Let me guess, right? It wasn't REAL communism?

Let me guess, right? It wasn't REAL communism?

Other urls found in this thread:


communism is earthquakes and nothing more

God is a communist and he's punishing the capitalist world.

Holla Forums btfo again. Face it: plate tectonics only works on paper.

Oh Lord!

Let me guess, right? It wasn't πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§REALπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ communism?



meanwhile, in reality…

The fuck is this thread

>commies will try to claim that this isn't real socialism

Communism can't work because beehives aren't made of human houses.

So do tankies still side with the class traitor David even after he betrayed the revolution and turned into an imperialist monarch?

If he was brown than he was anti-imperialist.

this turd was clearly produced for exchange you moron

Case in point:

make all this ">wasn't real socialism" shit into an over-ironic meme

Like this?


This kind of stuff has potential you guys

That guy must have a really high fiber diet.


Holy shit these put over the old Kermit meme are cracking me up.

I like this new meme
I was getting tired of this "not real socialism" strawman cause I've never seen a socialist say something along those lines



gimme some yous lads

Which font is that?

Impact, newfriend.


Why does God hate the beans so much


I guess this wasn't """""""""""""""""""""""""real""""""""""""""""""""" communism right guys :^)

so much for the tolerant left

I actually kinda want a Natural Selection shirt just for the pearl clutching of anyone who got the reference

also because I was bullied in school too

Some People say that unironically about flint Michigan though

Some people are thick as pigshit.

Didn't mean to sage


Rachel Scott, 17, is injured

Rachel Scott is hit again and killed





Oh shit nigger what are you doing


Please god don't let this meme die

Anyone has "X is an an actual existing socialism" Brezhnev Bros menes?



the last one fucking killed me

These are good but the meme is "that's not/wasn't" not "that isn't", for some reason when it's used in an argument that's how it always appears. Sorry for nitpicking I'm just an autist, otherwise I love them.

are you refering to how capitalism produces harmful edible products to fix the medical private sector demand?

They're all current news, aside from Hitler privatizing industries, which does use the past tense of "wasn't". So I think they work.

That's not and that isn't are basically the same, it just always appears at the former.


dont know what i expected really

Use this shitty meme generator lads
On the scroll bar look for the smug kermit

Lots of them say it. Richard Wolff and Muke for example fall into the 'ussr was state capitalism' meme

It's not really a meme when it's true.

This happens constantly. I'd personally argue it's usually a bad approach as it concedes the general argument that socialism killed 300 gorillion and made everyone live in poverty, which is just factually untrue and should not be conceded in the first place, even if the regimes in question failed to implement socialism.

its because marxists and normies use the word communism differently

Stalin's USSR was socialism/low stage communism tbh


Watch finnbol noob

Read Marx, faggot

Read lenin, cutie

Read Debord, imbecile

Make more you guys


What about this angle? You know, playing off the "socialism is when government does things" meme.

Kek these remind me a lot of those shit-tier memes you see a lot of normiebook conservatives throwing at you as if they're some world-shatteringly profound argument.


Dont you meanle happy merchant meem you kike?

It was spoilered by the mods.

What does this even mean

I thought the whole purpose of this thread was to go against that.

The Suharto regime massacred thousands of alleged socialists and Communists, but let me guess, that wasn't REAL socialism?


bernie bros BTFO




not quite.

yes but too cluttered.


it was pretty scary so do not meme about it ok???

As good as these are i'm sure there will be a lot of people who take them seriously. I mean for some people socialism might as well mean "anything that is bad or that I don't like"