Thoughts on this sermon?

Eternal Fire, Eternal Life

Nice sermon tbh comrades, give it a listen :3

This Alunya is so cuuute!


How is that in any way related to leftist politics? The pastor even implies that it's only really important to help other Christians and that judgement will be purely about sin (and all sins are equal) and not necessarily about "serving the least of these my brothers" as it says in the Bible quote.

In fact, it was a good reminder to me about how all supposed Bible literalists suddenly become metaphorical when Jesus says something potentially radical.


First two were me obviously, not the third one tho

I'm the third and I still think that Alunya is adorable.

Opiate for the masses

Yeah, it seems to me like the height of idealism. All this nonsense about hell and judgement, while intimidating in the abstract (his point about it being a moral deterrent would make sense if this was anything but garbage) is ultimately mindless and fettering idealism.

All sins are equal, deserving of eternal punishment? From the smallest lie to rape and oppression? If one really believed this, that the "objective" (I do believe in objectivity btw, though not this claim of it) reality is all human understanding is flawed and no matter what we think is fair, ultimately God says we are worthy of hell for the smallest screw up, then materially where does that leave us? What purpose does that give a man besides wallowing in an entirely impractical, useless idealism?

It also is a flimsy justification for this great omnipresent force, that God is so endless that a "slight" against him (i.e. even a tiny lie) is endlessly evil…it's pretty much cosmic authoritarianism.

No thanks, fam.


Has there ever been aodern gnostic who wasn't some new-age crank?

The Mandaeans and Druze come to mind.

Idealist trash

Also, it shifts the focus away from service and brotherhood with your fellow man onto serving and obeying the church. You don't really need the church to clothe and feed and care for the least of these my brothers and sisters. You will need the church to continuously absolve your sins when you inevitably fail to live up to the impossible ideal they promote.

Didn't mean to sage.

Those guys have some really wacky beliefs like how John the Baptist was the true and final prophet of God and that Abraham, Moses and Jesus were false prophets and apostates.

I never understood it tbh. Aren't they derived from the Sabian religion Koran spoke of?

Apparently there were the Pagan Sabians and Gnostic Sabians which later evolved into Mandaeans.

They do.
But almost all religions have their odd aspects to them.
I would personally consider non-Marcionitic interpretations of Christianity to be pretty fucking wacky.

Also, irrelevent shilling for >>>christianleft