Is there a single legit islamig gommunist on this board?
Is there a single legit islamig gommunist on this board?
Dunno. Are you one? If so; explain how that works, please.
i'm not
unironically me
I hope not.
elaborate pls
seriously please tell me about islamic communism
where's the muslim communalist are you here you know who you are
How is that even possible
Not the guy you're replying to but…
The Rashidun Caliphate accelerated a patriarchal feudal society into proto-capitalism where women were semi-liberated and slavery was semi-abolished. The reason that a just society was not immediately put into place is because then society would completely fall apart due to the shock (e.g one third of all people in Arabia were slaves back then, if they were all freed at once it would be impossible to accomodate for them) hence why instead freeing slaves was a punishment and women were only given a select few rights.
We must follow in the Prophet's footsteps by accelerating social development even further using not the specific rules put in place by the Quran, but the moral codes. This is where the fundies get it wrong, we're not living in Arabia in the 600s and it's impossible to revert to that society.
Not an Islamig gommunist myself but I'd recommend looking up Marxism and the Muslim world by Maxime Rodinson. I'd post the PDF but I'm phone posting rn and you should be able to get it off google.
I wouldn't call myself an Islamic communist, but am a shia Muslim and also a socialist. However I separate my religion from my politics, but I still derive some inspiration from it.
Comrade Hakim on youtube is one
Would like to see him elaborate on it
You're joking, right?
I'm a muslim and a communist. Is that close enough?
There have been maybe four that I know of since the beginning of the board. There was one really long lived one who I think has since moved on, a dude who was convinced Muhummad was actually an early anarchist, and two other unremarkable ones.
Think Christian communism, but with Islam instead of christianity. It’s stupid.
Islamig gommunism is not a thing, taxes/private property (not in the modern sense) are inherent in sharia, a caliphate is the most optimal way of governing in Islam
social democracy is as far left Islam gets, but that is not to say muslims are not open to socialism (secular ones), in fact most of the people I know are openly socialist, they just haven't gotten over their nationalism yet
t.ex-muslim living in morocco
Islam is a shit religion that is incompatible with something that requires intelligence and tolerance like Communism.
Hi Holla Forums kindly fuck off back to your cave. We don't discriminate here.
Does someone have the hezbollah song webm? It was so fucking cool
Do you have any problems reconciling socialism with islam?
You're right, we don't. Christianity is just as bad.
Not really. I take what I like and discard the rest. I like the ritualistic aspect. We have gatherings where people sing religious poetry I like to attend, I like the community, and I admire the passion. I like to learn about the inspiring figures and learn from them via lectures by religious leaders
Also everyone gets good free food after every religious event
That sounds better than burger christians, are the girls cute and willing to snowshark?
If you're willing to convert or at least pretend to convert, yeah.
I'm not talking about marriage fam, are the western ones dtf?
Not the ones who attend religious gatherings and go to mosque
Well fuck, what about the heathens?
Just download tinder you horny bastard
I already use it but there's not many qt middle eastern girs.
how is that even possible? islam demands sharia law literally incompatible with communism
I want brainlets to leave
Not here, not anywhere.
I grew a fedora just reading this
if you're in university then attend arab cultural events
alternatively get really into palestinian rights, you'll naturally meet all the far leftist (and generally more westernized) muslim women.
Islam isn't just a matter of faith issues. It proscribes government structures. It's like asking if Capitalism and Communism can coexist; they're two different systems.
dude just say that you don't like religion as Marx didn't, and say that you think religion won't be necessary in a socialist society anyway (and thus will cede on its own)
This bullshit is always just so cringe
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