Unless you can abolish at one stroke the NEED for exchange of commodities, your revolution will include markets at the very least as a stage. Remember hungry people means counter revolution. Even Mahkno, one of the greatest, if not the greatest communiser in history, had to accommodate for markets while he set up the free exchange agreements (abolishing value form, anarchist communism)
Leo Turner
You disgust me. This is a "human nature" tier argument. Production for exchange has to be enforced through governments issuing money and upholding private property. Communization or bust.
Ryder Stewart
Capitalism needs exchange, humanity does not.
Michael Parker
Hunter Cox
This tbh
Samuel Lopez
How come birds get to eat them without bartering or paying money?
Xavier Martin
You misunderstand, I'm talking about the actual physical communising, which will take time, and start in certain places before others, and progress in certain places faster or slower. In the mean time, before all the resources are communised, what mechanism is to be used to distribute the uncommunised materials until they can be communised? Full communisation is a momentous task, particuarly talking in global terms
Jose Phillips
Mao had the right idea.
Henry Perez
Sparrows confirmed commies
David Hernandez
The magic of Marxism will find a solution. .t Muke
Jayden Miller
Gavin Cook
I believe that the only way a revolution even happens is if capitalism shits the bed. In that situation, people won't be able to exchange money for food before the revolution, or at least very few people will. People will be desperate for an alternative simply so they can eat again.
Christopher Martin
Are you sure you don't want to make half of your flag orange, you damn Market Anarchist!?
Ian Thomas
We literally know jack shit about what happened economically on Makhno's communes. Politically it's pretty clear that he was a one man leader and an adept one at that. Please stop spreading myths based on projecting wishful thinking onto Makhno's diary and read actual historical assessments.
Carter Thomas
Luis Russell
Markets aren't a problem, not in the slightest of the slightest. The Capital is.
Isn't the greatest communist, he is the greatest anarchist (of any kind). Seeing how poor his run was says a lot about anarkiddies.
Aiden Turner
FACT Leftcoms and other people who bitch about are the true utopians. You people are fucking ridiculous which is why you have never seized real power once.
David Cox
markets don't necessarily need money.
he has come closer than any other to abolishing value.
ikr leftcoms are the lowest of the low, more rabid even than rabid tankies,
Brody Miller
markets wil anarchism in both production and consumption is the superior form
Angel Bennett
Marx himself believed in a staged revolution and that meme is fucking whack. The entire point of mutualism is to abolish usury its like the opposite of Jewry
Adrian Roberts
markets with*
Parker Perez
// This is a "human nature" tier argument. //
A=A. Homo Sapiens do have a nature and identity. That is rational animal. Man's means of survival and thriving is use of reason as means of acquiring knowledge. This is an observed fact as is that if one wants to live, they must take action to gain and keep those necessities required to live. It is also a fact that merely living is not enough; Man needs to live the good life with abundances of that which is worth valuing both physically and of mentally. The Universe does not say one must act is some certain way to be good; rather it says if one wants to live and live well, one should act to gain and keep that which facilitates living and living well.
Isaac Cook
You mean to imply that any part of the world can create its own basic goods for survival, thus don't need trade?
Christian Cooper
This is the most autistic post I've seen in months. The universe doesn't say shit.