What separates Holla Forums from Holla Forums in terms of reasoning?
What separates Holla Forums from Holla Forums in terms of reasoning?
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We cover the entire system, meanwhile they just want to remove a part of the tumour.
Holla Forums hasn't taken the red pill
Holla Forums prefers to disseminate information with pdfs while Holla Forums prefers infographs or youtube videos.
I know they call it red pill because of the matrix but it being red makes it look like they are commies.
Literally nothing but a preference for a given pet issue.
Class is very material.
There is reasoning.
Replace "Jew" with "Rich", and infographs with pseudo intellectual bullshit written in the 1800s.
Fuck off, AnCap. You willingly cuck yourself with """voluntary""" hierarchy and have the gall to call it freedom.
Literally the only difference between you and authoritarian statists is the people you're submissive to.
if anything it'd be capitalism not just "the rich" its like you fugs dont even try
Holla Forums ain't white supremacists. That and this board's actually for the most part white.
What did he mean by this?
He meant "more intelligent than me" aka everybody
they blame jews for exploiting workers, instead of just whomever is the exploiter, which is obviously not all jews.
they support trump even though he does exactly the opposite of what they want. we don't unanimously support anybody.
feels >> reals
they claim to "hold truth" and hence the red pill. here there are many dissenting voices and we rarely agree.
Holla Forums and reddit are about teams. us vs them. red pilled vs blue pilled. antifa vs alt right. left vs right. values vs fun. "I'm an anarchist" "I'm a libertarian", "check this political compass, tag urself", "lol bread memes. I belong too. haha", etc etc.
Holla Forums is about discussing theory, sharing memes, and not larping, although we do have a fair share of larpers.
simple dialectics