Former anarchist here, ama
Former anarchist here, ama
My question is: based on the picture, have you become a "pragmatic progressive", centrist-liberal who talks about working within the system, or an academic Marxist who talks about ontology a lot?
what are you now?
I'm guessing you finally read a book?
Books are good for fucking the bourgeois intelligentsia, which really isn't half as hard as communists have historically made it to be. However, it really isn't that important for the movement at large. Most people aren't going to read all of Kapital, we just need to explain it's really quite simple concepts in normal language.
Why a former?
Have you Googled Bookchin?
No I'm a maoist
How long ago did you turn 14?
idk molotovs are pretty cool
lord help us
Should have stayed an anarchist, dude
How on earth would an anarkid turn memoist?
You shut your whore mouth and get on this all expenses paid train ride to Siberia.
Maotists aren't welcome here, go back to reddit
All you had to do was google bookchin
Become Pol Potist instead. Mao was an urbanite.
What's *your* brand of socialism then?
god-tier bait
Didn't Mao grow up on a farm?
This but unironically.
He moved to the city. He was an urbanite intellectual and probably wore glasses as well.
At first I was going to ask questions but then
I realized that there are no questions that need to be asked.
dude maoism is just applied marxism leninism, you should just call yourself a marxist leninist instead
He chooses ideologies based on how controversial they sound to normies, would you now honestly think he would care the least bit about the accuracy of his descriptive label matching his actual supported ideology?