Redpill me on Badiou

What does Holla Forums think about Badiou and how relevant is he in modern discourse?

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Posters using "redpill" on leftypol seriously triggers me. Stop using a cancerous aut-right term pulled from the Matrix and turned into a word for angry fascist virgins who hate women because they won't fuck them. Just because we're on a chan and Holla Forums is on a chan doesn't mean we should use their terms.

The original connotation of the term from that movie was obviously leftist.

who gives a shit

My problem isn't with the Matrix part. That only annoys me in the infantileness of it. What pisses me off is "redpill" has just become a term people commonly associate with this far right online movement of potential IRL rapists and women haters. I don't get why leftists would use the term. Also it makes me fucking cringe.

I dunno man I think you might be overthinking this. A lot of people use it ironically as a way to say "Hey give me a rundown on this topic from a somewhat unorthodox perspective" and since it was memed a lot on chan boards it soon became diluted into a general meme. Anyone who sincerely buys into the political connotations of term without realizing it's mostly a meme is probably just trying to miss the point.
please tell me about Badiou now

Protip: if you're using it on Holla Forums people know what you mean. If you're using it irl it doesn't matter if people think it's left wing or right wing anyway since you'd probably sound autistic af regardless

Badiou is based as fuck even though I can only understand 5% of what he's saying.

Can someone redpill me on the Matrix?

Deleuze > regressive Mautist grandpa

Yeah, it shows that transgenderism is probably genetic to some degree




This. But the exact opposite.


In praise of love is suprisingly fun and follows part of the arguments made in his first manifesto on philosophy. The second manifesto on philosophy is also intriguing. His hypertranslation of Plato was good and helped me understand the original work a bit more, and also provided a bit of context to his Neoplatonism. And the last book of his that I've perused is his Ethics book which

Quotes. (Great images by the way.)

I'm a bit of a brainlet and it's been a while since I read him so I'm a bit hazy on some of his core arguments. I'm planning a reread of ethics after I read a few more leftypol meme books. (Just got done with stirner, history of bread next and then I'm googling the shit out of bookchin)

Also again since I'm a brainlet I haven't had the gall to read being and event and the logic of worlds. It's probably way above my Autism Level so it's unlikely I'll get to the books I bought. I may still try to scan pdfs of my copy if I can figure out how to liberate the spines from those thicker books. (I don't think my print shop locally can separate spines on those books) My copy of ethics is pristine so I should be able to accidentally scan it at some point in the future, but second manifesto is annotated to shit and that's not worth trying to digitize.

I did a bit of cursory googling and haven't been able to locate any of his books in PDF, but it may be because I'm not searching well enough and I'm phone posting.

I hope that helps a bit, badiou is a really enjoyable read. He also has some plays that are suprisingly not too bad…

Don't waste your books, there's already scans floating around. for example

Awesome, thanks for letting me know.

Didn't Badiou support Pol Pot in the beginning?

Yeah, but he took it back later on as the reality of the KR became less romanticized.

Got anything where he openly declares his support?

Not sure, but I remember it is mentioned in here:

just putting the red back in the redpill

How can he help us achieve socialism?