Jason Unruhe: "For $50 Dollars, I'll Suck Your Cock"

The #1 Marxist on YouTube:


He makes a good offer

Do I have to pay for transportation?

Only $50????????

Jason doesn't know how to trick

50 dollars for a blowjob and it better come with some ball fondling at the very least

I hope he likes getting crabs in his beard

I wonder if Jason's dominatrix got him addicted to crack, and now he has to turn tricks to fund his addiction.

Unless you're a LeftCom, he sucks it purely out of his submission to your superiority.

I'll pay him 200 if he offs himself on livestream.

Seconding this

Niagara Region has it's own public transport system I believe.

That's too much for a fat guy going on 40 fam.

Jason is mentally retarded, comrade. Read his memoir. I could write better prose in 4th grade than Jason could at 30 or however old he was when he wrote that thing.

Plus, it's pretty damn obvious his older videos were ghostwritten. Compare his conduct and inflection in his voice to his conduct during a live debate.

He's in Niagara? did he Occupy or was that revisionist or not turd-worldist or some shit like that?

He's in Welland, in the Niagara region.

We did it reddit Holla Forums, we drove him insane

I thought le 9gag army related was fucking with him too


This is the first world Marxist movement in a shellnut

what is this channel about

Pick one and only one.

Why do we have a trash thread when we discuss e-celebs outside of it anyway?

His oldest videos were literally ripped from WSWS. It was hilarious that he'd plagiarize trots of all people.

To be fair, no one does a better analysis of current day imperialism than WSWS and many MLs have a lot of respect for them.