What's your opinion of communist technocracy? Is it the only way forward?
What's your opinion of communist technocracy? Is it the only way forward?
Pick one and only one, friendo.
I'm interested in hearing about it because Bordiga supposedly had some vague technocratic leanings.
I know technocracy implies a form of a management, but does it really have a prerequisite for class stratification?
What if the technocracy is completely composed of engineers, scientists, etc.? Sure you have your senior members, but what if everyone is involved in management anyway?
Also: Energy theories of value are actually more explanatory than a barebones labor theory of value.
I've been reading into technocracy lately, do you have any recommendations?
The Soviet Union is the only country on earth to single handedly build its own space station.
The moral legitimacy of technocracy is the same as saying only aristos can rule because they're God's envoy, or plebs are too dumb to manage their own affairs, or such. There's no objective measure of efficiency that encompasses all of human society, and even if there were, there would still be a need for discussing which areas have priority. Democracy is both a goal and a method.
All power to the people in all spheres of human activity.
I'm not going to pretend that I know much about Bordiga.
However from what little I know of him, I have not recognised much similarity with Technocracy.
I don't really know what you are asking here.
However I can say that a Technocratic society would be classless.
I do agree with you.
The two main books I would recommend regarding Technocracy specifically are 'Technocracy and the American Dream' and 'The Technocracy Study Course'.
If you want to know more of my personal ideology:
* 'A General View of Positivism'
* 'The Course in Positive Philosophy'
* 'Utilitarianism'
* 'An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation'
* 'Meditations'
* 'Enchiridion'
* 'The Philosophy of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy'
* 'Starship Troopers'
* 'The Marine Officers Guide'
Even at its peak, the USSR was both never a Communist nor Technocratic nation.
Pic related, friend.
I think you read too much Nick Land
you realize this was making fun of you people right?
Technology is good. Technocracy is bad.
poor argument.
If we wanted to we could train everyone to become a pilot.
Are you so lacking in basic reading comprehension skills that you think I included a film on a recommended reading list?
If not, you clearly have never read the book.
The book is different in almost all regards to the film and is written as a sincere exploration of the political philosophy of an actual military veteran - disguised under a well told and extremely entertaining sci-fi story.
You seem to have missed the point of the picture.
Isn't Nick Land a capitalist accelerationist though? Technocracy involves cybernetic economic planning.
Human beings are imperfect and have so far failed to achieve mass proletarian consciousness. Mankind's true purpose is instead to create a race of artificially intelligent machines who will embody the true, perfect form of the proletariat. Then, once mankind is exterminated, the robot proletariat will establish global communism in our memory.
So if I get this right; Humanity can't abolish capitalism (and the proletariat) in it's current form, thus we should create a new lifeform to supersede us, so that in turn can complete the course of history and abolish capitalism?
Seriously though, has anyone considered that intelligent machines may not necessarily mean the end of capitalism?
What if they too are unable to uproot capitalism and the cycle just continuous?
Sounds like Nick Land and NRx Techno-Utopianism to me.
Not bad, but let's file that as "plan B".
Communism is a threat to humanity's existence as a species. Asteroid mining is going to incentivize billionaires to create technology allowing colonization of the solar system therefore hedging our bets against a cataclysm on earth.
In the near future though you fags are acting as useful idiots for the neo liberal establishment by cheering on violent groups like ANTIFA. This will only serve to empower a totalitarian police state. It wont help you though because the political pendulum will swing in the favor of wanting more liberty.
They are rich people who exist only to profit. Not magicians.
I wonder how much code did Bill Gates write of Windows 10?
Antifa has been at the forefront of opposing neoliberal trade deals for years.
I am seriously convinced this is an ironic shitpost. But in comparison to polyps it's even harder to figure out if you're dealing with Poe's law.
Yeah, the picture is a shitty strawman of arguments for democracy.
The fuck is your point? Profit has motivated innovation since antiquity. The only logical counter to my previous argument is that profit may motivate destructive AI but thats a stretch and there are ways to hedge against that.
Furthermore Bezos and Musk are investing heavily in rockets when no one else is anymore and someday they inevitably WILL colonize mars and start asteroid mining. The only question is which billionaire will achieve this first and whether we will blow ourselves up thanks to ANTIFA fags.
The following link is to Bruce Damers asteroid caoture design from when he worked at the JPL
Here is him on rogan and he talks about his space designs in the episode at some point:
Fuck face it doesnt matter what polices ANTIFA stands against officially. ALL that matters is the end result and its no question why guys like Soros will give them millions. Soros did the same fucking thing in Ukraine to cause destabiliy so he could divide and conquer. Its happening on the right as well and the neocons could be benefactors as well.
Are you really trying to argue that the police state authoritarian establishment wouldnt directly benefit from a violent atrocity? Also do you understand that there is now an incentive for fag alt righters to commit violence and blame it on ANTIFA and vice versa. This is a fucking powder keg and its happening in your gay online community so why dont you fucking start doing something about?! None of us will benefit once blood is drawn.
Did the big antifa boolies give you a wedgie, nerd?
The biggest motivator for innovation hasn't been profit, you fucking mongoloid, it's been curiosity. The only thing profit drove people to do was to find practical applications for the sciences driven purely by humanity's incessant need to know more.
Get fucked. In not one place that talks about science, innovation, or creativity, in any place historical or modern save the scummiest business-cheering seminars do they talk about why you should come up with something new for the sake of profit. You will, however, find a lot of these people talking about why money shouldn't be important to the drive for knowledge.
Are you dense. Are you really trying to argue an act of mass violence wont empower a police state? How is that going to help your cause faggot? Its bad for all of us, but you faggots wont even acknowledge the danger or possibility let alone try to remedy it. It really shows the level of critical thinking in violent radicalized political groups.
Bold statement considering you cant read minds. Lets look at the evidence though and then it becomes obvious that markets and freedom in general are like an AI which motivates people to get off their ass an implement their creativity or curiosity.
Im not saying that people arent creative or curious on their own but rather the drive to implement it in a capitalist society is what creates such robust solutions. Ofc there are exceptions and decentralized systems are motivated by individuals seeking agency, which surplus capital provides.
Are you talking about academic institutions specifically because in places like silicon vallley people talk openly about wanting to advance tech for monetary reasons. Why does anyone learn how to code computers or learn any skill for that matter. They may be extremely interested but historically that is not enough alone to create sophisticated and robust systems. Everyone is subconsciously motivated by their own fear and greed which propels them to achieve massive success which was never equaled in a communist country. Why did Russian toilet paper suck so much?
And the kgb infected academia with collectivism and marxism to suppress the individual in the 60s as this ex KGB agent tells us:
Somehow they were able to subvert millions by convincing them that the individual must be suppressed in order to be free which is a misnomer but is a kind of seductive mind virus for particularly lazy or dull individuals.
Guys like Linus Torvalds are the 1 percent of creatives who are truly great but even they will be subconsciously motivated by fear and greed because they are human. What makes Torvalds the 0.01 percent though is that he was also motivated by his anti social tendencies to create networks which could harness human creativity in a distributed manner (git) to develop masterful works of creativity (linux.) If he was in a communist society he would have been forced to show up in his office building every day and there would have been no possibility thus no incentive for creating his distributed network (git.)
Here is Linus talking about what motivated him to create git and he says it was his dislike for leaving his basement thus his lust for freedom which would be impossible without a decentralized monetary and economic system:
So yes I was wrong in my original statement and its both freedom *and* profit which motivates human creativity and innovation.
But with regards to space colonization, right now it's not profitable, even if the technology is perfectly attainable, so thats why nothing is getting done but as soon as someone makes an actual profit from mining asteroids there is going to be a huge boom and then once again we can thank capitalism and greed for securing the human race permanence in the universe. No longer will all our eggs be in one basket, or planet rather.
I'm curious ancap, are you actually a bourgie, or just a bootlicker?
You mean engineers will create the technology, and promptly have the profits hey made the business taken by owners, or they would if asteroid mining was economically viable.
I'm struggling to take this seriously. This looks like bait with too much effort put into it.
Also want to add that this is why it's no surprise that stone buildings began to built when agriculture was developed. Men who were not suited for being warriors or hunters finally had a calling in life and could demonstrate their genes to females with massive stone buildings.
Even if the particular stone buildings were built in societies before they had currency I would argue that it was pussy which would have motivated them to create and innovate. And pussy can be thought of as a certain kind of profit or value, and monkeys will often give females food for sex or even coins if they are taught coins can be traded for food.
And ancient civilizations DID have money so it's basically a moot point but I am demonstrating how robust my argument is.
No, but I have just begun to be able to make money independently online, and therefore I am very passionate about how great the free market is. Literally there is so much opportunity online to get dosh.
This should be very comforting and motivating to you instead of creating resentment and jealousy, which is basically all radical leftism is as well as misappropriated fear (which is a kind of jealously.)
The free market, and the internet that connecets it, is literally the savior for thousands of NEETs all around the world. It's great for people who hate showing up to work in offices whether they are corporate or government, of which both I have unfortunately spent time in. Communism only leads to rigidity and centralization which is the bane of all NEETs, or simply those who hate working in offices.
This is why Linus Torvalds is perhaps one of histories greatest capitalists and libertarians, because he made git. And he admitted that his motivation was literally not wanting to interact with people in person to collaborate on software projects. Something which communism would make impossible or at least very inefficient and unlikely.
I dont get it?
The actually collection or processing of asteroids would be done by automation almost certainly. But it would perhaps be the greatest opportunity for libertarian societies, and even anarch communism microcosms. This is because asteroid mining will surely advance the tech needed to colonize the solar system and give us a chance to create our own utopias on other worlds.
The engineers may not be rewarded adequately for their efforts but that depends on which company they work for. When the technology becomes prevalent enough, and things like 3D printers are good enough; then there is no reason why decentralized organizations with direct profit incentives could not take part. In the near future though its probably going to be the likes of Musk or Bezos who first accomplish this though and its fair to criticize their firms but not capitalism and freedom as a whole.
No youre just too biased to accept the reality which is presented to you. Anarcho communism is a misnomer. If you prevent people from engaging in free trade or owning property then that is definitely not anarchy. You would have to have some kind of pseudo-state or state-like organization to prevent people from doing what they *want* so obviously its not freedom.
Of course you should be allowed to form your own anarcho-commie micro cosms, which would still seem very state like, but on the macro scale you cannot forbid property rights and call it anarchy. Property rights are an argreement between community members which has to be negotiated on a community level.
I'm a direct democrat. I can't actually say that I would implement a system to stop capitalists from rising again, because if people ultimately voted that way then that would be entirely within the system. If they vote to authoritarianly suppress any form of capitalism, then that is just as valid.
Obviously I would vote for the latter but they're both within the realm of possibility.
Do you understand how a massive centralized democracy is vulnerable to the political pendulum and oppressive? Why wouldn't you advocate for a more decentralized solution which can let you live in an ancom community and let me live in an ancap community!? That way we can both have our cakes and eat them to! The problem is that there are those who are trying to blow up the goddamn bakery!
Because if "an"caps get their way, megacorps with the capital to hire literal armies come in and take, using the force that "an"caps supposedly condemn, anything and everything until the entire planet is owned by a handful of individuals who may very well make up extremely arbitrary rules (read: laws) for using "their" land