where were you when 🅱 was gulag?
where were you when 🅱 was gulag?
can we add B to the catgirl academy?
Is this the level of idpol reddit is on?
BatBirl AcaBemy
(I may be misunderstanding this meme)
I'm guessing it's something to do with this 'Digital Blackface' shit
H3H3's Take on the digital blackface was pretty good indeed.
Not on reddit, thankfully.
the liberal HRC-supporter explains that the reactionaries have appropriated it, thus it is now a racist
press 🅱 to pay res🅱ect
Yeah I still quite like his stuff, I've only seen a few videos of his where I've been like 'mm this goes beyond anti sjw into reactionary', I'm pleasantly surprised by his general lack of pandering to the alt right.
Sometimes he just has a goof that gets me, in that video it was 'dude that's Micheal Jackson, don't you listen to his music, he's not black OR white'
Jesus Christ they just keep going
Were we too harsh on Reddit?
Frankly we weren't harsh enough.
Didn't they made the original pic in complaint about leftypol?
if you ever believed that then maybe you should look at this
All leddit """"socialist"""" subleddits are just nazis pretending to be crazy sjw caricatures.
Why do people think anarchists are the ones that only cares about idpol?
Fuck this gay earth, our side will amount to anything.
Tankies are not leftists.
*never amount to anything.
You ever notice how the most authoritarian SJWs are almost always women?
Is Bjornironside the guy known as AIDS Bjorn?
is this surprising?
I honestly thought that was the Breitbart logo or something.
Reddit socialists discuss etymology more than politics.
They've probably banned more leftists than they have current users, don't be fooled. They wouldn't have to empower a small minority to purge dissenters if they represented a genuine majority.
r/FC banning something fucking stupid once per week is to be expected. The interesting r/FC news is this thread:
>Anime, prog rock and all other pop culture elements are now unbanned provided they don't objectify women, sexualise children or are otherwise reactionary.
>If you follow the rules and behave yourself, youll be fine. Theres no more need for begging and bowing. No one on the current mod team are ego driven tyrants and you can expect to be treated fairly in accordance with the rules.
There seems to have been a bit of a mod power struggle, where the more insane mods lost and are now only in control of r/FULLDISCOURSE. The new mod team seems to acknowledge that, for example, that mod kim_il-sung that banned prog rock went too far. The new mods are retards as well (the 🅱an proves that) but I think it's the first time I've seen FC mods backpedal on anything
The most zealous SJWs I know IRL are white upper-middle class guys.
naz🅱ol raid when?
Did they ban the OK handsign and milk too? Altho commies are more likely to ban bread am i rite
No, most are the respecter of women dudes who end up being abusive to their gfs or doing rape shit. I'd also say more of the women are girl(male) than female.
same goes for us tbh
Last poll showed we had more percentage of women (female) than r/socialism actually. It also seems like less trannies or cuteboys than Holla Forums.
I shiggy diggy
Didn't they have a poll once that showed they were 90% cis hetero white males?
could we actually?
they're so stupid
can't believe nobody made this joke yet
When do we agitate against these pieces of shit?
RiO as well
We generally agitate them at random and most effectively when completely unintended. Our mere existence agitates them.
hell, plenty of the milquetoast British prog bands were leftists too like Floyd. it's literally cus they're men lol.