Is polygamy a good or a bad thing?
I see a lot of anarchists talking about abolishing monogamy, so I wanted to ask you guys.
Is polygamy a good or a bad thing?
I see a lot of anarchists talking about abolishing monogamy, so I wanted to ask you guys.
If you thought /r9k/ was bad, imagine the fucking neutron star it would turn into.
There's a reason the only forms of polygamy to have existed being one man owning many wives and mad emperors marrying their horse, mother and slave.
How is r9k relevant? Obviously they wouldn't be excluded from relationships. They'd have a much higher chance to connect with people too
Bad. It shouldn't be incouraged. It sign of a bad relationship. Capitalist edonism creates the need for hypersexuality shit like this. Neo liberalism wants us to forget commitment.
And it's mostly got to do with inheritance and property dynamics.
Chimpanzees, lions, baboons and elephant seals must all be filthy capitalists then.
monogamy is some nonsense, our sexual mores are closer to the sexual mores of dogs then to our idealized sexuality.
I'm gonna need some sources on why polygamy is bad.
Just as bad.
bullshit, some polyandrous societies still exist today in primitive tribes
Show your source that says polygamy is good first, nerd.
That's cool and all, but how exactly are those societies?
Naturalistic fallacy. Not an argument.
I'm the OP, I'm asking if it's good or bad, and those two replies with opposite stances didn't give me good arguments for either thing.
Drink bleach. Don't listen to those who you say your body made isn't made to digest it, they're being fallacious.
these societies are a good insight on how we used to behave back in our hunter gatherer times, which were, well, the absolute majority of our time here on earth.
welcome to leftypol lol
I don't think you know what a naturalistic fallacy actually is and just went with what the name told you.
Not an argument niggerfaggot.
polygamy and monogamy are both stupid. there should be no marriage.
fuck whoever you want to fuck. live with whoever you want to live with.
You can't really say its good or bad. it could be argued that in those cases the tribe evolved polyandry as a way to correct gender imbalance in society so the excess men weren't killing each other over women.
In a more modern setting polyandry (and polygamy too) would be a lot different obviously.
Here is a study on why we moved away fron polygamist society
Go fuck yourself baby, go live in the woods or something. Assholes like you give anarkiddies a bad name
yeah, fuck me for wanting actual freedom.
Abbo's are a special case.
If you're going down that path, every argument about what is good is an instance of is-ought fallacy.
Yeah go exaclty. Read lacan idiot.
Also it's pretty clear that you are an edgy underage faggot who never had any experience with serious relationships
because why?
it existed in South america and India as well
Because relationship are not only about fucking and living with someone. Also this fetish for freedom of yours is pretty childish.
I've posted the reason why we moved away from polygamy here
I'm reading it!
you know this doesn't conflict with anything I said though. my point is that relationships shouldn't be socially enforced by any standardization
I thought that was the point of a classless society?
Fuck whoever you want. I don't think it would happen anywhere near as often though without the power dynamics that comes with being a porky.
In a polygamous society, the bottom barrel men are fighting against each other and have no prospects for life when compared to monogamous society. The freedom of those born with good genetics comes from the unfreedom of the masses.
If people on this board don't see anything wrong with letting millions of men die alone due to sexual inequality, but get worked up over exploitation in the workplace and economic inequality, then y'all need to do ask yourself if you really believe in this equality stuff or not.
I'd say /thread after this.
Plus the study I posted.
One in his house can do whatever he wants. It shouldn't be encouraged tho
Why should I not be allowed to bring back 3 women from Japan for marriage? Who is that harming? Anti-polygamy shit is the equivalent of a conservative legislative based on the thought Gay Marriage will lead to children being harmed.
Who knows? Some people say there's no such thing as a victimless crime, and that anything you do in society will affect others, either directly or indirectly.
So glad this board is seeing sense.
Fuck off retard.
If I made a similar joke about buying people in middle east or africa i'd be banned right now. Also reminder that poligamy means having more for both. It's a cluster fuck.
/pol9k/ please go away
lol how are anarchists going to enforce a ban or whatever on monogamy.
surely they would be adult enough to respect others decisions, right?
Niceee, so you are one of those american lardass dogs who has yello fever and think that is every asian girl ever to live in your stupid ass country? Japan is no longer in the 30's asshole. Also you view is pretty man centric. Polyamori means that you bring them here to fuck with other guys too. Guess what? Bet half of the people in this thread when thinks about poligamy thinks about building an harem. No. Poligamy means you fuck 3 and they fuck 3 each.
Feels fucking great actually. Good to see the top mind of Holla Forums in action.
Holla Forums believes in class genocide/oppression (automation will kill us all as King Z U C C commands it), so you are just being hypocritical here. Not an argument. Please try again.
Or don't, since the mods will ban me again. Female muh privilege shall not be spoken of!(USER WAS REVEALED AS A DIRTY JEW FOR THIS POST)
Go ahead shift the goal posts some more lmao.
The fuck you are talking about? I didn't mention virgin genocide
This is what happens when you tolerate r9k, mods. They derail every fucking thread.
No, it's about abolishing the class system, not killing the other guys.
That's your problem… talking with anarchists.
But I really don't want to read this thread, 'cuz I don't know what you are asking if it is good for.
Polygamy is a mostly bourgeoisie creation and with the advent of communism most relationships will be that of monogamous authentic sex-love relationships not based around inheritance or property. Only the proletariat can achieve freedom from this property based relationship structure and thus the moral decay of the bourgeoisie. Read Engels.
Why are you even here?
I honestly don't think monogamy will survive. Abolishing it is ridiculous. I don't really expect polygamy to become a norm either. Considering that both of them were heavily based on property throughout the millenia, I think it's more likely that relationships will become more social.
Read Origins of the Family
This. People are against the idea because they have that "Chad" fantasy where he gets a Million chicks and they're left alone
Beautiful. I should read more of her.
Logically I can't imagine a polygamous relationship working out except in really specific circumstances. And polygamists I've talked to are vegan-tier annoying.
But uh yeah let'em do whatever they want. They'll grow out of it anyways I bet.
Lenin pretty much knew what was up and had to deal with alot of "free love" jargon during his time.
That was Lenin speaking.
Yeah women only exist to make and take care of babies. Lenin gets it alright.
If you think Lenin just wanted housewives, you've never read Lenin
Fucking lol, this is what retarded anarchists said at the time too. Forever misunderstanding.
It's not quite what I meant. I mean relationships are likely to last for years at a time, but coming together and breaking up again will likely be more easy. And hopefully less difficult for people.
Who the fuck does the housework then? I don't have time to help with anything but dishes.
No one has time because of capitalism, Lenin is talking about changing the conditions of society so that people have more time to do those things together and thus make it simple light work.
I just have the once house though. She can handle most of it herself fine.
If both of you are ok with it and have a mutual understanding of each others needs, then I would say (I think Lenin as well) that there isn't much of a problem if she also has no problem.
Oh since you're answering questions would socialist society also let us just chill in our house/space and not be social outside of work? And not have kids either? And would my wife/partner have to work if I'm willing to work for both of us?
Polygamy is unfeasible as a large-scale system of marriage since one guy having several wives means several guys have none.
It also isn't that different from monogamy. Both monogamy and polygamy are bullshit, hypocritical systems that only exist due to property and only really apply to the woman. Even in "monogamous" societies the man is often expected to take a mistress, while the woman is forced to remain faithful or be punished. Polygamy is just this turned into an institution. Both monogamy and polygamy are reflections of the property system and only exist in that system. Read Engels
I I already pointed out, this is only true for European history.
I don't care what people do in their bedroom. I'm not into polygamy myself but I won't judge others for it.
It's also true for literally every other society where men hold property. Notice how polygamy doesn't allow the woman to have several husbands
I have to go after this, but I suppose. It would depend on who you read. I think a lot of socialists would agree however that anti-social behavior is more of a product of capitalism if anything else and would encourage some kind of community interaction, though it probably wouldn't be required. You already seem willing to work for both your wife and you, so the added labor time doesn't seem like an issue as well, and it is assumed basic necessities like healthcare would be availible.
Man this thread is a clusterfuck of people confusing polygamy and polyamory.
But to actually answer the OP question: polygamy probably wouldn't exist, since it's an inherently unequal relationship that could only exist in a society with substantial material inequalities between men, allowing some to have many wives and others none, and also material inequalities between men and women, causing women to desire or need a better life through being a wife. There might still be people who want a polygamist relationship, and as free adults they could enter into any voluntary relationship they like.
As for polyamory, we're already seeing the complete disintegration of marriage because of its obsolescence, but that's just giving way to serial monogamy. I can't predict how the culture might change, but since there's no material conditions compelling monogamy anymore, the natural non-monogamy of humans will probably cause more acceptance and adoption of non-monogamist relationships.
Yeah I guess if it's just being nagged by my community then it's not that different from when my parents call.
Thank you for the time buddy.
Engels saw problems with bourgeoise monogomy, which was largely based on inheritance and forced marriages, not with monogomy itself. He took issue with the institution of marriage on many fronts and saw it lead to the proliferation of immorality and prostitution. He felt that in a system without property and inheritance where people would only need to be concerned with "sex-love" and sex-love relationships, monogamy would occur naturally.
Yeah, but in the modern context "sex-love" can pretty much be translated to "no marriage". The institution of marriage only makes sense with property, as it is about the inheritance of property.