
How will leftism deal with cultural and ethnic tensions between people?

Evaporated by the destruction of class society
Not actually a problem

You don't understand. After the revolution all tension will drop. Different tribes of the Middle East will love another, Sunnis and Shias, the tribes of Africa, the street gangs, etc. All it takes its for us to murder people who have money comrade and everything in the world will be peaceful once we take it. They deserve to die. They have and we don't. It's pretty simple.

those tensions are always manufactured by the upper classes to keep the lower classes complacent, get rid of the CEO, the banker, the landlord and the politician and you'll get rid of "cultural" and "ethnic tension".

Under how many layers of utopianism are you ?

Ethnic tensions only exist for cultural reasons, and cultural tension will be eliminated through monoculturalism, the creation of singular cultural group that assimilates all who enter it.

That of course only apllies within a society. If you're reffering to how a nation state would deal with cultural conflict with foreigners, the solution is the establishment of a one world government. If that isn't enough to prevent cultural tensions the one world order could be organized along the line of an ethnocultural confederacy, with the world being divided into states that would ultimately be subservient to, and have their conflicts mediated by the world government which would maintain a monopoly on violence.

Bad idea.

how can you not notice an obvious Holla Forums falseflagger

Most modern forms of ethnic violence are supported by some bourgeoisie or imperialist entity, like how the Hutu government was supported by France while they committed genocide or how Islamic extremism was spread because Saudi Arabia wanted to stop the batshit insane Wahhabists from blowing up their own country and exported them to other Arab states so they could blow up Shi'ites, Jews, Christians, or other Sunnis outside of Saudi Arabia.

Hi Holla Forums.


Better education on the human body, how it works, and how intelligence isn't a primary factor to divide different people. After all, most of our differences between even our own "race", and outside it, are not actually based on intelligence. They're purely physical differences. Most of which are negative. DNA damage (which causes neoplasmic growth, cancer, etc.) from long past inbreeding within the genera Homo, is more of a problem to human beings then just meager intelligence.

Intelligence does not define you, but your health does. And human beings are far more weak in this context pan race.

Cultural and ethnic tensions are just like religiosity: level the material conditions, and they crater. Materialism, nigga. The best despooker is evenly-distributed prosperity.


The Saud family gained power with an alliance with the Wahhabists, and after they cemented their rule and got rich off petrol they sent off most of the radical Wahhabists to other countries for "missionary" purposes, but really it was just to get extremists out so the royal family wouldn't get overthrown

Mandatory interracial breeding grounds.

Woman's consent is reactionary.


Objective ethical standards and thereby a rejection of cultural relativism

this is a stupid fucking tinfoil hat opinion. these tensions aren't "manufactured" by those in power, they exist already because of material reasons and those in power merely exacerbate it through finger pointing and scapegoating. People only hate other people because they feel that their security is threatened - if you give them material security there is no reason for them to hate others.

it wont, communism isn't a utopia free of struggle. It just means we won't have people going to war over a rich mans wants.

Impose continental imperium instituting DIRECT RULE FROM MOSCOW [Or insert other Major City from Continent]

Because to achive monoculturalism you should force people to drop their culture and also you basically should smash anything that resemble that culture. Bascially you'll have a situation were making local type of pasta will get you the gualg and destoy every fucking monument, church or piece of art ever.
Mao tier

monoculturalism will be a natural process as people interact with each other, not left wing death squads burning down taco huts in california.

Genocide. The weak will fear the strong. Under stateless communism, nazi communes will be free to associate and intimidate all the other faggy whites and completely free to murder all the nonwhites as they see fit.

Ie. Anarcho-communism is a childish fantasy that allows deranged assholes to do anything they want. Only a strong state can keep peace.

Soy Boy genocide is a bad idea. It's easier to get pussae when girls are surrounded by soy boys.
The rest is nazbol tier shitposting


Ethnic tension is a specific cultural tension. Enlightened humans overcome cultural tensions through transcultural progress. Continuously empiral validation will result in an peaceful coalition of humans with different cultural backgrounds. Every affirmation of cultural identity is based on a narcistic, fixated and necrophile image of humanity.

Most (in the industrialized world) ethnic tensions are based in the competition over resources and power. This wouldn't be a thing in an egalitarian society, but once class antagonisms are abolished people would probably go on bickering over race as usual, but in a more idpol "muh feelings" way and less race hatred kind of way

Well if you get rid of white people then things should be okay

Work out that tension in a health and consenting environment ofc