Holla Forumsack on youtube trying his hardest not to say "Why should he have to apologise for the N word?"
Pewdiepie is a public figure, he was going to apologize whether he agreed or not to maintain his standing...
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You're not clued in? To polaks, being unapologetic is the highest virtue. It's transgressive to the PC cultural menace. Read De Sade and Gramsci
wtf, did pewds say nigger? why has he doubled down?
Can we make this a meme?
I'm going to have to stop reading this board while I'm eating.
Man, the age old "why is it racist" question and the "freeze peach" copout le rational skepticsā¢ and Holla Forumsflakes love to pull outta their arses everytime somebody lands in hot water for saying something dodgy online.
Did you tell him PewDiePie said it with a hard "r" and used it as an insult? He basically called somebody a fucking black person like there's something wrong with being black. If that ain't racist I dunno what is.
yeah he's white so obv he's racist
Oh yes I did, but of course
This is why I support Antifa. I love them for just cutting to the chase and beating up the neckbeard wannabe Rands and bowl cut nationalists instead of wasting precious time tryna navigate through their concern trolling and sea-lioning in the hopes that they might drop the fascist apologetics and white supremacy.
The fuck are you talking bout?
Link me the convo. I wanna get in on this.
If you really want to waste your time with high levels of pseudo-intellectualism in a hive of KiA fags, there ya go
This you, bro?
Yeah you know it, I wouldn't touch a minefield like that though, better to just let him stumble around in it and get blown up, I'm sure a sketch position like that even on the edgefag nest that is youtube commenting, someone's gonna have both the moral fiber and the misfortune to actually debate that retard, he's called 'Yal rathol', got that stupid blind skeleton fetish on his avatar all 'le skeptics' love
YouTube intellectualism's for urbanites, bro. I bet you wear glasses too, don't you?
I've read the blurb to 1984 and in school they forced me to read of mice and men which is like a metaphor for autism and stuff, and I watched that gaming theory video on why Mario is Nazbol and of course I'm subscribed to Sargon Of Akkad, King Of The Andals And The First Men, Ruler Of The Skies Seas, And All The Birds In Swindon
jesus christ who gives a fuck. get a life OP. I can probably name one million things going on RIGHT NOW that's worse than pewdiepie saying the word "nigger"
Nerds shouldn't feel safe to be edgy. Even on the internet.
Shaming someone won't change their views. That's what the Gulags are for.
Gulags? That's a funny way to spell killing fields
pls no, the exerpts I've heard are edgy Sanic fanfic-tier
Is there even any non-skeptic/alt-right outrage over PewDiePie saying nigger on stream? You know, like how that "Death to all Jews" thing got everybody's videos demonetized and his show cancelled? Seems to me like nobody outside the neckbeard demographic gives a shit this time, not even The Wall Street Journal.
Absolutely bourgeois.
Its basically pewdiepie and every non alt-right and skeptic going "Oh yeah, you shouldn't have done that, but you apologised so its over"
And then the right wing going "Everyone's too easily offended and making a big deal out of this"
Somebody's gotta shift YouTube's Overton window waaay to the left. Like OP I'm getting tired of pissing in the wind as a commenter just tryna talk sense to people in the comment sections of that centrist-fascist echo chamber. I'm listening to audiobooks in my car on top of reading theory now. If I'm gonna start making YouTube videos I've gotta be able to quote Marxist theory like a preacher quotes the bibleā¦unlike Xexizy who couldn't read his way outta a wet paper bag.