attractive.


Sex won't stop you from being lonely.

Okay, so what's stopping you from meeting someone?

Hey, BUNNY FAGGOT. Next time you bitch about incels, kindly remember why you are on this board. Are you here because you are some faggot college kid who wants to save dem negros , or because you actually have experienced classism at the hands of your boss. Its the same, but much worse, since leftist ideas are getting more popular, while incels are constantly demonized and pushed down to the bottom of society.

Being an incel is existential horror. It means that when you die, nobody will miss you. Not even yourself. You are just a pile of meat that has some tangential value to the machine, but other than that nothing else.


We incels are born ugly and have been exposed to real human nature since birth. Racism is in many ways an extension of LOOKISM, the constant demonization of the ugly and ill deformed from day 1.

Yet leftypol constantly defends niggers and terrorists for reasons, yet can't even scrape together an ounce of understanding for our position. Even though there is in fact a hairs distance between racism and lookism

Why? Because unlike niggers, we put the female question at the forefront of our discussion. WE, being keenly aware that biology MATTERS, raise some seriously uncomfortable questions among leftist feminists. Naturally, you people try to gaslight us, resorting to LIBERTARIAN philosophy in the process. How can you people resort to Randian bullshit even though your entire ideology is directly opposed to it?

That is actually the main reason why I am in this thread. I have yet to get a single concrete answer on why you people hold this double standard, why you try to gaslight us and chase us away instead of giving a clear answer.

If you weren't afraid of us being right. YOU WOULD HAVE ANSWERED BY NOW


This is such good bait

is this what it's like to be autistic? this seems like a great new pasta

Look here you little shits


How many times do I need to say it. I want companionship, not sex. That's why I don't just pay a hooker and be done with it. I just don't want to die alone. Why is that such an insane thing to want. I don't know how old you are, but I'm over 30 and at some point you can't keep deluding yourself that you're totally happy alone

Anxiety, poverty, no time, depression, anger, ugly, and the list goes on

You aren't in a relationship because, you're not there yet, As condescending as that sounds. But you will be there.

I don't even know how to reply to this. Why not at least try to have some empathy

"I'm prepared to sacrifice everything but that" – but what? The very gesture of self-sacrifice. In other words, the PC attitude implies the same antagonism between the enunciated content and the position of enunciation that Hegel denounced apropos of the ascetic self-humiliation: it conceals a patronizing elevation over those whose injuries from discrimination are allegedly compensated. In the very act of emptying the white-male-heterosexual position of all positive content, the PC attitude retains it as a universal form of subjectivity.

I fucking knew it. Holla Forums is prepared to sacrifice EVERYTHING, everything except their sexual muh privilege. Gotta keep dem incels in their place. Maybe Holla Forums should get together and lynch a few incels. Hang us by our cocks.


Not that user, but I know a couple of guys (university professors) who are in their 50s and are on a straight road to dying alone. I'm somewhat not convinced.

What do you mean by "no time?"

He is empathizing with you. He's just not validating your self pity.

It doesn't just happen, you know.

We all die alone

The author is none other than pic related. He's a Slovenian Marxist philosopher named slavoj zizek. You should definitely read some of what he wrote or at least watch some of his lectures

In case anyone's wondering "mauvaise foi" means bad faith and logomachy means "an argument about words."

Meant to reply to

Girls just want a guy who will bring them wine and chocolates and not use their nice hand towels as toilet paper cause thats "all there was"

What the fuck is this caption this nigger has children

yeah it's almost like there's missing context or something

guys, women are sick of guys who shoved their assholes onto their coffee table because "i couldn't write with that itch going"


I get that you're really fucking bitter and tired of being alone but can you stop being a cocksucking reactionary for one moment and stop attacking this boogeyman strawman that's not remotely in this thread? Almost everyone ITT is saying that inceldom is a societal problem from Capitalism that Socialism will likely or hopefully fix. What the fuck more do you want: women to be literally enslaved and distributed so that every man can get a sex slave? And why the fuck are you shittalking Leftists like this Other when this thread is full of Leftists talking about tfwnogf? If you're a recent Holla Forums convert can you try to tone down the incessant misanthropy and victim complexing and have an actual discussion?

t. khv

Now you're just being a huge autistic faggot. If you're not baiting maybe you should tone it down a bit.

That is both condescending and just platitudinous.

It's not your fault

I'm the one who asked you to elaborate. Sorry for the late response, I was out and then went to bed. I was expecting you were refering to that
ideology, that's why I then said that "blame" might be too harsh of a word.
You see, that's already where the problem starts. If I could easily approach girls, etc. there wouldn't be problem, truss me. Thanks for the advice though still.

I would just like to point out that the men in your photo are doing what they're doing in direct opposition to social norms and in face of constant scorn and ridicule from normalfags. You don't get any more secure in your sexuality than that.

gotta say, this /r9k/ is moe mean spirited and more baited than the usual

You never really worked for subsistance, have you? Because apart from STDs and pregnancy, that's exactly what working in the majority of places gives you. And just to expand on that point

Condoms exist, you know?

Contraceptives exist, you know?

Its because the roasties and their beta slaves don't expect their liberal cumrags to rebel against them too.

The fact is that youre not entitled to someone fucking you because if you were then someone would have no choice but to fuck you. Does some nigger have the right to fuck your ass because he deserves sex? It doesn't make sense.

You have to confront the fact that if you want to bone you have to convince someone else to. Of course its harder because everyone's a fucking idiot asshole these days. But that applies to you too- some bitch out there is sad there are no good guys and if you were different you could be that guy and fuck her senseless. Its a problem of two people coming together, not just the problem of what you as an individual (and class of low status incels) are missing.

This argument is basically that the sexual rev is not finished, and that we need the strong valorization and acceptance of the sexual expression of those considered low status. But someone else cannot solve this problem for you alone- for fucking people have to meet, which requires common understanding. Plenty of women are total cunts but plenty of incels are total dicks. You have to think outside yourself to achieve your internal goals- welcome to society and life.

The argument is good because default is definitely chadism idpol, blaming low status white men only for their sexual frustration. But if the world made you a dick then the world made Stacy a cunt. Its not a matter of people being mean. In some sense the problem cant be solved as you see it, since you think you should be able to fuck without having to do anything for it.

Instead, question your sexuality and what you are trying to get out of it. Give up the insistence that you get to fuck JLaw or similar just because you can see pictures on the internet. If you and tour buddies are incels together why not fuck each other?? All you want is emotional + sexual intimacy for which you don't need no bitch. If youre really trying to snatch that snatch, accept that for it to happen you need to line up with the other person and that both of you have a responsibility to move toward each other, not just them to you.

The solution to this problem is to replace the sexual marketplace, which is tied to the market proper. Women are bitches because hot women are a scarce commodity. I mean, what do you have to say about female incels? Anything you deserve they deserve too, do you want to fuck them becauae they deserve it? As long as youre thinking a gf is going to be your commodity that confirms your status, you will be alienated no matter how many pussies you plow.

If you want to change the game you have to break the rules. Stand out to women by breaking social convention, being forward but accepting of rejection, and play the odds by hitting on dozens of women ever day. A vagina isn't just going to show up to your door and lower itself onto your dick unless you organize armies of sex workers (and then there should equally be armies of men to fuck women, maybe you sex obsessed fucks can have that as your job).

So stop insisting you deserve puasy as you are and work for it. In communism you arent given a job, you give your time to get stuff back. What are you giving to get the puss, and why should someone attached to one want it?

Sex has become a commodity due to lack of other safe way to engage in interaction.
Social rules governing relationships under patriatchy have been retracted yet cultural revolutionaries failed to establish kindling of a new, more equal universal contract allowing inexperienced young people to enter male-female interactions. If anything young men are thoroughly intimidated by the real threat that comes with approaching a woman unprepared, no wonder she is perceived as a borderline aggresor ready to ruin lives at the slightest of missteps.

You, like most of the incel haters, mistake "deserve" in the sense of being owned with "deserve" in the sense of needing. By your level of argumentation, no human being deserves water, food or a decent existence. If can acquire it, great for you. If you can't, well, tough shit, you don't deserve anything anyway. You honestly can't you see how some people would have a problem with that kind of argument?

Besides, no one here, apart from the retard redposting and the obvious pollyps gaslighting, is saying that women should be forced into things they don't want to do, but that's a complete separate matter of ignoring the plight of alienation and solitude that is being displayed in this thread. It's like you can see past this false dichotomy of you either help incels, the implication being turning women into property again, because, obviously, that's the only solution, or you maintain female emancipation and give incels the finger.

If you honestly can't see how people would have a problem with that kind of argument nor can see how insensitive or cruel such disregard for one's situation that is, I suggest you go to >>>/liberty/. Your thinking is more attuned to them

This one-sided view is evident of a failure to emphatise caused by lack of understanding and communication. One side is convinced of having communicating perfectly despite not communicating at all while other side is forced to basically learn a foreign language, that does not exist in order to not immediately get a negative response.

Are you saying I have a one sided world view?

The one you responded to.

Ah, my bad.


My first kiss and time was at 18, 4 years later and I've had around 23 girls and 2 guys. That's including blowjobs though.

yes, and?.jpeg

You have to go back.

Normies thoroughly buy into just world fallacy to delude themselves into feeling good when they look down on others.

Ugghh, no. He was validating his own just world fallacy.

has irony gone too far

Incels are an extremely tiny minority that are overrepresented on the chans. We'll do something to help them rest assured but I don't see the value in trying to appeal to them directly and then losing the support of most people who for whatever reason hate them

Are you seriously blind to the contradiction in your statement?

I don't

Something about muh chad 20% fuck 80% of girls Im gona guess

When you say you will support one group in expense of another, you can't just claim "we will take care of it later". By your own admission, the group you chose to support hates the other side. More often than not, "taking care of it" in such a scenario involves a lot of ammunition. Conversely you can't just alienate your base in expense of the group you opposed before and risk getting counter-revolutioned, so don't pretend you care about incels when it's abundantly clear that you do not.

And again, this is a fallacious argument. You still operate under the assumption of this false dichotomy that you can only support one group rather than the other, using this excuse in the name of "practicality" to validate your bias against a group of people you happen to not like. This is identical to things like when pollyps say that the left will never get traction because "we" support group B, which has a stance opposed to group A, which also happens to be a majority of something somewhere, and their culture.

I swear mods why the fuck don't you bump lock this shit immediately, we have this thread every goddamn week.

Literally nothing of value comes out of these threads because all the worthwhile things were already said in the dozens of previous ones. Now it's undiluted /r9k/ whining with people calling them retards for acting like retards but still deciding to breath life into this useless thread by bumping. Learn to sage faggots if you can't help yourself from participating in name calling. Also mods ban every single post that pretends to understand anything about class relations by trying to reapply the terms into a sexual dynamic e.g. "sexual bourgeoisie".

Until a proper solution is offered the shitposting will continue

So what is the solution on the table? If the problem is alienation and isolation why are we talking about pussy?

Literally just what guys do when it's a crazy but hot girl

It's easier to strawman incels if you claim that they want to LITERALLY RAPE women. When every post by an incel (except for the crazy one) states that the problem is not lack of sex persay. Pretty sad that proclaimed leftists are so eager to attack these people

Hell if I know. Why don't you ask that from the people that insist on strawmanning incels. Maybe if it weren't for the need to dispel stupid arguments and biases, we could focus the discussion into something more productive

Because one of the biggest issues of people suffering from alienation is the need for companionship. We are animals, despite how much we try to fool ourselves otherwise, and so, we are compelled to seek companionship with the opposite sex, which would tend to lead fucking each other. Pussy, specifically here, is just because most of the incels, at least on chans, are males, but honestly, for how much the imbalance between the sexes on the matter is overblown, I cannot simply belive it doesn't have any truth to it.

Obviously there's demand for it. If you don't like it, don't post these types of threads.

Incels need to be bike-locked along with the rest of the insufferables.

Sexual intimacy is a deeply emotional need that has been used to discipline men into acting against their own best interests since at least the dawn of capitalism.
God knows how many men have been killed in wars and in factories to support "society" i.e. capitalism.
Young men are sexually insecure because their need for sexual intimacy is constantly used to discipline them into conformity.

2D waifu stuff is just super feminine females, that due to third wave feminism, no long are depicted in mainstream media anymore.
Yes it's unrealistic and intended to appeal to men that cannot or will not deal with the demands of modern women.
But women have this too in media, unrealistic feminine men that aren't demanding and have no sex drive, and only want to emotionally and not physically bond. Boy bands and the Twilgiht serious being the best examples I can think of. When women indulge in this it's okay but creepy when men do it.

It's loneliness purposefully imposed to reinforce class, so yeah you should at least have an informed opinion about it as someone in the left.

Weak bait, famalam

For me, losing my cherry wasn't hard because of nerves. It was because the stupid punishing consequences a woman can put you through if she has an unplanned pregnancy. You have absolutely no say in whether she keeps the kid. I can't be alone in that contributing to not being able to have sex.

I wonder if nazi cucks understand that if they're the sort of person that needs the state to give them a girlfriend, that they're precisely the sort of person that the fascist state would never allow to breed in the first place.

Use a condom and get a thot from tinder, even if it breaks I can almost guarantee she won't be keeping the baby.

Sometimes we have worthwhile /r9k/ threads. this wasn't one of them.

There has never been a worthwhile r9k thread. Eventually pol9k and anti-r9k comes in and shits it up. It's too sensitive of a subject to discuss properly with these people

The problem is the propaganda these guys get. They are told they have greatness in thier blood and are getting put down by the Jews and nigs. That they deserve a cute Aryan wife. They're bombarded with shit like pic related that is retarded but it pushes all the right buttons to rouse a lonely guy into action. The left just can't compete…

I know, I was until recently pol9k myself

Under communism incels will all have to wear chastity belts so they orgasm never ever.

How do I turn it off? Can I be chemically castrated for free under communism?

But why would they think an autistic faggot like themselves would somehow morph into an Aryan chad from a propaganda cartoon if the joos and niggers were gone? The data from dating sites seems to show that white dudes are the preferred partner for most women, with black women being the only exception. If this holds true than the pol9k types are obvious lacking in other areas that wouldn't be solved by getting rid of the competition. I'll be honest and say that being a commie hasn't gotten me laid but lifting weights and not being a faggot did, I'm not some omega chad with a 100 bitch harem but I can easily pull two girls a week using apps without much effort.

This is a good example of some well done propaganda youtu.be/SDJL3IL5i7Y

lmao wtf how retarded do you have to be to believe white women are less than 4% of the world's population like bitch please

I think porn broke my brain

That is the gayest shit I have ever seen.

Me too!

i always thought it was just me not wanting to bother people/embarrass myself/nervous etc. after thinking about it though i don't approach people because i'm afraid they would react in the same way i think i would.

okay okay it was a misunderstanding I'll never do it again

Why am I not surprised?

What program tells you what CVEs your packages are effected by?


What were you expecting?

Let's try to move forward. What would a solution look like?

The problem is that there are many many men out there who are alienated and pissed off. Leftist ideology historically has a problem winning over white men and presenting them with good solutions. This is obvious when you consider that it was white male dominated socdem parties that voted to go to WWI, and it was the "privilege" of millions of teenage white male workers to get ground into oblivion.

Now, we see that many on the left do not want to touch the issue of male sexual frustration, alienation, and isolation because of idpol ideology that makes white males about to be inherently flawed and the cause of all their own problems. Leftism wants to give structural reasons for the acting out of all marginalized groups except for low status white males. This occurs because of the conflation of white supremacy and white people, male domination and all males. Just because an alienated white male seizes on nazi ideology doesn't immediately make them scum to be disregarded. After all, ignoring people's suffering is a great way to breed more violent and antisocial behavior (see Germany post WWI → Third Reich and 70 million dead).

The tension is between accepting that incels have good reason to be frustrated and legitimizing the fucked up ways in which they act out. Nevertheless, we have seen non-Nazi incels here who don't blame women, they are just really sad and don't know what to do.

We must organize. The leftist fetishization of workers has overlooked the ways in which capitalism has incorporated consumption as a form of labor, and the wageless production of intellectual property (shitposting) as a source of value.

The problem with organizing sex for all is that it doens't appear sexy. "Come here and meet some random dude you wouldn't think to be attracted to due to capitalist socialization and maybe screw" is not an attractive offer. So the task is to carry forward the sexual revolution by breaking down attractiveness as a category the way other categories have been delegitimized as reasons not to fuck someone (don't fuck across race, don't fuck people of the same sex, etc.). The problem with breaking down attractiveness is that it gets to the internalization of capitalist norms into the very erotic programming of the individual.


Capitalism is an erotic system. Everyone under capitalism is effectively in an abusive relationship with a partner they rely on for identity validation, including sexual validation. Challenging people's socialization runs into problems of consent because people will not spontaneously agree to go against their socialization.

So what can we do about it? I think that the way forward is to clarify our position so that we can work toward further sexual liberation while being cognizant of the way it appears for men to demand sex. Female incels are a thing. People are having less sex for structural reasons AND there is an increase in sexual inequality just as there is economic inequality. Those who have a lot of sex have way more than ever before while more than ever before are unsexed. We can seek to remedy this by undoing the socialization which keeps people apart. This means challenging incels, chads, stacies, and lady incels in our sense of identity which makes us cling to our current identities at the same time as we acknowledge something needs to change.

The incels who are at least not prejudiced but just sad should be commended for having the moral courage not to scapegoat other individuals or groups for their suffering. Those who are not suffering from being unsexed or who don't miss it should not dismiss the concerns of those shut out of the sexual marketplace. "Use Tinder" is no solution. Meanwhile, those who are having plenty of sex aren't necessarily doing anything particualrly wrong- maybe they're not sensitive enough to incels' plight, but what are the incels doing for those even worse off than they are?

For those who are not actively harming, but just haven't found the right solution yet, you should feel the need to continue to get better so that you can contribute to the structural solution we need. We must be able to discuss and process capitalist alienation without immediately moralizing about it- this cuts short critical thinking.

It is obvious that as long as we are simply speaking atomized on a board we are not fixing the issue. Our thinking must pour over to IRL where we will facilitate groups that will help the alienated meet people and confront their alienation and the alienation of others productively. This means giving up the idea that just because you have been wronged that you already have the answers. This position is adopted by "oppressed" categories (I'm being selfing but my advancement is revolutionary because fuck whitey) as well as some incels (you all treat me so shitty I'm going to act as fucked up as possible just so someone cares what I do).

When people who are open minded about reforming their ways come together, there is the potential for the birth of communism in the abolition of the property and properites by which we have hitherto defined ourselves. We need to be able to let go of our judgment and believe that it's possible for people who have considered our enemies to become our friends and lovers. This is not unconditional: it is contingent on people's desire not just to advance their interests as currently understood, but to think through their desire so that they are able to express it in a way which also meets the desires and needs of those whose attention, intimacy, and sex they want.

Action plan: anyone who is struggling with this issue should take the step of opening up about it to someone IRL that they can trust. If they have no one they can trust, we should organize meetups initially of those in the same position to discuss their problems and work through the limited coping mechanisms they have adopted so far. While everyone knows everyone watches gross porn everyone is afraid of being judged for it. We need to understand that dysfunctional behavior is not a reflection of people's moral character but the structural issues at the intersection of capitalism, eroticism, and alienation. To that end we need to take the risk of exposing our internal erotic relation to capital to others. The system wants us all to suffer in isolation. When we come together and talk about it, we break down the invisible wall between us and make emotional intimacy possible.

Building the capacity for emotional intimacy outside of sexual relationships is the first step toward achieving beneficial sexual intimacy. We should organize combination self-betterment and anti-capitalist discussion groups that self-critically reject the concept of "loser."


Radical leftism has an avant garde problem: the cool kids who everyone thinks are sexy and radical are equally trapped in their identities, and need to break out in order to build meaningful relationships for everyone and not just their incestuous clique. Meanwhile, incels need to look past their resentment of those who have what they want to realize that people who fuck are alienated too, and that there is a common problem here.

Once people have a friend or two IRL that really knows where they are at emotionally, they can think through what they need to do to be ready for the increased responsibility of sexual intimacy. These groups should then meet each other and/or colectively meet strangers who are potential sex partners. We need to be sensitive to the fact that anxiety and depression are widespread and cultivate a genuine interest in meeting and getting to know kinds of people we normally wouldn't as long as they make it known they have non-harmful intentions and consistently appear to act in good faith.

Once people are emotionally intimate with each other and have broken down the socialization barriers, it is natural that they will bone. People want to, after all, it's just that other people are so scary. The scariness of the social will never fully disappear, reflecting the root trauma of being a finite contingent being. The way forward from this is to realize that you are not as fragile as you think you are- everyday you do so much which speaks to your functionality and competence as a human (even if it's channeled in unhelpful ways). The challenge is to channel those feelings we have of frustration which lead us to simply act out (write hateful shit online, mistreat people, wallow in our sad consumption of commodites and commodified relationships) into the rebillious spirit of challenging capitalism (or: "The system") in ways which will genuinely liberate us.

Everyone hates this thread because it is so long and bitter. Let's brainstorm potential next step threads that will help us tackle the different parts of this problem:

1) How do we get over our fear of revealing our inner worlds to others?

2) How do we treat those who have behaved badly in the past but now want to understand the roots of their hurtful behavior and build new relationships including sexual ones?

3) How can we use our diversity of experience to share lessons with each other that will help us be more understanding as indivudals so we can formulate better praxis?

4) How do we challenge people's spontaneous identification with the standards and norms (including sexual) promoted by capitalism in a way which is not shaming but encouraging people to meet their root needs in a way that meets the needs of others too?

5) How do we combat the reactionary insult of "loser" et al which threaten class consciousness?

6) How is the left to confront the already completed liquidation of the working class into the labor of leisure? Differently stated: what is a Marxism that centers consumption as well as production?

7) Threads which actively solicit the opinions of women as to where they are in their own understanding of the sexual marketplace, and what women sensitive to the plight of incels have to say about the potential for a more open future sexuality?

8) Threads critiquing the norms of attractiveness on all sides and acknowledging the erotic nature and desires of all people, regardless of how conventionally sexy?

9) Threads discussing the feasibility and challenges in the way of organizing, taking into account the inherently sexual nature of politics.

10) Threads imagining a how people's sexual desires can be mutually met in a future good society.

Just some starting points in case anyone else wants to try to move forward.

These are actually top grade posts. I will brood about them for a bit before replying

Just wanted to let you know that usually these threads make me upset and suicidal, and make me want to become a reactionary again, but what you wrote here made this thread worth it. You've expressed in words what I've always felt. I'm the mid-thirties incel that poster earlier itt.

I want to answer some of you questions. Take it with a grain of salt though. I'm not educated but maybe it'll give you an idea of what a real turbocel feels

For me, it would simply be that there's no stigma about it. Even if I was to meet someone like me irl, I would never open up because I would feel absolutely pathetic
Treat them well. What else?
I don't feel that I possess a diversity of experience at all. I haven't left this state in ten years and I don't leave the house except for work and to buy things
This might be the hardest question ever. I have no idea. I can't even imagine this being possible
Don't use it yourself and don't use to insult right wingers either because people like me hear it and it hurts us too.
Not educated enough to answer

I'm autist and I've actually tried to get it on with women (unpaid). It doesn't work. Whatever part of the mind normal people have for processing sex doesn't work for me. I can only wank, and after the 10000th time it's just not fun any more.

Maybe you're different but if you have the autism for reals it's probably not going to end well. It's more or less expected that you literally can't have friends of any sort to be proper high-functioning autist.

There is a good chance the diagnosis is flawed tho. Lots of young men, especially teenagers, are misdiagnosed in order to explain behavioral problems or extreme social isolation. In my case though the patterns were obvious from an early age, the only thing that stopped a dx was because autism at the time meant being condemned to no meaningful education and my mother fought the system against that hard (and I suppose, many doctors were wary of overdiagnosis in the 1980s).

Jesus I'm 30+ year incel (wizard status baby) and I never got this deep into ideology. (Well technically I'm "volcel" now but it's mostly a choice that I had to make or else I would have probably killed myself by now.)

Reactionaries do a lot of shilling on incel boards to recruit though. Apparently it's worse than it was when I used to visit those board. They love to take advantage of the psychological insecurities caused by incel and amp them to 11.

Personally I think it's a cosmic horror that anyone would even condemn a child to life, and that people engage in sexual behavior of any sort. We should be asexually-reproducing atomic supermen by now, but people just can't get over their love of fucking.

20+virgin here
Iam terrified of rejection. Even if a girl flirts with me i pussy out. Literally had a girl come on to me. We were watching game of thrones. I tell her theres to much sex in the show. She says she loves the sex. puts her feet on my legs the entire time.i excuse to my self to the restroom out of anxiety.
Fuck my shit up fam

it's working as intended, sex is overrated and should be partaked in only rationally and not as result of animalistic drives

i read that as "antisemitic drives"

Good post. Your comparison to /liberty/ is apt.
It is funny how as soon as the topic of relationships comes up, most of Holla Forums start rolling out the exact same flawed ancap arguments that get used against communism.
"You can't force someone else to work to feed you, that's slavery."
"You can't force someone else to have sex to satisfy your sexual needs, that's rape."

It's a hard problem and there are no obvious, simple solutions, but that doesn't mean the answer is to deny the problem exists and attack anyone who discusses it. Then again, Holla Forums's ability to understand complex problems is only very slightly greater than Holla Forums's. It's no surprise that threads on this topic get filled with insults rather than constructive thought.

You are retarded.

virginity was a commodity long before the big bad capital took your lunch money. Most suspect it was when we stopped being hunter gatherers and become farmers.


because bepis in bagina feels good? Is this spooked? I never read stirner?

i need to stop watching porn

Sex is overrated

true but masturbation is underrated and if you think differently then you are doing it wrong.

Tell me, what am I doing wrong

fucking newfags Jesus Christ

squeeze harder. second hand rubbing the base under the sack. put something the butt. get a better imagination. don't be circumcised.

Do this if you want to never feel anything when actually fucking


You're a troll

Non-white cel violent uprising when?

What if you are currycel? Fucked over by biology, culture and society! Truly the worst of all worlds. I suppose leftypol is perfectly fine with race realism when ti comes to sexuality, especially the crytpo ancap/FEMALE here. Gottta protect dem nogs, but everyone else is open season!

Thank you user, I thought I'd never get the motivation to try and conquer my fear of women, but your excellent posts really gave me some hope that things can change for the better for me and others like me.

Lol the whole
is still for fucking idiots that will actually do this
IIRC it's "Venmo me $5 and see what happens"

Why not just tell your parents to arrange someone for you?


Insane, bitter rants and bigotry is beeing myself. That is the problem, I have to pretend to be some romantic faggot in order to attract women beecause they've all been brainwashed to think this bullshit is ideal. Whenever I "bee" myself, normalfags get creeped out and call the cops on me.

You're trying to reason with shitposters who have only come to this thread to insult you. It's not worth even reading what they post.
Avoid groups which will hurt you, and seek out groups which make you feel better about yourself.
Unfortunately the left (even Holla Forums) don't give the slightest shit about problems affecting incels. They'd much rather you were dead. If you want sympathy or help, you won't find it here.

That said, if you want my advice, I'd stop pursuing bitches and whores and seek other forms of pleasure instead. Sex is overrated and generally isn't worth the effort needed to get it. Get yourself a waifu and enjoy the fact that you can earn more and spend less.

I already addressed this in this very thread ages ago.
It's not hard, idiot.

I don't understand why you're in this thread to be honest. You don't give a fuck about the problem and just want everyone who suffers from it to shut up and fuck off. You aren't willing to give the problem more than the most cursory and intellectually dishonest of glances before spouting your opinion.
The only explanation I can come up with for your posts is that you enjoy shitting on people because it makes you feel better about yourself. You would be doing the world a favor by killing yourself.

Can we kill this thread already?

I don't know if you've noticed, but the mods here are worse than useless. This thread is going to keep getting bumped until the post limit is reached, then another one will be made. Just about the only thing they are consistent about is making the board a worse place by copying the worst habits from reddit mods and Holla Forums mods.

Quality posts. Perhaps the inevitable repost of a thread with a similar topic should bring up these points so we can further discussion with positive change instead of the usual r9k-like regression these threads usually have by the end.
All we need now is the socdem "sexual free market" guy and then it will be full circle.

At least they started banning trolls. A week ago this was full of Holla Forumsyps.
I kinda understand that they want to keep the board somehow free but they should at least bump lock threads like this when they hit 50 or 100 replies, nothing good comes out of these threads but at least people can discuss if they want to.

Because of Porn.

no need to even speak of the devil when unironic comparison of communism to rape has been made a couple of times in this thread.

They really don't ban trolls. You can post the most insane shit and not get banned.
Holla Forums generally do get banned eventually, but pretty much anything else gets a pass.

If you don't believe me, try it. Copy and paste the most retarded shit from /r/socialism and watch as they resolutely ignore you.

I support USA imperialism and Rojava did nothing wrong.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


He is sexually muh privileged user. He is trying to keep us incelniggers from speaking up since they are afraid of the truth. Lie, ban, evade, dodge, these are the tools of the sexually muh privileged when confronted with the blackpill. The sexual bourgeosie should all kill themselves, and if they won't then we will help them do so.

Fuck off nigger, I was banned over and over again for bringing the truth to this thread. Better yet, the mods didn't even have the guts to post that red text under my posts. They tried to shadowban me just to protect your precious female muh privilege cunt. Fucking white knight mods are so unbelievably betapilled.

I'd typed up a long and bitter response to this which amounted to little more than "I am psychologically scarred beyond help (or at least the help available from 21st century human society) and just want to die." A good post doesn't deserve such a shitty response.

Thanks for making a quality post in a shitty thread.
Thanks for actually recognizing that these problems are systematic and require systematic solutions.
Thanks for trying to move the world forward.
You're a good person.

nigger please

I'm actually on your side. I think it's shitty that the mods ban you and it's one of the reasons I don't use Holla Forums much anymore. I was mainly complaining about the mods letting the most extreme feminist bullshit remain up, although I was trying to be a bit subtle.

Irredeemable? What the fuck does that even mean? You must better yourself. Read /SIG/ self-improvement general threads. Follow the advises and eventually some female will want you genetic material.

I support reddit imperialism on Holla Forums.

All incels are either already fascists or will soon become fascists. They should be put down like dogs.

The same goes for all the anti-feminist "leftist" white men who masturbate to porn. There is no place for porn in a leftist (and hence feminist) society.

That was supposed to be the part where you get in her face, look her square in the eyes, and say: "me too". Then start making out and fucking. A am an 8/10 26 year old virgin. If you don't start getting more sexually aggressive, you'll end up like me.

I retire what I said, the mods here are scum, lowkey deleting comments.

Don't worry. At least quality posts like will never be deleted.

Good bait samefag

Ban him permanently this time.

I reported the first post 2 seconds after making it. I watched the mod log and you did absolutely nothing about it, despite being active and it being extreme even by /r/socialism standards.

The fact is that you allow all kinds of pure shit to be posted as long as it agrees with your ideology.

On the bright side, at least it can be quite fun to see how many nonsensical, self-inconsistent, flat-earth-tier posts you can make before eventually getting banned (usually for accidentally disagreeing with a mod).

If anything it proves his point.

Being an incel has nothing to do with fascism.



Can….can you publically organzie the lefty foreveralones / incels pls.

It's a job opening everyone knows is available, many are attracted to, but no one wants to be tied to IRL.

Nigga, I have aspergers and I'm a tranny and I've lost my virginity, you got nothing to worry about.

Judging by your attempt at logic, any girl who is 10 years your junior must be a newborn.

See you whiny fags, see? You're not the arbiters of thread quality.