here is where it gets interesting
Is antifa barking up the wrong tree? Did the campus police do nuffin? Is the Georgia Tech student body a bunch of boot lickers?
here is where it gets interesting
Is antifa barking up the wrong tree? Did the campus police do nuffin? Is the Georgia Tech student body a bunch of boot lickers?
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You've to go back
I'm not saying I like cops, but this guy was literally asking for this one.
Also, what he said.
I grabbed the first link about the incident I could find. The facts aren't exactly in contention, so I don't think the source is too important.
I checked out the Georgia Tech subreddit because I wanted to get an approximation for how the student body feels about this.
Come on, man.
You know, even if someone is yelling "Shoot me", it's not really in protocol for a Police Officer to shoot said person. In fact that's a very stupid thing to do.
You retards never cease to amaze me.
If you ask someone to shoot you, are you not, in fact, asking for it?
Suicide booth isn't the cops' job.
As far as I'm aware, begging for death isn't against the law. It's the hot new fad.
Where did I say the cop was in the right? I just said he was asking for it. Literally. They shouldn't have shot him, but what else would you expect in today's political climate? Cops shoot people every day, and most of them don't ask for it. I feel worse for those people.
Since Reagan.
Take that smug pedantry back to reddit friendo.
cops they should start an assisted suicide business, shame most of their customers wouldn't be able to pay for it anyway.
What he said doesn't matter, what the police's action does matter.
Other things I should have mentioned in the TL;DR
Not in a court of law, friend. Police aren't subject to the same rules as you or I.
This, people defending antifa are retarded.
Is this a court of law?
Begging to be banned again I see
Aren't you the guy that always defends the alt right?
self described lefty from the Ga Tech subreddit on the situation
Yep. He is that one.
Yes, the court of Holla Forums is now in session.
What say the jury on this unfortunate sequence of events?
"Police Officer" and "Very Respectful" shouldn't be in the same paragraph
American cops suck at their job.
Hello, officer.
read that thread, it's in the OP
everyone is sharing stories about how great the campus police apparently are
even sorting by controversial didn't yield any other opinion
since when?
When the revolution comes, will these people be put up against the wall?
Please say yes.
are you fucking retarded? you are using a reddit thread to prove the student body condemns antifa. the only thing the reddit thread proves is the shut ins and incels are angry
Cops can be the nicest people in the world, but if they need an excuse to pull a trigger regardless of the consequences they'll smush their fat pink finger right into it.
I wouldn't call that a very nice person, would you?
No, you are a bannable offense
Ehy nice argoument you got there
Its moderator approved
Tell what is wrong with not support american antifa
Are you fucking kidding me? I made my arguments about antifa pretty clear
Tell me what's wrong with turning away from a community that continuously bans you?
I got banned like 3 times total
Your arguments are about as clear as your need to return here
Does that count the ban evasions?
Your argument is literally "huh these guys are radical liberals there is no way to radicalise them… the right, on the other hand!"
At least these cops only shot them once. Not sure why every cop car in America doesn't have a shotgun and a box of bean bag slugs. American policing is dumb.
If an officer is told to use bean bag slugs, he's going to think its not why he signed up to be a cop.
I've read a lot about the situation. IMO the cops should have tasers to be prepared for these incidents (GTPD apparently does not). That said, considering the dead kid called 911 and said they had a gun, these cops were understandably on edge. Would you light someone up if you though your life was in danger?
Please, cops lives are never in fucking danger
Never said that. Holy fuck you can't call me proto fascist, racist and then call me fucking third worldist
6 if you count ban evasion, in the thread where I posted that Holla Forums tier meme i evaded 3 times and then I made my 2 days of ban
And the counter argoument to that is usually "The right can't be converted". It's not like it's any better. I just think that people who think there is some wrong in society are more prone to people who find nothing wrong. It's wrong to see people on the right as a natural thing to exist more than consequence. I just don't understand how we totally ignore (and I said this in another thread too) how liberals are at least in part a cause of the existence of these people. And if you want to throw the "they are mostly middle class" argoument, then they are not fascist. They are fighting over girls in videogames.
Convert them, or leave them alone.
I would not shoot someone else for the vaguest possible suspicion i would be in danger if I had agreed to be doing work where I already understood I was going to be putting my life in danger. I've felt like I was in danger from people before without going full on spergout with a weapon on them.
If you're not capable of staying semi-rational in a job that you know you might be in danger in, where you know people could have weapons, why should you be allowed to have that job?
Ah yes, The Washington Post
That's literally 3 in the same thread.
Spicy take.
history repeats itself
Ok no debate about the targets, but are the opponents are really opposing us? Or are they just useful idiots? What I mean by this is that most of them think of them think that communism is the strawman that the ruling class propaganda taught. I mean here we have a lot of ex Holla Forumstards, why we shouldn't isolate them? Also what is really left about antifa except opposing fascism in the american sense (idpol)?. Also isn't a group without an organization to easy to conterintelpro? I don't think is safe supporting people without and end game.
I'm never being side by side with the degenerates on Holla Forums, they're counter revolutionary lying fucks who I'd trust as much as a politician. Since all they get their information from is regurgitated FBI statistics and papers used to support the findings of the Justice Department.
Trusting people who see the law as the moral fabric of America is a gigantic mistake.
if you read more of their comments, they appear to be Chinese
Nothing like someone from across the ocean to comment on the wretched law enforcement here in America.
Gave me a kek
They are active opponents, yes. Being a useful idiot doesn't make you any less of an active opponent.
Antifa are also useful idiots but sometimes they're our useful idiots. They're completely uncontrollable beyond the occasional steering by people with power to wield. It's pointless spending half your time posting complaining about them, at this point they're practically an in built component of liberal democracy.
a Chinese student at GT apparently
The entire point* of being a cop is to put oneself in danger so that others don't have to. Unless this kid was openly brandishing a weapon there's no excuse for gunning him down like an animal.
If cops can't handle being in danger then they shouldn't be cops.
+I know the actual point of cops isn't to actually serve the public, I'm speaking of the American police ideal
First hand account doesn't mean shit. You really don't understand how the police in America operate. That nice smile and happy demeanor is a fucking facade.
They had a knife
This is why bean bag slugs exist.
Christ a soccdem sucking cop cock, who would have guessed
oh no not a knife
those cops were in so much danger
Wow, I thought we could all have a nice thread laughing at AntiFa for going too far this time, but apparently you edgelords think that cops should let themselves be stabbed/shot in situations like this.
If someone has to be stabbed, who other than cops?
so cops then
Ehhh, they go hand in hand. They protect property, not people.
You should really reconsider your whole life.
And yet the UK marches on.
they claimed to have a gun on their hip in their 911 call
maybe they could have done some, you know, investigating into whether or not that was true or even likely.
nah that sounds hard just shoot him
And when they got there, they had a knife in their hand. And if you can properly identify what the threats are and they start going for what you are quite sure is a gun, then you open fire on them. You've got your attention on them and a bead drawn, you can hit them four or five times before they can draw a gun.
Oh wait, american cops can't hit anything except bystanders and the unarmed. Never mind.
Fucking hell gotta watch out for those hip guns!